I think we might be toast


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Fucking-A I hope I'm wrong, but there's only one way broke can go, and that's shared misery while those with BIG money and power gain far more. You know primarily PROGS like Bezos, Facebook's Fucker, Netflix, and so on.

I've written why COVID is a PROG's pipe-dream, what a blunt takeover. Go figure immediately after the Democrats lost their bid to remove Trump too. Figures the culprit was the Chinese too. You know, the country PROGS are on all fours for? Lebron James is a good one, what a dick. Figure Trump's had China pegged since day one, I wonder if he could have imagined this.

So beautiful day today, 2PM, I think it's Thursday. Traffic is FAR LESS than it was when I got here, early 70s. Difference is we're 8 X the population today. Shit's closed even when the place could be opened, big money like Bezos buying out what have become warehouses. Lately seems there's one cop on the road for every 15 vehicles. Shit, I'd say there's one police dog every 80 vehicles.....HA! They're begging for tickets too, cuz we're all fucked, they're short on cash.

Meanwhile many on the lower side of middle class and poor too are collecting more $ than they did before COVID.. Ha ha, you thought socialism meant a distribution from the wealthy to poor(ish) right? That's fucking funny man. A direct hit on the middle class, what's next, slaughter the dogs?

It's just backwards thinking, doesn't have to make sense. Their advanced introduction to socialism. Idiocracy missed an important aspect of our demise perhaps, basically the creation of the web, (which Gore built (cough)). The same source for California's demise and so on. California was red before Clinton and internet, weird right? COVID stands to expedite PROG-agenda is just a coincidence I suppose. They've proved over and over again no low is too low, just ask Trump & Epstein.

Great depression? Huh, someone explain why this isn't worse. At least during the depression our enemies were simple to declare. These assholes only give you narratives like "Sweden has the highest death rate" when most of Europe is actually higher. Why do they lie? Because we're supposed to behave.

I'm not sure what your rant is proposing to fix? It's more of a bitch session.
Progs are pushing for more shutdown because they think that hurts Trump. What's bad for the economy is bad for Trump.
What the dems don't know is that they are pissing off a lot of voters who remember who kept them from earning a living, or just living well.
November can't come soon enough to settle the next 4-years.
Well..damn. That's a lot to unpack. :) So I guess, let's try and blindly make our way out of the maze. We're not toast...we're divided and partisan..but not burnt, crispy toast...yet.
If you are worried about the "middle class", you're about 40 years too late. The policies that led to the MC destruction were put in place then. Can't keep up with cost of living, wage stagnation, out of control housing prices, rents..and everything else under the sun. So while it looks bleak now, just wait, it gets worse. And I'm not saying that because I tilt to one side or the other. There's no environment for discussing moving forward because we are hopelessly divided. What we should be striving for is for everyone to make it out of this hell without going bankrupt, not having healthcare, not having to choose between feeding their kids and keeping their home.
Well..damn. That's a lot to unpack. :) So I guess, let's try and blindly make our way out of the maze. We're not toast...we're divided and partisan..but not burnt, crispy toast...yet.
If you are worried about the "middle class", you're about 40 years too late. The policies that led to the MC destruction were put in place then. Can't keep up with cost of living, wage stagnation, out of control housing prices, rents..and everything else under the sun. So while it looks bleak now, just wait, it gets worse. And I'm not saying that because I tilt to one side or the other. There's no environment for discussing moving forward because we are hopelessly divided. What we should be striving for is for everyone to make it out of this hell without going bankrupt, not having healthcare, not having to choose between feeding their kids and keeping their home.
Ok, your bleak outlook beats the OP bleak outlook. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, we really are toast.
The political class is owned by the wealthy, and they will keep doing what it takes to get money and keep getting re-elected.
That means tax loopholes that protect the wealthy, but not the middle-class. Someone needs to pay taxes, and "..only little people pay taxes".
Here is a graph that proves that unless the top tax rate is increased we peons will keep getting poorer and poorer, until the middle-class is gone.
Well..damn. That's a lot to unpack. :) So I guess, let's try and blindly make our way out of the maze. We're not toast...we're divided and partisan..but not burnt, crispy toast...yet.
If you are worried about the "middle class", you're about 40 years too late. The policies that led to the MC destruction were put in place then. Can't keep up with cost of living, wage stagnation, out of control housing prices, rents..and everything else under the sun. So while it looks bleak now, just wait, it gets worse. And I'm not saying that because I tilt to one side or the other. There's no environment for discussing moving forward because we are hopelessly divided. What we should be striving for is for everyone to make it out of this hell without going bankrupt, not having healthcare, not having to choose between feeding their kids and keeping their home.
Ok, your bleak outlook beats the OP bleak outlook. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, we really are toast.
The political class is owned by the wealthy, and they will keep doing what it takes to get money and keep getting re-elected.
That means tax loopholes that protect the wealthy, but not the middle-class. Someone needs to pay taxes, and "..only little people pay taxes".
Here is a graph that proves that unless the top tax rate is increased we peons will keep getting poorer and poorer, until the middle-class is gone.
View attachment 342219

