I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump Voter

So, if this is so, why aren't people like you of the conservative republican persuasion going into teaching to swing the pendulum?
You assume way too much.

But, to answer your question...those who can, do. Those who can't....teach.

Ah....so that sounds just like the excuse conservative republicans give for any career they cannot succeed in. I hear it a lot about those of us who make a career in the military too. Couldn't make it as a teacher, eh?

You know, I used to have the same idea as well. I used to think that because it was really easy for me to enlist, it was just as easy for everyone else.

Then, my final tour in the Navy, I was working as LPO and Head Classifier at Amarillo MEPS. Saw lots of people who wanted to get in who didn't qualify for one reason or the other, medical, lack of education, poor test scores, etc. Came to find out that of all the people in America who are 18 to 35, only 30 percent of them are qualified to join the military.

I look at my service and the service of others as something that marks them as a slight cut above the general population if they were honorably discharged or retired.
I agree, but on many occasion, even here, I've had conservative republicans say I made the military a career because "I couldn't make it in the real world".

People who say that those who made a career of the military because they couldn't make it anywhere else are just ignorant. How many of those who say that do you think could handle 6 months deployed out of every 18, and another 6 months of workups (short deployments getting ready for the main one). Matter of fact, how many do you think would be able to handle the constant moves every 2 to 4 years?

Me? I joined the military out of high school, because it was a better option than working in the stockyards of Montana. And, after I'd been in a while, I really enjoyed all the travel I got to do (26 different countries, and 49 different states).

Besides.................tell me another career option that allows you to retire after 20 years with full medical benefits and a pension for the rest of your life? I can't think of a single one.

Personally, making the military a career and retiring after 20 was the best choice I ever made. If I hadn't had my pension check, I think it would have been very tough for me when the recession hit in 2008.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

First, I'm sorry that your family is now being assaulted by the Socialist Slave State SJW Bullies. This is where all of this nonsense is headed. It's an ugly power play that will be used against all of us if it isn't stopped.
/----/Another child was suspended for biting his pop tart in a way his teacher though resembled a gun.
Boy, 7, suspended for shaping pastry into gun, dad says | Fox ...
A 7-year-old Maryland boy was suspended from school for two days for shaping a ... pastry into what his teacher thought looked like a gun. ... look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a ...
Boy, 7, suspended for shaping pastry into gun, dad says
View attachment 245716
Evidence that the policy is intended to give negative reinforcement against the concept of a gun.

This is nothing more than a pathetic effort at mind control by communist fucks.

How many times have you sat in a school classroom and watched a teacher "indoctrinate"? What was that teacher "indoctrinating" about? What did you do to either inquire about or try to stop that "indoctrination"?
Teachers indoctrinate students not to hate blacks, Hispanics, the handicapped, gays and non Christians.

That is why conservatives homeschool

I noticed you didn’t mention Jews. How interesting.

Jews are covered under the term "non Christians". We had an entire English class around why hating Jews is wrong which started while we were studying "The Merchant of Venice". It detailed the abuses of the Inquisition, and ended with "Adolf Hilter", when I was in high school.
I guess any school teaching "The Diary of Anne Frank" is indoctrinating their students.

What school still does that?
Pretty much most I know. Either Middle School or early HS.
Teachers indoctrinate students not to hate blacks, Hispanics, the handicapped, gays and non Christians.

That is why conservatives homeschool

I noticed you didn’t mention Jews. How interesting.

Jews are covered under the term "non Christians". We had an entire English class around why hating Jews is wrong which started while we were studying "The Merchant of Venice". It detailed the abuses of the Inquisition, and ended with "Adolf Hilter", when I was in high school.
I guess any school teaching "The Diary of Anne Frank" is indoctrinating their students.

What school still does that?
Pretty much most I know. Either Middle School or early HS.

Nope. Not in the Northeast. The book is on the list but not required reading and no longer covered in depth in class.
comes from Hereford, which is a full 45 miles away from Amarillo.

Those feed lots must be fattening hundreds of thousands. To have a smell like that carry that far, it must be a HUGE number.

Hereford is responsible for all the cow fart, then!!! SUE THEM!!!!

comes from Hereford, which is a full 45 miles away from Amarillo.

Those feed lots must be fattening hundreds of thousands. To have a smell like that carry that far, it must be a HUGE number.

Hereford is responsible for all the cow fart, then!!! SUE THEM!!!!


Driving past the stockyards, it's best to keep the windows up. If you're on a motorcycle, you're kinda screwed, because you can't hold your breath that long.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

NOW do you see what we've been bitching about and calling them snowflakes?????

