I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

You asked me how we know who the illegals are in the schools. When a 12-year-old can’t speak English, that’s a clue. We have a school in the area where all the illegals have settled, and 25% of the schoolkids can’t speak English.

THIS is what is driving up your property taxes. So either vote for someone who isn’t flying illegals into the country, or stop complaining.
So, because a kids speaks another language he is an illegal? You are an idiot.
Yeah, I know the government makes us pay to teach illegals how to speak English. That wasn’t your question. You asked how I know they’re illegal: they’re on free meal plans and don’t speak a word of an English at age 12. Obviously illegal.

Obvious to a racist maggot.
Know any?
Yes, if he’s impoverished as well.

And why are you defending a big swarm of non-English speakers? it’s to the detriment of the native-born Americans.

A detriment?

YOU are a detriment to real Americans like myself.

I favor we adopt English as our national language but until we do i will respect the laws as they are, not as I wish they were.
And I sure won't be an ignorant ass like you. Ever.
Retirees spending money.

That’s fixed income people.

That’s the sign of a good economy
This is a sign of a good economy for fixed and low-income people. Seriously?

This is a sign of a good economy for fixed and low-income people. Seriously?

Food is horrible!

And the overpaid government workers here in the DC area are clueless. One just told me that you can tell the economy is just fine because the Capitol Grille (an expensive steakhouse) is always packed - and that it’s just Trump’s people making up lies that people are having problems.
So, because a kids speaks another language he is an illegal? You are an idiot.
No, it is certainly not illegal, but do you not agree that it puts that student at a severe disadvantage to English-speaking kids?
Happy Easter, Trump fans.

And Happy "Transgender Day of Visibility," Biden supporters....

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.
No, it is certainly not illegal, but do you not agree that it puts that student at a severe disadvantage to English-speaking kids?
It also is a disadvantage to adults who have to cover the costs of illegals in school, and it is also a disadvantage to Americans searching for a job and being required to speak Spanish.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
off go the truth is you don't think at all.
You call yourself idiocracy for a reason.
Oh, neat, that's how shit works then. Hmm, its interesting, cuz your handle reads you're number 2.

Ironic, you declare you're a turd, so boldly.

"Who does number 2 work for:omg:

Say something else, number 2........

Jerry Springer said the guests on his famous talk show were "exactly" like former President Donald Trump.
Like Trump, guests would "curse and yell" because they lacked the skills to "settle things in different ways."
Say I am pooh, you'd be much more clear with your personal description to change your handle to IM#2
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