No. Not being bleak. Just pointing out that real discussions on things like tax policy, wage stagnation, cost of living, education, and healthcare ARE NOT being held at the moment. Why? Mostly because Republicans won't allow it (or don't want to talk about it). Democrats have their issues here..but why won't the aging baby boomers on the right hand side of the aisle even talk about it? Is it a pledge of allegiance to..Grover Norquist?..Trickle down economics?. I'm sort of at a loss of how four decades of largely conservative policy failures that have resulted in a lot of the economic issues we see right now can be thought of as a basis for a future foundation.
I have figured out that the reason the price of housing has doubled is because municipalities have kept raising the taxes incrementally every year while wages stayed the same. Also they jacked the taxes for rental property to insane level to where they make 80% more than the property owner. Why does the government deserve that money? People pay way too much in taxes because of crooked government.
Government extortion is what that is. Everyone's housing cost should be 1/2 what it is, and it was when I was starting out..
1 week's work should cover cover your housing costs. My mentor taught me that.
A race of beings that revel in their moral turpitude cloaked in the guise of self righteous cognitive dissonance are toast before the toaster starts....~S~
I'm not sure what your rant is proposing to fix? It's more of a bitch session.
Progs are pushing for more shutdown because they think that hurts Trump. What's bad for the economy is bad for Trump.
What the dems don't know is that they are pissing off a lot of voters who remember who kept them from earning a living, or just living well.
November can't come soon enough to settle the next 4-years.

That's WAY too simple, only to hurt Trump?

What do you expect to be settled in four years considering so many businesses are done, while guys like Bezos doubles his bank? Those who survive will have their hands tied by regulations under the COVID identity. Those with high cash reserves survive, the rest done. Trump's going to have to throw a lot of bones for former business owners to start over again. Is he the right guy, sure. But I no longer expect a swift recovery. Sure the numbers will look great, but that's half the story.
Well..damn. That's a lot to unpack. :) So I guess, let's try and blindly make our way out of the maze. We're not toast...we're divided and partisan..but not burnt, crispy toast...yet.
If you are worried about the "middle class", you're about 40 years too late. The policies that led to the MC destruction were put in place then. Can't keep up with cost of living, wage stagnation, out of control housing prices, rents..and everything else under the sun. So while it looks bleak now, just wait, it gets worse. And I'm not saying that because I tilt to one side or the other. There's no environment for discussing moving forward because we are hopelessly divided. What we should be striving for is for everyone to make it out of this hell without going bankrupt, not having healthcare, not having to choose between feeding their kids and keeping their home.
Ok, your bleak outlook beats the OP bleak outlook. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, we really are toast.
The political class is owned by the wealthy, and they will keep doing what it takes to get money and keep getting re-elected.
That means tax loopholes that protect the wealthy, but not the middle-class. Someone needs to pay taxes, and "..only little people pay taxes".
Here is a graph that proves that unless the top tax rate is increased we peons will keep getting poorer and poorer, until the middle-class is gone.
View attachment 342219

While I agree don't ignore without corp. tax breaks the U.S. cannot compete in a global economy. Without employers we're done. Personally I'd like to see a stop on Chinese imports, but that's impossible when we owe them how much cash? Glad it's not my problem to deal with, I don't have a clue what the answer would be without completely revamping the global monetary system, which may happen anyway. The distribution of money is absolutely a problem, I don't care what political affiliation. I think global economy was a mistake.

As for your comment 40 years ago, I assume you mean Reagan. The middle class saw quite an increase on Reagan's watch. Is it his fault subsequent admins. were incompetent and couldn't make adjustments? Clinton's term did, actually. Reagan admin. set the table for expansion, and Clinton was able to increase taxes because the economy was built to withstand it. Having the Dot.Com sure helped too:stir:
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I have figured out that the reason the price of housing has doubled is because municipalities have kept raising the taxes incrementally every year while wages stayed the same. Also they jacked the taxes for rental property to insane level to where they make 80% more than the property owner. Why does the government deserve that money? People pay way too much in taxes because of crooked government.
Government extortion is what that is. Everyone's housing cost should be 1/2 what it is, and it was when I was starting out..
1 week's work should cover cover your housing costs. My mentor taught me that.

Doesn't overpopulation play into it too? Tell me about taxes though, I just received my escrow statement, and my payment increased 2.5 times more than any former increase, MFers. We've been Californiacated, you know. The streets are torn up for their GREAT BIG PLANS there's no money for.

I agree, one weeks work should cover housing for comfortable, but sometimes it's better to take a chance, which I have and I've never looked back. It's up to the consumer to earn all of it.
Having said that things are opening up, I can go to the gym today, but nah:hyper:

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