I Want Republicans to Lose the Midterms

He's a prog behind a mask
Said it before, I'll say it again.....He's exactly the kind of better-than-you gasbag snob that drove me from the LP....They don't want to win, they want to sit back and sneer at the unwashed masses, whom they've deemed to be their intellectual inferiors.

The late great Harry Browne gave them a template on how to communicate and connect with the everyday man, and and Jacob Hornberger showed them that they can rhetorically fight bare-knuckle and still get your point across....But they've ignored all that, in favor of being a snooty faculty lounge debating society, and a platform for GOP washout retreads.
Not because I want to see Democrats win. Their agenda is destructive, but Republicans need to lose in order to finally get it through their heads that Trump is poison to their party. A month ago they were riding what looked like was going to be a historical red wave. Now, it's more of a puddle, if even that. The House will still likely flip due to redistricting, but by a much smaller margin. The Senate is looking completely out of reach now barring some tidal event back in their favor. Their reversed fortune is likely due to two elements: the Dobbs ruling and Trump's influence over the Senate primaries.

The Dobbs ruling is what it is. GOP voters have been open and honest about wanting Roe overturned for decades. However, I don't think anyone actually expected it to happen, including the GOP leadership, which is why it was such a shock and awe event. Even with Dobbs, though, the Republicans should still be riding a strong election wave, but they aren't. Trump's picks have been toxic to the electorate. Pennsylvania should have been a relatively easy hold, but Trump endorsed the most incompetent Republican candidate in the race and his campaign is a trainwreck. It's so bad he is likely going to lose to a stroke victim who looks and dresses like Shrek. Mastriano, Trump's handpicked gubernatorial candidate in the state who parroted The Big Lie and was at the Capitol Hill riot on January 6th, has been trailing his opponent in every poll. Georgia should have been the easiest pickup for the GOP, but Trumpy Herschel Walker can't form a coherent thought, makes things up out of thin air, and so far refuses to debate his opponent. In Arizona, MAGA Blake Masters is attempting to run away from his political record on abortion, countering his support for a federal personhood law, and it's blowing up in his face. GOP PACs have already started pulling money out of that race. Wisconsin is now also in jeopardy given Ron Johnson's admittance he was part of the fake Electors scheme. Even states like Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are showing to be more competitive than expected, but I suspect the Republicans will retain those seats in the end. Furthermore, this national toxicity has the potential to destroy several gubernatorial races. Kari Lake in Arizona is as tactless and crass as Trump and is losing her race, which would be a net loss for the GOP. Other competitive races like New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Maine, to name a few are being stunted by the overall environment.

Despite Biden's dismal approval ratings, poor economic climate, and incredibly radical administration, the Republicans look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and that's exactly what needs to happen. After these midterms are over the MAGA faithful need a strong wakeup call that blindly following their leader's guidance is destructive and toxic to their party and their agenda. If they emerge from these elections with anything other than a sound and disappointing defeat it may very well carry them into 2024 with Trump as their nominee and that will be the final nail in the coffin. According to polls, over half of Republicans still want Trump to be their nominee in 2024 and make another run at it and this is dangerous because he will get destroyed. Biden will be one and done, regardless of what he says. The party will never let him be renominated, so 2024 should be a strong presidential year for the GOP following Biden and the Democrats really have no strong bench to speak of. Sanders will be too old. Warren is an unlikable shrew. Harris is an imbecile and Buttigieg is milquetoast. They do have one formidable candidate, however, and that is Gavin Newsom. He's young (relatively speaking), attractive, and charismatic and if I were to make a bet today on who the Dem nominee will be it's him. He's the American version of Justin Trudeau and that's what's so scary about his prospects. The Republicans need someone who can make the strong case that Newsom's radical California values are a poor fit for the country and that case won't be made by Trump. His attitude, his antics, and constant negative press will overshadow all of these things and usher Newsom into the White House in a landslide and we'll pay for it dearly.

So yes, I want the Republicans to lose bigly. The Trump faithful will still be there, of course. Nothing will convince them they are lambs to the slaughter, but enough of the rank and file may finally realize Trump is destructive and relegate the remaining hold outs to the extreme wing of their party and purge them from having future significant influence. It needs to happen or the country is doomed in 2024.

So much bullshit in one post is amazing.

