I take offense to the term "young people are lazy"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
My grandpa worked in a furniture store, when his job ended they purchased a brand new home on an acre of land by Yosemite, for 15k.
They took jobs in Fresno when they felt like it.
They retired and lived off of Social Security for 40 years. (That's right, my grandpa was 105 and my grandma is still alive at 100)

My dad dropped out of 8th grade, moved to California and had his choice of any manufacturing company he wanted to work at . (no experience)
(Before all manufacturing went to China)

My mom had the high education of a high school typing class, and eventually became a legal secretary at a large law firm.

Before my parents got divorced they owned 3 houses.

No one I knew was pushed to go to college because going out, finding a job, and buying a house, WAS ROUTINE to our parents.


Flash forward to today.
Life for the average Jose living on Los Angeles.

They get married young , and start having children...no idea what will happen to them.
Husband and wife each earning 12 bucks per hour. (pretty soon average wages will meet minimum wage wages)
That's 46 grand per year before taxes.
Paying $1900 per month for an apartment, plus other expenses.
No chance, whatsoever of buying a house because the lowest price dump is 300k

The older generation thinks they are shrewd investors because their property values keep going up, but never ponder on how their kids and grandkids will come up with 1.2 mil to buy a house.

The older generation calls young people "lazy"?
People are working every day FOR NOTHING, no future, no chance of buying a house, and if they stop working they're homeless.


The older generation has no idea what it means to go to work every day in a hostile environment.
These large companies like SEARS and BofA lay people off every 2 years regardless of performance.

The sick part about it is, everyone is a model employee because everyone wants to escape the next round of lay-offs.
Some girls I went to high school with talk about how much they "love their job"...in hopes their manager will read the Facebook and not lay them off.

These companies PROTECT a handful of employees just so they can say "Tom Yutz has worked for us for 30 years", ...so society doesn't wake up to what is going on


The older generation has this stupid ass idea that if you go to work everyday and be a kiss ass, they'll never fire you.
They fail to understand companies now anti-career and don't care
You might find it hard to get a job, with grammar like that. Go back to school and learn to talk proper.
Well the far left has made the kids lazy as they should be rewarded for just showing up for work and they are taught that entry levels jobs are beneath them.
The problem is at one time you bought into the mythical hogwash "American dream" and because you were born in America that somehow you were entitled to a cushy living because you are willing to work hard. In reality it isn't that way. If you work you butt off for many years you might get a smidge ahead. 50 grand isn't much pay at all not even for one person...it's the middle of lower class. That's reality. Toughen up butterfly no matter how hard you work if you're lower class now you will remain lower class. That's reality. Accept it. Learn to embrace it. No president no politician is going to make anything any better. Yet morons think they will because they can't accept reality. As a worker you are expendable even if you are incredibly productive. You are a liability and mean nothing to your employer. Face it and figure out a way to make it work.
My grandpa worked in a furniture store, when his job ended they purchased a brand new home on an acre of land by Yosemite, for 15k.
They took jobs in Fresno when they felt like it.
They retired and lived off of Social Security for 40 years. (That's right, my grandpa was 105 and my grandma is still alive at 100)

My dad dropped out of 8th grade, moved to California and had his choice of any manufacturing company he wanted to work at . (no experience)
(Before all manufacturing went to China)

My mom had the high education of a high school typing class, and eventually became a legal secretary at a large law firm.

Before my parents got divorced they owned 3 houses.

No one I knew was pushed to go to college because going out, finding a job, and buying a house, WAS ROUTINE to our parents.


Flash forward to today.
Life for the average Jose living on Los Angeles.

They get married young , and start having children...no idea what will happen to them.
Husband and wife each earning 12 bucks per hour. (pretty soon average wages will meet minimum wage wages)
That's 46 grand per year before taxes.
Paying $1900 per month for an apartment, plus other expenses.
No chance, whatsoever of buying a house because the lowest price dump is 300k

The older generation thinks they are shrewd investors because their property values keep going up, but never ponder on how their kids and grandkids will come up with 1.2 mil to buy a house.

The older generation calls young people "lazy"?
People are working every day FOR NOTHING, no future, no chance of buying a house, and if they stop working they're homeless.


The older generation has no idea what it means to go to work every day in a hostile environment.
These large companies like SEARS and BofA lay people off every 2 years regardless of performance.

The sick part about it is, everyone is a model employee because everyone wants to escape the next round of lay-offs.
Some girls I went to high school with talk about how much they "love their job"...in hopes their manager will read the Facebook and not lay them off.

