I Think That We Should Change The No Discussing Moderation Actions On The Public Board Rule

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Please hear me out first. As if people want to whine I say let them whine!! After all, they're only opening themselves up to public humiliation. I got this idea when just recently seeing AyeCantSeeYou deal with a whiner although I can see why the rule exists, I say that we should give them what they want and deserve which is attention.

So no this isn't me complaining about the rules so if the mods still say no I will say okay, but please don't close this thread as I think that this could make for a really good and interesting discussion. I'm just curious what everybody else thinks about this and to see if the mods can see my side about this.
Please hear me out first. As if people want to whine I say let them whine!! After all, they're only opening themselves up to public humiliation. I got this idea when just recently seeing AyeCantSeeYou deal with a whiner although I can see why the rule exists, I say that we should give them what they want and deserve which is attention.

So no this isn't me complaining about the rules so if the mods still say no I will say okay, but please don't close this thread as I think that this could make for a really good and interesting discussion. I'm just curious what everybody else thinks about this and to see if the mods can see my side about this.
I'll meet you on the other side
This thread again? Seriously?
I have seen this done like literally over 100X. It's fail. Stop.

Well have you ever seen it done without a complaining attitude? I mean if people want to whine then why shouldn't they have the right to? That'll just give us the right to point and laugh at them. It's entertainment in my eyes. 😁
Oh come on don't you see my point?
I do see it.

When people troll newly posted threads with off-topic posts, and then whine about getting dinged for it, I prefer that their whining be as public as possible.

When we see such a whiner start an entire thread to cry about how wronged he feels, it is a good demonstration of how much credence we should give his few on-topic posts.

I Think That We Should Change The No Discussing Moderation Actions On The Public Board Rule​

They will never go for it due to the simple fact that they sometimes make these mod decisions based on momentary emotion rather than the rules. If you are able to call them out on those occasions? Ha! You think they are going to allow themselves to lose an argument in public? No way. They would rather live with their emotional actions, never having to justify them to anyone. Even fellow mods. I've pointed out threads of mine that were dumped even though they completely followed the rules. The answer is always "I don't know who moved that thread (probably a lie), but I can't do anything about it now (probably also a lie)."
Btw, surprise, surprise that Procrustes Stretched was whining because he couldn't stop talking about Trump again. 🙄

All moderator actions should be made public information, if a thread is deleted or moved, it should say "This thread was moved/deleted by ____".

That no one takes accountability leads to impulsive decision making that might otherwise pass.

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