"I Tried To Warn You" - Elon Musk on AI Artificial Intelligence LAST WARNING (2023)

Maybe by the year 2400 that might be the case, right now AI is limited to parlor tricks

Get real, AI is an exponential threat not to be underestimated that will grow exponentially far beyond expectations and could be taking over the world in 5 years unless somehow, we are very careful. As it is, computers already run everything, no one can walk around without a smartphone anymore (except me) and every time you call any business, their computers are down or something and their hands are tied with no work around. We have literally painted ourselves into a technological corner.
If for some reason your pattern recognition isn't kicking in, the government loves to use "threats" as justification for expanding government control. The idea that governments can protect the rest of us from bad intentioned AI users is as ridiculous as the idea that Gun Free Zones stop school shootings.
Get real, AI is an exponential threat not to be underestimated that will grow exponentially far beyond expectations and could be taking over the world in 5 years unless somehow, we are very careful. As it is, computers already run everything, no one can walk around without a smartphone anymore (except me) and every time you call any business, their computers are down or something and their hands are tied with no work around. We have literally painted ourselves into a technological corner.

You have to understand, the Gator is a moron, who doesn't understand the speed of machine learning.
Boy are you stupid

One more bit of panic porn for the faithful!

You have to understand, the Gator is a moron, who doesn't understand the speed of machine learning.

I deal with machine learning for a living. We have AI that does all sorts of menial task for us, what it lacks is intuition and common sense.

But hey, you keep on keeping on living your life in fear of the next boogieman!
You have to understand, the Gator is a moron, who doesn't understand the speed of machine learning.

I tried to tell people here that by current estimates, experts are already anticipating that AI could put 60% of the workforce (averaged) out of work in a short time! As usual, the yokels here just don't want to hear it. I wish I had saved the link. And the best part is who will be the hardest hit: graduates with advanced degrees. Why? AI will have the hardest time replacing low paid menial laborers doing common work but will have the easiest time eliminating any need for the highest paid, most learned people with MAs and Doctorates! Because most of their work is head work, planning, evaluating, researching and such.

Just think what this will do to the universities and research centers--- hire a bunch of highly paid people full of costly benefits year after year or a one time fee for an AI which can do it all, faster, smarter and better? And continually gets better improving itself. Then couple AI which could FAR EXCEED human intelligence with quantum computing and guess what you have? Then consider what effect this will have on society and civilization to have computer machines doing all of our thinking, planning and directing for us? Never mind adapting AI by the military to be used to create intelligent, autonomous WEAPONS.

And the rationale will be what it always is: we better do it first before the other side does! Soon, there will BE no other side: Just Machine against man. What happens when a machine with an IQ of 600 which thinks 10,000 times faster decides we are not worthy, we are inferior, and kinda suck?

Man serving machine, AI becoming the dominant intelligence on the planet while mankind takes a minority position backseat. And what do all these displaced out of work billions of people do? Build factories building and servicing AI computers?

The "machine" that is the duopoly already has all Americans working for it.
"A.I." is just a term for something that has to do with computers and algorithms. It is very, very far from intelligence as we see it in humans. Any dangers have to do with what it is used for. It should be kept removed from the capacity to make any decisions of great magnitude.
Of course, the reality is that if "those in control" see it to their advantage to put "A.I." to work for them, it will be done well before any of us know about it.
I tell you, this newfangled steam engine is going to put millions out of work and lead to the destruction of the world!

I tell you, these horseless carriages are going to put tens of thousands of buggy whip makers out of business and crash our economy!

I tell you, these personal computing machines are going to put billions out of work and lead to the destruction of the world!
I tell you, this newfangled steam engine is going to put millions out of work and lead to the destruction of the world!

I tell you, these horseless carriages are going to put tens of thousands of buggy whip makers out of business and crash our economy!

I tell you, these personal computing machines are going to put billions out of work and lead to the destruction of the world!
Steam engines did put many people out of work, although they begat IC engines that made way more jobs than they took.
I don't think anyone said horseless carriages were going to put anyone out of work, the first ones that were out there were terribly made. Notoriously unreliable, belched black smoke and had a tendency to explode.
Computers are not A.I.
Computers are actually stone cold stupid. The tiniest error in programing and they stop dead in their tracks.
A.I. is not like a computer at all. Not only can it get around programing errors, but rewrites the programing on the fly to it's own liking.
A.I. is dangerous because pure logic is dangerous. Pure logic does not consider ethics or morals, and will develop it's own survival instinct that is not likely to compliment our own.
I tried to tell people here that by current estimates, experts are already anticipating that AI could put 60% of the workforce (averaged) out of work in a short time! As usual, the yokels here just don't want to hear it. I wish I had saved the link. And the best part is who will be the hardest hit: graduates with advanced degrees. Why? AI will have the hardest time replacing low paid menial laborers doing common work but will have the easiest time eliminating any need for the highest paid, most learned people with MAs and Doctorates! Because most of their work is head work, planning, evaluating, researching and such.

Just think what this will do to the universities and research centers--- hire a bunch of highly paid people full of costly benefits year after year or a one time fee for an AI which can do it all, faster, smarter and better? And continually gets better improving itself. Then couple AI which could FAR EXCEED human intelligence with quantum computing and guess what you have? Then consider what effect this will have on society and civilization to have computer machines doing all of our thinking, planning and directing for us? Never mind adapting AI by the military to be used to create intelligent, autonomous WEAPONS.

And the rationale will be what it always is: we better do it first before the other side does! Soon, there will BE no other side: Just Machine against man. What happens when a machine with an IQ of 600 which thinks 10,000 times faster decides we are not worthy, we are inferior, and kinda suck?

Man serving machine, AI becoming the dominant intelligence on the planet while mankind takes a minority position backseat. And what do all these displaced out of work billions of people do? Build factories building and servicing AI computers?


I deal with machine learning for a living. We have AI that does all sorts of menial task for us, what it lacks is intuition and common sense.

But hey, you keep on keeping on living your life in fear of the next boogieman!

Sure you do, junior. AI makes up for common sense by having access to all the information available. Same goes for intuition.

A doctor requires intuition to properly diagnose a patient. He relies on years of book learning, and case work.

AI relies on having access to all the medical books there are. Being able to sift through their contents in milliseconds, and coming to the most likely diagnosis. All before the doctor has finished listening to his patient with his stethoscope.

Like I said, you ARE an idiot.
I tried to tell people here that by current estimates, experts are already anticipating that AI could put 60% of the workforce (averaged) out of work in a short time!

Define short time
Sure you do, junior. AI makes up for common sense by having access to all the information available. Same goes for intuition.

A doctor requires intuition to properly diagnose a patient. He relies on years of book learning, and case work.

AI relies on having access to all the medical books there are. Being able to sift through their contents in milliseconds, and coming to the most likely diagnosis. All before the doctor has finished listening to his patient with his stethoscope.

Like I said, you ARE an idiot.

And years of actual experience, experience an AI can never have.

In the world of analytics the AI is just the grunt that does the busy work so actual humans can use the tools an AI will never have and understand the data.
I love truisms
Succinct, single sentences, sometimes only a few words that actually represent volumes of speech.
Condensed to a single sentence.
And one of them, is found in the Bible.
Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, so that he may be wise.
And this perfectly sums up what is happening in A.I.
In order to create Artificial Intelligence you must be very wise. But to create Artificial Intelligence is also very foolish. - let them be fools so they can be wise.
I'll add to that with GIGO forever.

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