I think the military-industrial complex is pressuring Obama to restart the Cold War


Active Member
May 5, 2013
Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.
Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.

Ah so it has nothing to do with Putin turning Russia into an Authoritarian state.

The fact that he is still head of state, actually killing political opponents, invading countries, jailing people who don't agree with him, selling arms to our enemies and putting up laws that encourage violence against groups of people in his country.

It's all the military industrial complex.

Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.

I'm not sure about any kind of war with Russia but the fact that there is no vocal opposition to the asinine things Obama is doing is very disconcerting.
Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.

I'm not sure about any kind of war with Russia but the fact that there is no vocal opposition to the asinine things Obama is doing is very disconcerting.

Could it be that the poppies have worn off? Obama was supposed to change everything Bush did. You know, get us out of Iraq, Close Gitmo, etc. etc. etc. He did none of that. He just continued on. Same song, different verse. Now 6 years into his reign they are beginning to see that. What a bunch of dopers.
Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.

Ah so it has nothing to do with Putin turning Russia into an Authoritarian state.

The fact that he is still head of state, actually killing political opponents, invading countries, jailing people who don't agree with him, selling arms to our enemies and putting up laws that encourage violence against groups of people in his country.
It's all the military industrial complex.


Wait, are you talking about Russia or the USA now?

Sounds like the USA to me.
Possibly you haven't been paying attention to the progression of events. This is all obama's doing. It was his missteps, his insane foreign policies that led to this.

To hit the high points, it started with the stimulus and Putin's warning that communist solutions don't work. That was a clue that obama was brainless. Then there was appointing Hillary Clinton and her absurd reset button that actually said overcharged. It wasn't that Clinton was a bad secretary of state, it's that she was pointless. Meetings with her were for her to show off her newest pantsuit.

Then obama got into some kind of snit and instituted the Magnitsky Act, specifically targeting Russians. It might have been resolved with some personal interaction, but obama doesn't do that. The first meeting between Putin and obama resulted in obama sitting like a petulant child and Putin lecturing him about what he was doing wrong. Russia retaliated by prohibiting American adoptions of Russian children.

Then obama decided to do two things, one was to support al quaeda in Syria ignoring the fact that Russia had a vested interest in a stable Assad government due to its naval base at Tarsus. What a stupid move that was. Compounding that stupidity was completely disregarding Russian warnings about the Tsarnaevs resulting in a bombing in Boston. obama might have thought he could ignore international law by using Benghazi to transfer weapons to the Syrian al quaeda and Russia would never know. They knew, probably from the very beginning.

Then Edward Snowden showed up. He was kept at the airport waiting to see what obama would do. What the Russians wanted was to deal Snowden for something on the Magnitsky Act. Instead obama said he shouldn't have to call Putin. He expected what he wanted done would be done.

This is the result of a failed and disastrous foreign policy, misstep after misstep, and incompetents at every level.

It has nothing to do with the military/industrial complex, that's just another excuse for obama's monumental fakery
Possibly you haven't been paying attention to the progression of events. This is all obama's doing. It was his missteps, his insane foreign policies that led to this.

To hit the high points, it started with the stimulus and Putin's warning that communist solutions don't work. That was a clue that obama was brainless. Then there was appointing Hillary Clinton and her absurd reset button that actually said overcharged. It wasn't that Clinton was a bad secretary of state, it's that she was pointless. Meetings with her were for her to show off her newest pantsuit.

Then obama got into some kind of snit and instituted the Magnitsky Act, specifically targeting Russians. It might have been resolved with some personal interaction, but obama doesn't do that. The first meeting between Putin and obama resulted in obama sitting like a petulant child and Putin lecturing him about what he was doing wrong. Russia retaliated by prohibiting American adoptions of Russian children.