Cause they melt over everything
I have always hated liberals. I am a Bill Buckley conservative.

My problem with the current pseudocon movement is their hypocriscy, their bigotry, their stupidity, and their psychotic break with reality. Just because I hate pseudocons, it does not automatically follow I love fucking hippies.
This is not the time to be an idealist. These commies are stealing your country. Time to fight.
I'm not going to vote for nazis just because I hate commies.
Trump isn't a Nazi.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

NOW do you see what we've been bitching about and calling them snowflakes?????

Cause they melt over everything
I have always hated liberals. I am a Bill Buckley conservative.

My problem with the current pseudocon movement is their hypocriscy, their bigotry, their stupidity, and their psychotic break with reality. Just because I hate pseudocons, it does not automatically follow I love fucking hippies.
This is not the time to be an idealist. These commies are stealing your country. Time to fight.
So....you're gonna fight, eh? :71:
Yep. I'm 70 years old. Life in prison doesn't seem that harsh.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
Sounds like you’re finally experiencing a tidbit of the leftwing lunacy Trump supporters are fighting against. :)
comes from Hereford, which is a full 45 miles away from Amarillo.

Those feed lots must be fattening hundreds of thousands. To have a smell like that carry that far, it must be a HUGE number.

Hereford is responsible for all the cow fart, then!!! SUE THEM!!!!


Driving past the stockyards, it's best to keep the windows up. If you're on a motorcycle, you're kinda screwed, because you can't hold your breath that long.
Definitely pungent.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
/——-/ For once we put our political differences aside and rally for your son.
Since we have no other plan in place to address mental health issues and guns and school shootings, this is the kind of shit that happens.
Start with that one before you start shitting on individual rights.

That's just it, pinhead.
There's no interest at any level of gov't for addressing the mentally ill.
And besides, most of the mass murderers DON'T have any kind of psychiatric trail, like the Las Vegas shooter.

And YOU stop parroting the bullshit about individual rights and try original thinking for once in your lousy life.
90% of Americans simply want thorough background checks.
They're not talking about taking guns away.
No one should put their kids in public school if they are unhappy with the local district. Home schooling and private schooling are totally legal options. Keep in mind that public schools have to be everything to everyone......they are the default position originally created to educate the children of those farmers and factory workers who could not afford private schools or tutors.

No public schools don't have to be everything to everyone. They were not intended to be that in any generation until the current one. They were expected to educate children--REALLY educate them--in all the basic subjects including proficiency in English, spelling, writing, math, history, geography, social studies, basic science, and if the budget allowed it, they also provided some specialized and advanced course for those with special aptitude or interest including the arts. The best schools prepared students for college and/or to succeed in the real world and that included encouraging them to use logic, reason, and employ critical thinking. Students were required to know certain facts included in their subjects--they might have to know that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 for instance--but they were not required to have a specific opinion about that. They were given the facts and encouraged to think about the deeper consequences and results that the facts indicated. The students who were able to think outside the box often were rewarded for that even if the teacher personally disagreed.

Schools should educate, not indoctrinate. To require them to be everything to everyone pretty much insures they won't be able to educate anywhere near as competently as they otherwise would.

A kid should be able to express or act out a harmless fantasy without political correctness tyranny knocking him/her down for it.
How many times have you sat in a school classroom and watched a teacher "indoctrinate"? What was that teacher "indoctrinating" about? What did you do to either inquire about or try to stop that "indoctrination"?
Teachers indoctrinate students not to hate blacks, Hispanics, the handicapped, gays and non Christians.

That is why conservatives homeschool

I noticed you didn’t mention Jews. How interesting.
Do you understand what a Non Christian is?
I'd go full frontal at the local school board if the school admins have dug their feet in about a psychiatric evaluation.
No pun intended, but that's just nuts.
Squeaky wheel, g5000, and you're very well spoken and quick.
You'll run circles around them and they'll back down.
And the parents at your boy's school will thank you.
I have two kids in school and the teachers are terrible. Your case is really awful. I am an Independent but I cannot stand the illogic of the Left. My daughter's friend asked to use the ladies room and the teacher said no, you have to use the gender neutral bathroom because it is closest. Now that bathroom is safe with one toilet and a lock but the girl felt uncomfortable for some reason using a room that boys can use too so she asked to go to the ladies room again and was sent to the prinicipal. That girl's mom went ape nuts. The mom was told her daughter needs sensitivity training. LMAO.

