I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

wow another anti semite.

this board should be proud

their should be a minimum iq to use this board

if your post contributes nothing but hate or stupidity, you should not be allowed to use the board

only people who arent dee dee dee's should be allowed to talk with fellow adults

There's also a wealth of information not even discussed yet in this thread found here in Zakaria's discussion among a panel of experts on Iran last Sunday. A few considerations are the increasingly pro-American citizens of Iran, and questions over whether Hamas and/or Hezbollah would offer support for Iran by increased attacks on Jerusalem from only a few miles away and start bombing Lebanon again.

CNN.com - Transcripts

It behooves Hezbollah to assist Iran since the zionuts have been trying to annex Southern Lebanon - from the Litani River - for quite sometime now.

It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

I know how much you and your ilk just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE wars, but I wish you could just be satisfied with Afghanistan for now. Our troops are really really tired.
that really adds to the discussion.

why dont you take a deep breath, and type when you can be less angry/more coherant

Israel did our dirty work in '82 when they bombed Iraq, got no problem with them taking out Iran's nukes, especially when the current pussy sitting in the White House has no clue what he's doing.

More concerned about Al Qaeda though, and Obama's lack of a plan for dealing with them and Afghanistan.

What would you suggest, genius? Are you upset that Obama hasn't sent you a private memo detailing his plans for al-Qaeda? Or could it be that the organization is just as elusive as it ever was, probably headquartered in Pakistan now, and the US can't very well invade that country since it too has nuclear capability.
It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

Well at least you are not trying to hide your stupidity.
wow another anti semite.

this board should be proud

their should be a minimum iq to use this board

if your post contributes nothing but hate or stupidity, you should not be allowed to use the board

only people who arent dee dee dee's should be allowed to talk with fellow adults

There's also a wealth of information not even discussed yet in this thread found here in Zakaria's discussion among a panel of experts on Iran last Sunday. A few considerations are the increasingly pro-American citizens of Iran, and questions over whether Hamas and/or Hezbollah would offer support for Iran by increased attacks on Jerusalem from only a few miles away and start bombing Lebanon again.

CNN.com - Transcripts

It behooves Hezbollah to assist Iran since the zionuts have been trying to annex Southern Lebanon - from the Litani River - for quite sometime now.


Oh grow up and read some facts, would ya? Just because most Americans don't relish going to war in that hellhole again doesn't mean we are anti-Semite.
please dont reproduce, your offspring would be just as stupid as you are.

quite frankly, if iran gets the bomb its a threat to, this is a big word for you, region.

and could wipeout the whole middle east

how will we get our oil stupid

god, a tampon has more intelligent then you

It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

I know how much you and your ilk just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE wars, but I wish you could just be satisfied with Afghanistan for now. Our troops are really really tired.
no, calling the middle east a hell hole is anti arab and anti semitiic

god you are so stupid, it amazes me

wow another anti semite.

this board should be proud

their should be a minimum iq to use this board

if your post contributes nothing but hate or stupidity, you should not be allowed to use the board

only people who arent dee dee dee's should be allowed to talk with fellow adults

It behooves Hezbollah to assist Iran since the zionuts have been trying to annex Southern Lebanon - from the Litani River - for quite sometime now.


Oh grow up and read some facts, would ya? Just because most Americans don't relish going to war in that hellhole again doesn't mean we are anti-Semite.
that really adds to the discussion.

why dont you take a deep breath, and type when you can be less angry/more coherant

Israel did our dirty work in '82 when they bombed Iraq, got no problem with them taking out Iran's nukes, especially when the current pussy sitting in the White House has no clue what he's doing.

More concerned about Al Qaeda though, and Obama's lack of a plan for dealing with them and Afghanistan.

What would you suggest, genius? Are you upset that Obama hasn't sent you a private memo detailing his plans for al-Qaeda? Or could it be that the organization is just as elusive as it ever was, probably headquartered in Pakistan now, and the US can't very well invade that country since it too has nuclear capability.

