I tolerate individualism

I'm going to be honest and just say what I really mean which is this. I find individualism abhorrent to a well ordered society. It's fine to have rights but those rights should never conflict with the overall functioning of society. Rights have to be carefully controlled, allocated, and regulated to protect society's overall design. That is just the way it is and dumb ideas about individual liberty are just not true. A fantasy concocted by early Americans. Should a person have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I think they should but not if it interferes with the overall goals of society? I just see individualism as destructive to society and something that can lead to its destruction. Individualism is just society committing slow suicide.
Moderation, in all things.

We either have a collectivized society or we don't. There is no half way.
There is always a balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the society that individual lives in. What is the relation between Society and Individual

"Thus society and individuals are bound by an intimate and harmonious bond and the conflicts between the two are apparent and momentary. In a well ordered society, there would be lasting harmony between the two."

That sounds like compromise between an individual's freedom and society's own and compromise means someone has to give up something they wanted. I'm fine with individuals giving up there own liberty for society but not the other way around. I voted for Obama to end this right wing bullshit.

And how's that working out?
Moderation, in all things.

We either have a collectivized society or we don't. There is no half way.
There is always a balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the society that individual lives in. What is the relation between Society and Individual

"Thus society and individuals are bound by an intimate and harmonious bond and the conflicts between the two are apparent and momentary. In a well ordered society, there would be lasting harmony between the two."

That sounds like compromise between an individual's freedom and society's own and compromise means someone has to give up something they wanted. I'm fine with individuals giving up there own liberty for society but not the other way around. I voted for Obama to end this right wing bullshit.
If that's why you voted for him then you were sadly misinformed since he understands what you do not.

I voted for him because I know that lying is necessary in order to accomplish our goals. He says nice platitudes but it is just to,appease the average voter. After all, who would knowingly vote for someone who would make you buy insurance

Um, you did.

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