If that was my kid, I would have been livid and that situation is tiny compared to what happened to you. Good luck, sir.

It is stories like yours and the OPs that convinces me that if my kids were still school age, there is no way in hell I would put them in most pubic schools these days. The ones that are still educating kids with real subjects and content are few and far between. Most do much more indoctrinating than educating. I would figure out some way to stay home full time and home school them.
No one should put their kids in public school if they are unhappy with the local district. Home schooling and private schooling are totally legal options. Keep in mind that public schools have to be everything to everyone......they are the default position originally created to educate the children of those farmers and factory workers who could not afford private schools or tutors.

No public schools don't have to be everything to everyone. They were not intended to be that in any generation until the current one. They were expected to educate children--REALLY educate them--in all the basic subjects including proficiency in English, spelling, writing, math, history, geography, social studies, basic science, and if the budget allowed it, they also provided some specialized and advanced course for those with special aptitude or interest including the arts. The best schools prepared students for college and/or to succeed in the real world and that included encouraging them to use logic, reason, and employ critical thinking. Students were required to know certain facts included in their subjects--they might have to know that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 for instance--but they were not required to have a specific opinion about that. They were given the facts and encouraged to think about the deeper consequences and results that the facts indicated. The students who were able to think outside the box often were rewarded for that even if the teacher personally disagreed.

Schools should educate, not indoctrinate. To require them to be everything to everyone pretty much insures they won't be able to educate anywhere near as competently as they otherwise would.

A kid should be able to express or act out a harmless fantasy without political correctness tyranny knocking him/her down for it.

While I agree with your goals for education, I disagree that public schools are "indoctrinating" anyone. When the right wants to destroy a public institution, they start by casting it as some sort of liberal bastion out to destroy the country. The current vilification of the public school system is entirely reasonable, on the grounds that they are not providing a quality education, but not on the grounds that it's liberal indoctrination.

There has been a lot of criticism with the last few school shooters that these guys were giving off signals and everyone ignored them until too late. This thread is complaining that nobody can joke about school shootings at school any more. No they can't. Such jokes, all too often, turn out to be the precursor to actual shootings which are in no way funny.

So how do we know who to take seriously and who is "just joking"? How is the teacher to know?

When the left wants to destroy and or control a nation, they infiltrate education and control the minds of the children including what they are allowed to say, think, believe, understand as truth, demonstrate.

The teacher is supposed to be trained herself in logic, reason, and critical thinking and if she is, she knows the difference between a threat and kids just being kids. At the very most the 'offense' as described in the OP merited a simple warning that it violated the rules and, unless it was repeated, that should have been it. Given no other information, the school greatly overreacted. And I can believe that to be the case because of so many incidents of this type--many involving very young children--in which the school overreacted every bit as inappropriately.
When a wrongheaded conservative wants to exhibit his ignorance, stupidity, and dishonesty, he composes a post such as this.
I don't see that the sch dist said psych eval. G5000 said shrink. Unnecessary and obviously offensive.

Most sch dists I've seen have policies for kids playing guns. I've never seen one that starts with an out of school suspension. Parent conferences ... yeah. And generally the poliies are announced at the beginning of a sch year, and no parent ever pays attention because it's like small print in a contract.

Just an unnecessary escalation by a school.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
Home schooling. List your bill for supplies and payment for teaching services to your tax collector. The school then doesn't get the money for an absent person. If they don't cooperate, sue the school district for your services.

Oh, wait. The people don't have power any more. That belongs to the government who has to have money to support the schools so their chain of command can get kickbacks.

And the school needs to be sued for allowing teachers to leave their classrooms in the hands of the inmates.
No one should put their kids in public school if they are unhappy with the local district. Home schooling and private schooling are totally legal options. Keep in mind that public schools have to be everything to everyone......they are the default position originally created to educate the children of those farmers and factory workers who could not afford private schools or tutors.

No public schools don't have to be everything to everyone. They were not intended to be that in any generation until the current one. They were expected to educate children--REALLY educate them--in all the basic subjects including proficiency in English, spelling, writing, math, history, geography, social studies, basic science, and if the budget allowed it, they also provided some specialized and advanced course for those with special aptitude or interest including the arts. The best schools prepared students for college and/or to succeed in the real world and that included encouraging them to use logic, reason, and employ critical thinking. Students were required to know certain facts included in their subjects--they might have to know that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 for instance--but they were not required to have a specific opinion about that. They were given the facts and encouraged to think about the deeper consequences and results that the facts indicated. The students who were able to think outside the box often were rewarded for that even if the teacher personally disagreed.

