I think a major reason why RWs don’t buy into leftwing politics is because they don’t even know...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!
Barry spent 8 years aiding terrorists and illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, & USSC JUSTICES...

Hillary compromised national security, abandoned Americans to die, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, & colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to help her try to win the WH...

Democrats in the US Senate were so sexually criminal against women for decades that they formed a committee whose sole purpose was to use tax dollars to pay for their victim's silence...

The last 1st lady said she was never proud of the United States, & Cuomo just publicly declared America was never that great...

NO, the reason Conservatives ... and the majority of the country - rational, sane, America-loving, law-abiding citizens - do not blindly follow liberal extremists / progressives is NOT because we don't know who they are.

It is because we know exactly who and what they are. They remind us every single day, like Cuomo just did yesterday.
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!
Put the crack pipe down turbo
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

Ironical ain't it?
I haven't seen this much projection since I binged on the Lord of the Rings Movies.
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

1. Progressives want people dependent on the government because they feel government knows best.

2. Anti-fa is proving this day in and day out

3. Progressive college students are proving this when they try to stop conservative/libertarian speakers from speaking

4. No, they want to bring Venezuela here.
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

You have the nerve to post this, yet believe Trump is a Nazi white supremacist Russian loving traitor. WTF!
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

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download (7).jpeg

...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

As the far left proves once again they do not understand who and what they are!
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

As the far left proves once again they do not understand who and what they are!
Shhhhhh...don’t wake them up!
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!
/----/ mostly true. Libs don't mind the great unwashed working in menial jobs.
they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind

Gee... I wonder who could have exposed them to such a ridiculous hyperpartisan caricature of a progressive.

That's a real puzzler
Rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, Alex Jones, all those entertainers you kids seem to think are news sources.

So like CNN, MSNBC, Dailykos, Huffington Post, CBS, ABC, Motherjones, rawstory, etc for all you far left drones, that you consider news sources.
they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind

Gee... I wonder who could have exposed them to such a ridiculous hyperpartisan caricature of a progressive.

That's a real puzzler
Rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, Alex Jones, all those entertainers you kids seem to think are news sources.

So like CNN, MSNBC, Dailykos, Huffington Post, CBS, ABC, Motherjones, rawstory, etc for all you far left drones, that you consider news sources.
You are about half right. (Pretty good for a tRumpkin) daily Kos, mother Jones, and rawstory are more for entertainment than news.
We reject leftist policies because we have seen it fail again and again.

We know who you are because you won’t shut up about it and leave us alone
Let's look at the ideas put forward lately.
Sancutuary cities and states. Right or left leaning?
Get rid of ICE? Right or left?
Healthcare for all with no idea how to pay for it? Right or left?
Abolish or rewrite the second amendment? Right or left?
All police are corrupt? Right or left?
Minimum income? Right or left?
$15.00 minimum wage? Right or left?
Illegals deported and prevented from return? Right or left?
Higher wages from more employment? Right or left?
...who liberals/progressives are.

Sure, they like to pretend they do, but they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind that don’t actually exist as far as what leftwing politics represents. It makes dismissing leftwing ideology a lot easier because they don’t handle cognitive dissonance very well when confronted with actual facts. It also gives them a false sense of superiority.

Here are some examples of some stupid caricatures/stereotypes (2 & 3 blatantly contradict each other):

1) Leftwingers want everyone on welfare instead of having jobs!

2) Leftwingers are unhinged and violent!

3) Leftwingers are snowflakes. They need safe spaces and are easily triggered derp, derp, derp!

4) Leftwingers want to move to Venezuela because they hate freedom derp, derp, derp!

ok, so which of these are wrong?
  • Thanks
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they have these ridiculous caricatures in mind

Gee... I wonder who could have exposed them to such a ridiculous hyperpartisan caricature of a progressive.

That's a real puzzler
Rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, Alex Jones, all those entertainers you kids seem to think are news sources.

Just like you think main stream news is????

View attachment 210786

Or the huff po tampon squad?

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