I told you guys animals were next...

This is a control issue. Wanna keep you pet, gotta get the jab from your vet.

What concerns me even more is the recent trend of several states' wildlife agencies claiming thousands of their whitetail deer population have tested positive for COVID. Next thing we know these radical cultist Covidians will be out to mass slaughter deer and then there goes a major alternative food source come SHTF.
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"Thank you for opening your front door ma'am, we're from the local zoo and we're here to arrest you for not having you dog vaccinated against Covid."
This is a control issue. Wanna keep you pet, gotta get the jab from your vet.

Your OP is a lie. There is not mention of household pets in the linked artical in the right wing rag
they link to the Twitter account for the zoo who posted they were doing it.

it would be a less, crazy world if people stopped doing crazy shit.

They were not allowing people to keep their pets unless they get vaccinated?
This is a control issue. Wanna keep you pet, gotta get the jab from your vet.

Pets releases too much greenhouse gases. And so it is better that they get one of these. Or else they can get a GMO pet that releases less greenhouse gases.

It kinda goes hand in hand. Those who regularly read Gateway come up with the crazy theories.
so you. blame GP because people make up shit about their stories.

I'm not defending GP, but come on. you beat up GP because someone made up a story and used them as a reference.

not being very honest about who the problem is.

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