I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
The north will just crush you again. This time no reconstruction welfare for y'all.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

And they never learn. Right now they are agitating to allow thousands of citizens into our nation illegally who likely will never, ever, ever pay their way and likely will take much more than they can ever produce.

So yes, I think this is where they are going, and bar the door behind us.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
Slow your roll there lice head. The wont be another civil war because you clowns are too afraid. The most you will do is go online and whine about how its so unfair, puff out your chest, scream in anger, and then promise to reconvene tomorrow. If I had a dollar for every time one of you court jesters promised some kind of revolution or civil war I could buy up all the trailer parks in the US and evict you. :rolleyes:

Proof positive:

We understand you.

You don't begin to understand us.
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?

I genuinely wonder if Americans as a whole would be happier splitting into these two countries

The north will just crush you again. This time no reconstruction welfare for y'all.

"Reconstruction" was the major cause for Southerners' resentment. It was more like re-alignment with the Swamp. Thus since the legal system ignored them they took the law into their own hands. The Civil War never should have happened. Certain lobbiests wanted it to happen though.
Looking forward to killing people or just making America great?

do you put the names of your enemies on your bullets?
This guy CONSISTENTLY posts the most hostile and violent rhetoric here on these forums. Yet, the powers that be doesn't do a thing about it. They must approve.


freedom of speech should be smart enough and strong enough on it's own to be able to expose the idiocy of people like this guy who started this thread.

to delete such things with moderator powers, is not necessary.

online forums are intended to enhance free speech, and because of that, i feel moderator powers on forums should be reserved for emergencies that can not be dealt with by users offering differing opinions.

yes, that attitude of mine creates real work for users on forums, to stand up and find the right words and news-items, etc, to counter idiotic hatemongerers.

but the guys running this forum unfortunately don't even make enough to satisfy hosting costs etc, let alone generate the income necessary to employ full-time moderators to sift through each thread and post made on a forum like this.
plus, it would be very hard to properly manage such moderators. i wouldn't be able to come up with rules for them to work by. i doubt anyone would be able to write good rules for moderators.

best to do the anti hate-mongering ourselves, as users of such forums.

and by the way, i see it being done here all the time, and the number of sane people posting back against idiocies generously outnumbering the idiots and hatemongerers and nutjobs posting the idiocies.
so we're fine for now.
I genuinely wonder if Americans as a whole would be happier splitting into these two countries


So Colorado would remain in the U.S.? I would hope so. I think a few in those blue states would pick up a rifle first to retain their freedoms, and not be a part of Canada and a subject of the Crown. Not advocating that, just an observation.
I genuinely wonder if Americans as a whole would be happier splitting into these two countries


So Colorado would remain in the U.S.? I would hope so. I think a few in those blue states would pick up a rifle first to retain their freedoms, and not be a part of Canada and a subject of the Crown. Not advocating that, just an observation.

Well in real terms the Queen has no actual power in Canada, hasn't for a long time. She is just a figurehead.

In terms of freedom in this report Canada has a freedom rating index of 99, compared to the USA's score of 86

Freedom World 2018 Table of Country Scores

Also I genuinely think both sides would be much happier with that arrangement, as the blue states that I listed have more in common with Canada in terms of beliefs and values than they do the red states.
Well in real terms the Queen has no actual power in Canada, hasn't for a long time. She is just a figurehead.

In terms of freedom in this report Canada has a freedom rating index of 99, compared to the USA's score of 86

Freedom World 2018 Table of Country Scores

Also I genuinely think both sides would be much happier with that arrangement, as the blue states that I listed have more in common with Canada in terms of beliefs and values than they do the red states.

Does Canada have a Constitution? Does it have a 1st, and 2nd Amendment as well as others?
Well in real terms the Queen has no actual power in Canada, hasn't for a long time. She is just a figurehead.

In terms of freedom in this report Canada has a freedom rating index of 99, compared to the USA's score of 86

Freedom World 2018 Table of Country Scores

Also I genuinely think both sides would be much happier with that arrangement, as the blue states that I listed have more in common with Canada in terms of beliefs and values than they do the red states.

Does Canada have a Constitution? Does it have a 1st, and 2nd Amendment as well as others?

The Constitution of Canada

Evidently, it does. It also has freedom of speech laws. It has tighter gun control laws, but you have to remember that the blue states I highlighted generally want tighter gun control laws anyway.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
I could personally engage a few Marxist.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
Yes I think it’s civil war time. This guy just called anyone who doesn’t want to build a wall a traitor.

Bring it on Nazis

No body tell him the nazis are on his side. It would break his heart
Says the white nationalist
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
Yes I think it’s civil war time. This guy just called anyone who doesn’t want to build a wall a traitor.

Bring it on Nazis

No body tell him the nazis are on his side. It would break his heart

Do you mean the nazis who voted for trump?
The ones that are currently running for various offices as republicans?

and getting LOTS of votes from conservatives?

the conservatives who are VOTING for NAZIS who are running for office as republicans?

do you mean THOSE nazis?

Cons are so fkn deranged....

they call liberals NAZIS yet they VOTE for actual REPUBLICAN NAZIS!
They project.

Remember last year they tried suggesting we were the racists? Blacks didn’t buy it and I’m not buying this nazi crap.

Could you imagine Germans who opposed the Nazis having the Nazis accuse them of actually being the Nazis? How do you convince a Nazi you are not a Nazi?
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

This begs the question.

Are we as a nation closer to another Civil War or another Revolutionary War?

The only difference between the two is who wins.

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