I think New York values may hurt Cruz

The more Cruz talks, the more I am liking him. Just now he said he was not pissed at trump.....he was asked what DID piss him off and he said "seeing our soldiers on their knees by Iranians and Iranians getting a big fat check from our POTUS" or words to that effect. YEAH! Pissed me off too.
"of their own money". You left that part out

Cruz is way too narcissistic. Obama has a high opinion of himself, peace be upon him, but nowhere near the level of Cruz
I think New York values may hurt Cruz

I think Trump cut Teddies legs off at the knees.

From this point forward, its pure NO GLOVES politics between those two.
And this whole time, I thought that his own Calgary values would be his undoing.
It IS going to be a Trump/Cruz ticket. Calling it now. Mark it.
That is, IF Cruz lays to rest once and for all the birther issue. Which is why Trump is pushing it NOW.
Cruz needs to pull his head out of his ass and lay this to rest.....NOW. If he does not, he will NOT even be considered as Trumps VP. With that said I don't think he'll do anything, he's too stupid to realize it's going to be an issue. Trump won't carry that baggage.

Back on topic his New York comments don't sit well with me either and he looked like a dumbass after Trump laid waste to his him. Sat there with that dumb smirk on his face because he knew he fucked up. Trumps tone was perfect and really hit home.

I have a feeling Trump is going to the private sector for his VP choice.
I wouldn't want to live there but there are plenty of good people who do live there. Cruz's response to the subject was severely lacking.
Having said that I am still leaning towards Cruz

You nailed it, Cruz hurt himself with that one. I was surprised at the size of the mistake Cruz made I thought he was smarter than that. Trump's response was brilliant utilizing the 911 attacks, that was smarter than I thought Trump was actually.

This also demonstrates how little Cruz knows about NY, having lived their for 10 years Cruz is clueless about how rigged and corrupted that state is. When elections are that rigged and the people have no say in anything e.g. there is no initiative process where the people can put measures on a ballot, its unfair to broad brush the people for the actions of a corrupt few.
What? It's January 15th and Trump is STILL leading all of the polls?

I can't find the video but last night I say old footage of Trump on tv from his last presidential exploration? Anyhow he himself said he didn't think he would relate to Iowa voters values because he was a new yorker with new York values.

Trump being a hypocrite?

January 17, 2016

Daniel Greenfield


It's week 2 and fake outrage over Ted Cruz's slam of New York Values is still lingering like a noxious fog in some circles. The absurdity of the whole thing is that when Nancy Pelosi rose to national prominence, conservatives and even Saturday Night Live routinely trotted out San Francisco Values as a slam.

Now some of the same people are very, very outraged over New York Values. In 2010, Larry Kudlow wrote about Boxer's "extreme-left-wing San Francisco values." But now he's outragedabout Ted Cruz and New York Values.


In short, San Francisco values, like New York values, described an attitude that was not itself a condemnation of the public. O'Reilly emphasized the lack of democracy in the process.
San Francisco values and New York values were different ways of saying "liberal" and "left-wing." If you look at the broad scope that Gingrich and O'Reilly are using, not to mention the Chronicle, it's a vague slam that basically encompasses the left. You can use it to mean just about anything you want.

Such vague regional signals aren't exclusive to either party. Cruz was signaling that Trump was on the left side of the GOP. Whether that's right or wrong, it's obvious that this was what was intended. It's an identity politics message. Is it divisive? Obviously. But considering that New York is not in play and is not likely to be in play, it's the same kind of divisiveness as San Francisco values.

Outrage Over "New York Values" from People Who Used "San Francisco Values"
Cruz as VP would be good. He has his shit together. His drama, I can do without, but his smarts? I need that. Team him with Trump, opposites attract. I think they would be a great team. Either one as POTUS or VP or some place in the next administration. BOTH of them.

I was hoping you'd list all of his accomplishments....can you do that please?
Again, most Americans don't want honesty. They instead want PC Bullshite and Freebies. For guys like Trump and Cruz, it really is a huge uphill struggle. I agree with Cruz's comments for the most part. I don't want the country adopting New York values. I respect him for being honest about that.
Why do people assume that "New York values" are a bad thing? Unless they are kidding themselves, everyone knows that New York values are ....well....different.
New York Values.

Trump's exact words: "I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Very pro-choice.

Very pro-gambling.

Very pro-multiple marriages.

Very pro-Hillary Clinton.

New York Values™.

Different from those not from New York.

However, there is still the underlining theme that makes New Yorkers no different from Iowans.

The very fact that Cruz would talk about "New York values" as something different and alien is the real problem. It is division politics, and Cruz subscribed to it at a potentially dangerous period in our history.

Maybe no one actually noticed that outright, but I can see in the responses the theme is well underlined. There is even a little disgust in some of your tones.

We will come together when it matters. We are united by deeper principles.
Cruz was using code . "Ny values" = "those tricky jeeeeeews".
The hilarious thing is that the inverse is a reliance on Texas values; rampant poverty, frontier justice, dysfunctional government, and ignorance elevated to an art form.
Bill de Blasio is the face and voice of NY, and that should care the shit out of anyone living in NY.

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