Schools should educate, not indoctrinate. To require them to be everything to everyone pretty much insures they won't be able to educate anywhere near as competently as they otherwise would.

A kid should be able to express or act out a harmless fantasy without political correctness tyranny knocking him/her down for it.

While I agree with your goals for education, I disagree that public schools are "indoctrinating" anyone. When the right wants to destroy a public institution, they start by casting it as some sort of liberal bastion out to destroy the country. The current vilification of the public school system is entirely reasonable, on the grounds that they are not providing a quality education, but not on the grounds that it's liberal indoctrination.

There has been a lot of criticism with the last few school shooters that these guys were giving off signals and everyone ignored them until too late. This thread is complaining that nobody can joke about school shootings at school any more. No they can't. Such jokes, all too often, turn out to be the precursor to actual shootings which are in no way funny.

So how do we know who to take seriously and who is "just joking"? How is the teacher to know?

When the left wants to destroy and or control a nation, they infiltrate education and control the minds of the children including what they are allowed to say, think, believe, understand as truth, demonstrate.

The teacher is supposed to be trained herself in logic, reason, and critical thinking and if she is, she knows the difference between a threat and kids just being kids. At the very most the 'offense' as described in the OP merited a simple warning that it violated the rules and, unless it was repeated, that should have been it. Given no other information, the school greatly overreacted. And I can believe that to be the case because of so many incidents of this type--many involving very young children--in which the school overreacted every bit as inappropriately.

It's sad to say this but in this day and age we really don't know who is joking and who isn't. Who is on the verge of snapping. School age children are holding "shooting drills" the way we held Fire Drills when I was growing up.

This is what is going in your schools now every day. Children are afraid to go to school because they fear their school is next. If you're are arming teachers, locking down schools, and having armed guards with semi-automatic weapons in the hallways, you're telling them their fears are justified.

I agree. Political correctness, hyper partisanship, what I call the 'snowflake' syndrome of being afraid or hyper senstive of anybody or any idea that is uncomfortable to you, and a society in which coarseness, rudeness, violence, cruelty, and villains are glorified has made us a hugely divided and more dangerous society than I would have ever though possible 40 or 50 years ago. Irresponsible parents now leave it up to the schools to feed, sometimes clothe, and look after every aspect of a child's well being and don't care what the kids are actually learning or not learning. And because most schools are simply not up the task either to rear or educate those kids properly, we all have suffered.

And the school puts more importance and reacts most forcefully on a kid simulating 'bang bang' with his finger than it puts on how that kid is being prepared to be a happy, successful, productive citizen.

So yes, with very few exceptions, I would not trust the schools with the well being or education of my children these days. I would home school.
No, what’s made us a divided society is conservatives attempting to propagate nonsense such as political correctness, snowflake syndrome, and being hyper-sensitive.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to express their bigotry, racism and hate – and those opposed to bigotry and racism are at liberty to denounce that hate.

And to denounce bigotry, racism, and hate is not to compel ‘political correctness’ or to behave like a ‘snowflake’; no one seeks to deny conservatives their right to express their views and opinions.

As to the alleged incident in the OP…

What most conservatives fail to understand is that schools are subject to unrealistic expectations and impossible demands – school administrators are constantly faced with lose/lose situations.

A student makes references to gun violence, the school does nothing, the student kills 20 students and teachers the next day, the school is blamed and pilloried.

A student makes references to gun violence, the school takes what it considers to be appropriate steps, the school is blamed and pilloried for being ‘politically correct,’ 'hyper-sensitive' and staffed by ‘snowflakes.’
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
------------------------- write some letters and some to the local newspaper Call 'rush , call talk radio and tell your story . Course i'm taking you seriously . Tell your neighbors , put some signs in your yard , picket the school , tell the story at PTA , get arrested , get a lawyer . ---------------- good luck if you are serious G5000 .
--------------------------------------- and get ahold of TUCKER CARLSON on Facebook , Twitter and other social media as suggested by another poster G5000 .
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
------------------------- write some letters and some to the local newspaper Call 'rush , call talk radio and tell your story . Course i'm taking you seriously . Tell your neighbors , put some signs in your yard , picket the school , tell the story at PTA , get arrested , get a lawyer . ---------------- good luck if you are serious G5000 .
--------------------------------------- and get ahold of TUCKER CARLSON on Facebook , Twitter and other social media as suggested by another poster G5000 .
Oh yeah...that'll work just fine.....:71:

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