I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

the iranian government is not the soviet union, they want to die, to hasten the coming of the twelve imam, and cause they hate israel like the nazis hated jews

Do any of you idiots know what Iran getting a nuke would do? NOTHING!!! It would NEVER be used because if it were the rest of the world would throw their arms up and say US you gotta do what you gotta do and that would be to ANHILATE Iran.

Yeah so do the "CHRISTIANS" but in their version it doesn't come out very good for the Jewish people.
wow another anti semite.

Wrong again, I am a prosemite. The zionuts are white western Europeans not semites. .

this board should be proud

Only if they appreciate open discussions of controversial issues and respect dissent.

if your post contributes nothing but hate or stupidity, you should not be allowed to use the board

The only folks who make that claim are those who were stuporus during the Israel Hezbollah war of 2008 when Hez tore the zionuts a new one.

There's also a wealth of information not even discussed yet in this thread found here in Zakaria's discussion among a panel of experts on Iran last Sunday. A few considerations are the increasingly pro-American citizens of Iran, and questions over whether Hamas and/or Hezbollah would offer support for Iran by increased attacks on Jerusalem from only a few miles away and start bombing Lebanon again.

CNN.com - Transcripts

It behooves Hezbollah to assist Iran since the zionuts have been trying to annex Southern Lebanon - from the Litani River - for quite sometime now.



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oh yeah, iran would just sit on their thumbs and not make good on their threat of annihiliating israel

Do any of you idiots know what Iran getting a nuke would do? NOTHING!!! It would NEVER be used because if it were the rest of the world would throw their arms up and say US you gotta do what you gotta do and that would be to ANHILATE Iran.

They never threatened to do so, as has been demonstrated in this thread already.
oh yeah, iran would just sit on their thumbs and not make good on their threat of annihiliating israel

Do any of you idiots know what Iran getting a nuke would do? NOTHING!!! It would NEVER be used because if it were the rest of the world would throw their arms up and say US you gotta do what you gotta do and that would be to ANHILATE Iran.

They never threatened to do so, as has been demonstrated in this thread already.

you've been corrected on that at least three times...

stop being obtuse and pretending you don't understand his meaning.
we are not going to prevent a war with iran, its impossible at this point.

Besides Iran has been at war with us for 30 years

and through proxy war with israel

maybe you should stfu :p

Hey ACTS do you know the difference between PREEMPTIVE and PREVENTITIVE war? If not get educated or perhaps just STFU!
my mistake, i apologize

wow another anti semite.

Wrong again, I am a prosemite. The zionuts are white western Europeans not semites. .

this board should be proud

Only if they appreciate open discussions of controversial issues and respect dissent.

The only folks who make that claim are those who were stuporus during the Israel Hezbollah war of 2008 when Hez tore the zionuts a new one.

There's also a wealth of information not even discussed yet in this thread found here in Zakaria's discussion among a panel of experts on Iran last Sunday. A few considerations are the increasingly pro-American citizens of Iran, and questions over whether Hamas and/or Hezbollah would offer support for Iran by increased attacks on Jerusalem from only a few miles away and start bombing Lebanon again.

CNN.com - Transcripts

It behooves Hezbollah to assist Iran since the zionuts have been trying to annex Southern Lebanon - from the Litani River - for quite sometime now.



we are not going to prevent a war with iran, its impossible at this point.

Besides Iran has been at war with us for 30 years

and through proxy war with israel

maybe you should stfu :p

Hey ACTS do you know the difference between PREEMPTIVE and PREVENTITIVE war? If not get educated or perhaps just STFU!

Maybe you should move to Israel and stop trying to pretend you are AN AMERICAN.
oh yeah, iran would just sit on their thumbs and not make good on their threat of annihiliating israel

They never threatened to do so, as has been demonstrated in this thread already.

you've been corrected on that at least three times...

stop being obtuse and pretending you don't understand his meaning.

I don't even recall it being addressed, let alone refuted when I brought it up. Perhaps you could link me to the post refuting this?

Looking back through this thread and the other thread we discussed this in a few days ago all you did was continually attribute an incorrect quotation to Ahmadinejad.
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Israel has a right to exist, but if it nukes Iran, it won't exist thereafter. Israel is the geographic size of New Jersey and is surrounded by hostile nations. It wouldn't stand a chance of surviving retaliation.

did i miss something? i didn't see any suggestion that Israel nuke Iran. The suggestion was that Israel take out Iran's nuclear capability.

And you presume that the moderate Arab states would be troubled by Iran being de-nuked. I think that's a leap.

How would they "take out" (bomb) Iran's nuclear sites without the risk of setting off a nuclear explosion? Does the IAEA yet know how far along Iran has come with building weapons grade bombs from uranium or plutonium (which they have)?

Iran's neighbors are Saudi Arabia (quasi friendly) and Jordan (friendly for now), and Syria and Iran (NOT friendly). Israel might be resting on its laurels from successfully taking out Syria's nuclear facility, but I'll bet that wasn't enough to deter Syria completely. After all, thereafter weren't they trying to buy some nuclear goodies from North Korea?
There is much more to making radioactive material explode than detonation. There will be no nuclear chain reaction unless the HEU is at critical mass which depends on the material's density, mass, and geometry. Few store HEU at these conditions unless it is in a warhead and it's beyond stupid to have a warhead at a production facility. Iranians are not stupid, either.
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please dont reproduce, your offspring would be just as stupid as you are.

quite frankly, if iran gets the bomb its a threat to, this is a big word for you, region.

and could wipeout the whole middle east

how will we get our oil stupid

god, a tampon has more intelligent then you

WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

I know how much you and your ilk just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE wars, but I wish you could just be satisfied with Afghanistan for now. Our troops are really really tired.