Then obama decided to do two things, one was to support al quaeda in Syria ignoring the fact that Russia had a vested interest in a stable Assad government due to its naval base at Tarsus. What a stupid move that was. Compounding that stupidity was completely disregarding Russian warnings about the Tsarnaevs resulting in a bombing in Boston. obama might have thought he could ignore international law by using Benghazi to transfer weapons to the Syrian al quaeda and Russia would never know. They knew, probably from the very beginning.

Then Edward Snowden showed up. He was kept at the airport waiting to see what obama would do. What the Russians wanted was to deal Snowden for something on the Magnitsky Act. Instead obama said he shouldn't have to call Putin. He expected what he wanted done would be done.

This is the result of a failed and disastrous foreign policy, misstep after misstep, and incompetents at every level.

It has nothing to do with the military/industrial complex, that's just another excuse for obama's monumental fakery

Obama didn't support Al Qaeda in Syria.

As usual you are full of shit.
Obama has proven to be just another puppet of the military-industrial complex. He's been in no hurry to end the wars of aggression that the U.S. started under Bush, and now it looks like he wants to restart a Cold War with Russia.

Refusing to meet with Putin serves no diplomatic purpose, other than to make it look like the U.S. is a big crybaby every time this nation doesn't get its way.

Because Obama's diplomatic insult is being cheered by both Democrats and Republicans, I just assume it is a bad policy. If both sides of the aisle like what he is doing, it must be a godawful strategy.

I was born in 1962. The only presidents in my lifetime who were not warmongers out to enrich the military-industrial complex were Ford and Carter. Ford probably wasn't president long enough to get us in a war.

Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military-industrial complex. He was one of the few presidents since WW II who kept us out of wars.

Ah so it has nothing to do with Putin turning Russia into an Authoritarian state.

The fact that he is still head of state, actually killing political opponents, invading countries, jailing people who don't agree with him, selling arms to our enemies and putting up laws that encourage violence against groups of people in his country.

It's all the military industrial complex.


What difference does it make to America's interests whether or not Russia is an authoritarian state?
The "military-industrial complex" is a hilariously abused term....what the hell does it mean? That we manufacture our own weaponry? Isn't that good thing? There is and never has been a "conspiracy" to start wars so the major players could build more weapons. We keep them busy without that because we stay ready to fight in 2 major theatres. We wear out more systems practicing than to enemy fire.
The "military-industrial complex" is a hilariously abused term....what the hell does it mean? That we manufacture our own weaponry? Isn't that good thing? There is and never has been a "conspiracy" to start wars so the major players could build more weapons. We keep them busy without that because we stay ready to fight in 2 major theatres. We wear out more systems practicing than to enemy fire.

There will be no cold war, only a hot one. All the seeds for WWIII and a regional nuclear exchange have been laid.
The "military-industrial complex" is a hilariously abused term....what the hell does it mean? That we manufacture our own weaponry? Isn't that good thing? There is and never has been a "conspiracy" to start wars so the major players could build more weapons. We keep them busy without that because we stay ready to fight in 2 major theatres. We wear out more systems practicing than to enemy fire.

What did Eisenhower mean than when he used the term?
The "military-industrial complex" is a hilariously abused term....what the hell does it mean? That we manufacture our own weaponry? Isn't that good thing? There is and never has been a "conspiracy" to start wars so the major players could build more weapons. We keep them busy without that because we stay ready to fight in 2 major theatres. We wear out more systems practicing than to enemy fire.

What did Eisenhower mean than when he used the term?

The world was a much different place 53 years ago.....we'd emerged from WW2 as the only major power not bombed into ruins. The weapons vendors were still converting production back to consumer products. Some weren't doing so well at that...they've been gone for over 30 years. I can't think of a defense contractor benefitting from from a phony reason for war since LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin days. You can mutter about Halliburton if you like but know who they are.....hundreds of independent contractors under their umbrella and the only company that can take on the massive supply requirements of a modern invasion force half way around the world. Then there's Blackwater....a collection of the finest snipers and ordnance-disposal techs in the world....I'm all for the outsourcing of military needs to Amercian companies....they have to perform or be replaced.

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