After 124 intelligent postings, many of which are against the US getting involved in a war with Iran at Israel's bidding, I'd say that you should not be worrying about my anger (I'm not angry), but start accepting the solid points made in this thread and stop blasting people who posted them.
please dont reproduce, your offspring would be just as stupid as you are.

quite frankly, if iran gets the bomb its a threat to, this is a big word for you, region.

and could wipeout the whole middle east

how will we get our oil stupid

god, a tampon has more intelligent then you

WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

I know how much you and your ilk just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE wars, but I wish you could just be satisfied with Afghanistan for now. Our troops are really really tired.

Thanks for that. My suspicions are confirmed that you're just another basement dweller in desperate need of attention.

Newsflash, child: If ANYONE attacks Iran, the flow of oil will be disrupted. Google "Strait of Hormuz-Oil" then shut the fuck up about stuff you are obviously clueless about.
you are clueless dear.

if iran gets a bomb, you stupid twit, then oil will be disrupted

god do you think before you take the cock out of your mouth

god, seriously

please dont reproduce, your offspring would be just as stupid as you are.

quite frankly, if iran gets the bomb its a threat to, this is a big word for you, region.

and could wipeout the whole middle east

how will we get our oil stupid

god, a tampon has more intelligent then you

I know how much you and your ilk just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE wars, but I wish you could just be satisfied with Afghanistan for now. Our troops are really really tired.

Thanks for that. My suspicions are confirmed that you're just another basement dweller in desperate need of attention.

Newsflash, child: If ANYONE attacks Iran, the flow of oil will be disrupted. Google "Strait of Hormuz-Oil" then shut the fuck up about stuff you are obviously clueless about.
your posts lately are do nothing, dont make iran mad

big deal

that really adds to the discussion.

why dont you take a deep breath, and type when you can be less angry/more coherant

What would you suggest, genius? Are you upset that Obama hasn't sent you a private memo detailing his plans for al-Qaeda? Or could it be that the organization is just as elusive as it ever was, probably headquartered in Pakistan now, and the US can't very well invade that country since it too has nuclear capability.

After 124 intelligent postings, many of which are against the US getting involved in a war with Iran at Israel's bidding, I'd say that you should not be worrying about my anger (I'm not angry), but start accepting the solid points made in this thread and stop blasting people who posted them.
thats funny the only stupidity/verbal diarrhea is coming from your mouth

It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

Well at least you are not trying to hide your stupidity.
I like you, but honestly. If we do nothing.

then iran can nuke the entire middle east

do you want that?

we meaning the u.s. and or israel

It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!

Hope you like $20 a gallon gas. WHAT A FUCKING MORON!!! If you want the ME to go up in flames fine but most of us with a brain don't.
oh yeah, iran would just sit on their thumbs and not make good on their threat of annihiliating israel

Do any of you idiots know what Iran getting a nuke would do? NOTHING!!! It would NEVER be used because if it were the rest of the world would throw their arms up and say US you gotta do what you gotta do and that would be to ANHILATE Iran.
the iranian government is not the soviet union, they want to die, to hasten the coming of the twelve imam, and cause they hate israel like the nazis hated jews

Do any of you idiots know what Iran getting a nuke would do? NOTHING!!! It would NEVER be used because if it were the rest of the world would throw their arms up and say US you gotta do what you gotta do and that would be to ANHILATE Iran.
Martin read his signature, Cuntacious is as crazy as they come! A real douche bag! At least Shogun can make sense every blue money and Little Willy make compelling (yet wrong) arguments, Cuntacious is well useless

what the hell do you mean israel doesnt have the right to exist.

Ok, YOU dont have the right to exist. Someone should come to your house forcibly remove you and kill you, because well, you dont have the right to exist let alone defend yourself


It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!

Amazing, the Zionut Entity has not right to exist , let alone invade Iran. Indirectly, you are asking that the US gets involved because when Iran retaliates the Obama administration will claim that it had "no choice" but to attack Iran.


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