These companies PROTECT a handful of employees just so they can say "Tom Yutz has worked for us for 30 years", ...so society doesn't wake up to what is going on


The older generation has this stupid ass idea that if you go to work everyday and be a kiss ass, they'll never fire you.
They fail to understand companies now anti-career and don't care

When discussing wages, jobs, futures, people I talk to seldom work over 40 hours a week. When I was younger, overtime was something everybody wanted and many of us had two jobs.

Today we have more young adults living at home than any other time in our history. Plenty of jobs out there where employers can't find workers because many of them prefer smoking pot and avoiding jobs that drug test instead of throwing the shit out, putting on some work boots and getting a secure job.

On top of living at home, social programs never paid better and today working is an option and not a necessity.

I spend much of my day on the highways and in disbelief at all the cars out there during normal working hours. Sure, I can understand how some might be out there: retired, taking a vacation day, kids out of school for the summer, stay-at-home moms, people who work different shifts, but all these cars all day long???

The only time I'm ever on the highway is when I"m working or perhaps going to a doctors appointment. I constantly ask myself what I'm doing wrong? Why am I not driving around on the highway in my car?

So yes, I do think younger people today are lazy. In fact I was discussing this very subject with my coworker last month. He told me he's embarrassed about his generation because they are so lazy. Half of his friends don't even work.
The problem is at one time you bought into the mythical hogwash "American dream" and because you were born in America that somehow you were entitled to a cushy living because you are willing to work hard. In reality it isn't that way. If you work you butt off for many years you might get a smidge ahead. 50 grand isn't much pay at all not even for one person...it's the middle of lower class. That's reality. Toughen up butterfly no matter how hard you work if you're lower class now you will remain lower class. That's reality. Accept it. Learn to embrace it. No president no politician is going to make anything any better. Yet morons think they will because they can't accept reality. As a worker you are expendable even if you are incredibly productive. You are a liability and mean nothing to your employer. Face it and figure out a way to make it work.

we have to keep people like this away from the government
Today we have more young adults living at home than any other time in our history.

because houses are 600k

Plenty of jobs out there where employers can't find workers because many of them prefer smoking pot and avoiding jobs that drug test

because employment has gone crazy with background cheecking
We have destroyed the dollar by allowing self serving politicians rule the country and given them a blank check to do as they please............

The debt cannot be paid off................It can only be reset................which will be misery for this country and the world........possibly WWIII......

The leave it to Beaver days are gone..........................and we let it happen.
My grandpa worked in a furniture store, when his job ended they purchased a brand new home on an acre of land by Yosemite, for 15k.
They took jobs in Fresno when they felt like it.
They retired and lived off of Social Security for 40 years. (That's right, my grandpa was 105 and my grandma is still alive at 100)

My dad dropped out of 8th grade, moved to California and had his choice of any manufacturing company he wanted to work at . (no experience)
(Before all manufacturing went to China)

My mom had the high education of a high school typing class, and eventually became a legal secretary at a large law firm.

Before my parents got divorced they owned 3 houses.

No one I knew was pushed to go to college because going out, finding a job, and buying a house, WAS ROUTINE to our parents.


Flash forward to today.
Life for the average Jose living on Los Angeles.

They get married young , and start having children...no idea what will happen to them.
Husband and wife each earning 12 bucks per hour. (pretty soon average wages will meet minimum wage wages)
That's 46 grand per year before taxes.
Paying $1900 per month for an apartment, plus other expenses.
No chance, whatsoever of buying a house because the lowest price dump is 300k

The older generation thinks they are shrewd investors because their property values keep going up, but never ponder on how their kids and grandkids will come up with 1.2 mil to buy a house.

The older generation calls young people "lazy"?
People are working every day FOR NOTHING, no future, no chance of buying a house, and if they stop working they're homeless.


The older generation has no idea what it means to go to work every day in a hostile environment.
These large companies like SEARS and BofA lay people off every 2 years regardless of performance.

The sick part about it is, everyone is a model employee because everyone wants to escape the next round of lay-offs.
Some girls I went to high school with talk about how much they "love their job"...in hopes their manager will read the Facebook and not lay them off.

These companies PROTECT a handful of employees just so they can say "Tom Yutz has worked for us for 30 years", ...so society doesn't wake up to what is going on


The older generation has this stupid ass idea that if you go to work everyday and be a kiss ass, they'll never fire you.
They fail to understand companies now anti-career and don't care
It's Republicans that are lazy. 6.2 million jobs available and the GOP whine they want jobs.
What they want are high paying no skill jobs. That's what all lazy people want. Something they don't need to work for.
The young ones got brained washed by the democratic shit taught in school and drugs, they are mainly a burden on society with there owe me bullshit ,most will never own a home or ever amount to shit.

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