It's not OUR oil
no, calling the middle east a hell hole is anti arab and anti semitiic

god you are so stupid, it amazes me

wow another anti semite.

this board should be proud

their should be a minimum iq to use this board

if your post contributes nothing but hate or stupidity, you should not be allowed to use the board

only people who arent dee dee dee's should be allowed to talk with fellow adults

Oh grow up and read some facts, would ya? Just because most Americans don't relish going to war in that hellhole again doesn't mean we are anti-Semite.

The mid east IS a fucking hellhole. I dare you to move there and come back suggesting anything different.
oh yeah, iran would just sit on their thumbs and not make good on their threat of annihiliating israel

They never threatened to do so, as has been demonstrated in this thread already.

you've been corrected on that at least three times...

stop being obtuse and pretending you don't understand his meaning.

oh, you mean like when a specific quote was chopshopped for the sake of a zionist talking point?

yeah the way they treat their fellow muslims, gays, women, and non muslims

real progressive eh :lol:

Iran is probably the most WESTERN of countries in the ME!

yea dude.. HERE is your progressive israel...

Army frowns on Dungeons and Dragons - Israel News, Ynetnews

Does the Israel Defense Forces believe incoming recruits and soldiers who play Dungeons and Dragons are unfit for elite units? Ynet has learned that 18-year-olds who tell recruiters they play the popular fantasy game are automatically given low security clearance.

“They're detached from reality and suscepitble to influence,” the army says.


It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
Im not really ready for the dollar to drop to zero, Gas to go up to 30 $ a gallon and the unemployment to go up to 25%
we are not going to prevent a war with iran, its impossible at this point.

Besides Iran has been at war with us for 30 years

and through proxy war with israel

maybe you should stfu :p
On Sept. 20 this year the Kremlin announced that Israel has promised not to strike Iran.

Additionally, Putin and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have stated that an American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia - us engagement in Iran will mean war with Russia.

Now you know why Israel and the US are arming and training Georgia. Look at a map. You also know why Obama has been continuing Bush's missile shield games in Poland. Again, look at a map. Who is the missile shield defending from? Non-existant nuclear missiles in Iran? Or an existing arsenal in Russia. This is why Russia has resumed flying it's long range bombers to Cuba.

So how can Israel attack Iran? They can't do it without our help. But we can't do it without facing a potential strategic response from Russia.

Unless we have overwhelming cause that can be used as justification for an attack. In other words, unless our attack is conducted as a response.

The only question is what kind of event would we need Iran to commit in order to justify a heavy-handed response? And knowing that they are already in the jaws of the tiger and will be attacked with minimal provocation, what kind of event would Iran intentionally commit, if any?

Of course, we could take the Sunday editorial caricature approach and picture Iranians to be a bunch of mindless, gaping, sloberring mullahs with no sense of reality who are jumping at an opportunity to have their countrymen bombed back to the 12th century like Iraq, but we all know that's not the truth. Iran has a careful, conservative government (except for the loose cannon Adjiminima-bob, who is tolerated by the Supreme Council whom he reports to) and I highly doubt that they'd slit their own throats by provoking round two of shock and awe.
It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!

I would advise against this! For a variety of reasons:
(1) It appears the Iranians might negotiate.
(2) I have doubts that Israel can take out the nuclear facilities that are producing the bomb or have any real impact on them achieving the bomb
(3) Oil prices will go through the roof and the world's, specifically AMERICA'S, economy can afford a gigantic price increases! I personally don't want to pay the price of an attack.
(4) Call me naive, but I don't believe the Persian Empire would risk getting wiped off the map by Israel's 200+ nukes (not to mention American retaliation) just to destroy Israel. I think a MADD tensionious stalemate would take place.
(5) An attack would create an inferno in the Middle East.

I don't want a nuclear Iran, but I don't want to see an attack for the above reasons!
On Sept. 20 this year the Kremlin announced that Israel has promised not to strike Iran.

Additionally, Putin and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have stated that an American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia - us engagement in Iran will mean war with Russia.

First, do you have any proof to these false assertions? No, then STFU
Second, just like we promised to protect Georgia? Russia doesn't want to take on the US, just like we don't want to take on Russia. Russia would bitch a ton, but they would do nothing. Much like we did with Georigia!

Now you know why Israel and the US are arming and training Georgia. Look at a map. .
WRONG! The reason is Georgia is a good payer and orders the arms!

You also know why Obama has been continuing Bush's missile shield games in Poland.
Do your homework, Obama scrapped the plan a while back!
It's a no brainer. Self defense. Whena leader publicly decalres a desire to kill you and then is as close to nuke weapons as Iran is...bah!
WE have the capability to do it.

WE have the needed bunker-buster type bombs.

WE can fly over Iraq. It's not at all clear that Israel can.

ISRAEL is the one who faces immediate and furious and insane reprisals -- no matter who takes out the Iranian nuclear plants.

So it boils down to three options.

(1) We permit Israel to act as our surrogate and do the deed. Our help would be needed to get to Iran.

(2) We stop acting like pussies and we do it ourselves (at great immediate risk to Israel).

(3) We elect to do nothing and have nobody act like a surrogate, and Iran ends up with nukes.

What we should do is an open question, but I will bet you that I know exactly what we WILL do. Option #3. President Obama is simply not up to the job.

Well at least you are not trying to hide your stupidity.

A comment of no interest since it comes from you, one of the stupidest people to draw breath.

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