I told you that XiBiden's America will be a continuance of Obama's, as Burning, Looting and Murder continues in the west coast.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

It wasnt the orange man bad, that created all the riots over the summer, but the radical education of these precious snowflakes who just cant be appeased. They want blood, just like the French in the French Revolution, so be ready for more. Pandora's Box has been opened, the Dems own this shit now, it is only going to get worse. If you have any signs that you are against their agenda, you too will be attacked..

It's not really "Obama's America" that's behind all this..

The backing behind the transformation of America is the Ultra wealthy and powerful Globalists. They are ALL white.

George Soros is one for example. Bloomberg another. These rich lunatics are actually calling the shots and financing the transformation.
There are others both inside and outside the USA.
It's their agenda that so many ignorant blacks, ignorant whites and morons have been manipulated to assist. Even though it will harm the morons as well.
One of their objectives is "Sustainable Development", a clever disguise for the real meaning (Population control)
People voting Democrat and supporting the Progressive movement probably have no clue they are helping with their own demise.

They own ALL the top news media btw.
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How many threads we gonna start on the same topic? I give credit to the right wing. Informational talking points are distributed quicker than anything I've ever seen on the left. :)
Reuters is reporting that "anti-fascists" were protesting and vandalizing buildings in both Portland and Seattle last night.

If they are "anti-fascists" and they attacked the Democrat Party headquarters and were protesting Joe Biden, does that mean Joe Biden and the Democrats are.........wait for it..........

" NAZIS Were National Socialists "

* Bolsheviks And Trotskyism *

The left really are TOO STUPID to correlate their promotion of national socialism with the national socialist party of germany .

The multiculturalism , gun control , government handouts and especially mass immigration by the left are designed to promote populism and eshew in government authoritarians , but what the left will not disclose is the underlying intent of its orchestrators to purge the global population for climate change .
Wow!!! 150 people were unlawful. What will we do? They were so close to overthrowing democracy by [checks notes] impacting traffic and has some “observed property damage”. There are laws for vandalism.
" Drivel Of Double Standards For Ass Clowns "

* Nothing To See Here *

Wow!!! 150 people were unlawful. What will we do? They were so close to overthrowing democracy by [checks notes] impacting traffic and has some “observed property damage”. There are laws for vandalism.
Yeah , sort of like the fake insurrection accusations that the handful of individuals violently entering the capital to contest unlawful election changes were going to over throw the republic .
" Drivel Of Double Standards For Ass Clowns "

* Nothing To See Here *

Wow!!! 150 people were unlawful. What will we do? They were so close to overthrowing democracy by [checks notes] impacting traffic and has some “observed property damage”. There are laws for vandalism.
Yeah , sort of like the fake insurrection accusations that those violently entering the capital to contest unlawful election changes were going to over throw the republic .

Invading the Capitol to disrupt the lawful procedure to finalize political opponents certification vs hooting and hollering about inequity that doesn’t involve overthrowing any government. Any violence on either side let’s condemn but there is no equivalence to the purpose of those actions.
" Organize And Show Up To Put Them Down "

* Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

'Democracy won, Trump lost, President Biden inaugurated'
Some asshole with an opinion writes an opinion piece and we all are supposed to care .

Try listening to the call in shows where individuals from each party can call in and comment and the only difference between many of the lunatics from both sides is that some of them are able to stream their idiocy and are promoted with notoriety .

The DEMON RATs want to set law with a 51% majority in the senate , rather than abiding by the two-thirds majority set by law ; so , the DEMON RATs do not want bipartisan public policy , but rather divisive and deleterious public policy .
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" Ignore FBI Reports And Deny Security To Promulgate A Fiasco To Blow Out Of Proportion "

* Zero Chance of Overthrowing Government By Capital Protesters *

Invading the Capitol to disrupt the lawful procedure to finalize political opponents certification vs hooting and hollering about inequity that doesn’t involve overthrowing any government. Any violence on either side let’s condemn but there is no equivalence to the purpose of those actions.
The left very much wants to overthrow the government and violating the constitution by unlawfully , criminally , modifying elections laws and then defending it is indicative of it .
Reuters is reporting that "anti-fascists" were protesting and vandalizing buildings in both Portland and Seattle last night.

If they are "anti-fascists" and they attacked the Democrat Party headquarters and were protesting Joe Biden, does that mean Joe Biden and the Democrats are.........wait for it..........



I think we see a pattern developing.....

Fits THEIR agenda = anti-fascist

Doesn't fit their agenda - fascist

And the imbeciles happily go along with their definition
It's not really "Obama's America" that's behind all this..

The backing behind the transformation of America is the Ultra wealthy and powerful Globalists. They are ALL white.

George Soros is one for example. Bloomberg another. These rich lunatics are actually calling the shots and financing the transformation.
There are others both inside and outside the USA.
It's their agenda that so many ignorant blacks, ignorant whites and morons have been manipulated to assist. Even though it will harm the morons as well.
One of their objectives is "Sustainable Development", a clever disguise for the real meaning (Population control)
People voting Democrat and supporting the Progressive movement probably have no clue they are helping with their own demise.

They own ALL the top news media btw.
Yes, it is, when he decided it was better to destroy race relations, this enabled the race baiting rioters to run around doing what Progs do best, Burn, Loot and Murder.
Yes, it is, when he decided it was better to destroy race relations, this enabled the race baiting rioters to run around doing what Progs do best, Burn, Loot and Murder.

Still....ALL part of their Globalists agenda.

NOTHING going on is by mistake.

"Divide and Conquer" keeps Americans at each others throats and distracted away from the Globalists themselves.
Obama did that job for them well....and he was WELL PAID in return.
" NAZIS Were National Socialists "

* Bolsheviks And Trotskyism *

The left really are TOO STUPID to correlate their promotion of national socialism with the national socialist party of germany .

The multiculturalism , gun control , government handouts and especially mass immigration by the left are designed to promote populism and eshew in government authoritarians , but what the left will not disclose is the underlying intent of its orchestrators to purge the global population for climate change .
(ominous music rises) At least we have Russia and China to create peace and stability.

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