Did the demofascists help you write it?
Not because I want to see Democrats win. Their agenda is destructive, but Republicans need to lose in order to finally get it through their heads that Trump is poison to their party. A month ago they were riding what looked like was going to be a historical red wave. Now, it's more of a puddle, if even that. The House will still likely flip due to redistricting, but by a much smaller margin. The Senate is looking completely out of reach now barring some tidal event back in their favor. Their reversed fortune is likely due to two elements: the Dobbs ruling and Trump's influence over the Senate primaries.

The Dobbs ruling is what it is. GOP voters have been open and honest about wanting Roe overturned for decades. However, I don't think anyone actually expected it to happen, including the GOP leadership, which is why it was such a shock and awe event. Even with Dobbs, though, the Republicans should still be riding a strong election wave, but they aren't. Trump's picks have been toxic to the electorate. Pennsylvania should have been a relatively easy hold, but Trump endorsed the most incompetent Republican candidate in the race and his campaign is a trainwreck. It's so bad he is likely going to lose to a stroke victim who looks and dresses like Shrek. Mastriano, Trump's handpicked gubernatorial candidate in the state who parroted The Big Lie and was at the Capitol Hill riot on January 6th, has been trailing his opponent in every poll. Georgia should have been the easiest pickup for the GOP, but Trumpy Herschel Walker can't form a coherent thought, makes things up out of thin air, and so far refuses to debate his opponent. In Arizona, MAGA Blake Masters is attempting to run away from his political record on abortion, countering his support for a federal personhood law, and it's blowing up in his face. GOP PACs have already started pulling money out of that race. Wisconsin is now also in jeopardy given Ron Johnson's admittance he was part of the fake Electors scheme. Even states like Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are showing to be more competitive than expected, but I suspect the Republicans will retain those seats in the end. Furthermore, this national toxicity has the potential to destroy several gubernatorial races. Kari Lake in Arizona is as tactless and crass as Trump and is losing her race, which would be a net loss for the GOP. Other competitive races like New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Maine, to name a few are being stunted by the overall environment.

Despite Biden's dismal approval ratings, poor economic climate, and incredibly radical administration, the Republicans look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and that's exactly what needs to happen. After these midterms are over the MAGA faithful need a strong wakeup call that blindly following their leader's guidance is destructive and toxic to their party and their agenda. If they emerge from these elections with anything other than a sound and disappointing defeat it may very well carry them into 2024 with Trump as their nominee and that will be the final nail in the coffin. According to polls, over half of Republicans still want Trump to be their nominee in 2024 and make another run at it and this is dangerous because he will get destroyed. Biden will be one and done, regardless of what he says. The party will never let him be renominated, so 2024 should be a strong presidential year for the GOP following Biden and the Democrats really have no strong bench to speak of. Sanders will be too old. Warren is an unlikable shrew. Harris is an imbecile and Buttigieg is milquetoast. They do have one formidable candidate, however, and that is Gavin Newsom. He's young (relatively speaking), attractive, and charismatic and if I were to make a bet today on who the Dem nominee will be it's him. He's the American version of Justin Trudeau and that's what's so scary about his prospects. The Republicans need someone who can make the strong case that Newsom's radical California values are a poor fit for the country and that case won't be made by Trump. His attitude, his antics, and constant negative press will overshadow all of these things and usher Newsom into the White House in a landslide and we'll pay for it dearly.

So yes, I want the Republicans to lose bigly. The Trump faithful will still be there, of course. Nothing will convince them they are lambs to the slaughter, but enough of the rank and file may finally realize Trump is destructive and relegate the remaining hold outs to the extreme wing of their party and purge them from having future significant influence. It needs to happen or the country is doomed in 2024.
We here at Collapsatarian LLC heartily endorse this take.
I'm prepared for it to burn to the ground....That doesn't mean I either want it or would be cheering it on....That's not something that the pious gasbag OP can say.

You are just complaining when the other side starts playing by the rules that You made. Lifes a bitch when you are losing at your own game. Both sides needs to learn to work together but you decided that you would rather burn it to the ground than to cooperate with anyone that disagrees with you. Fine, care to use my Bic?
You are just complaining when the other side starts playing by the rules that You made. Lifes a bitch when you are losing at your own game. Both sides needs to learn to work together but you decided that you would rather burn it to the ground than to cooperate with anyone that disagrees with you. Fine, care to use my Bic?
"The other side" in my spectrum is statists like you....I don't pay the varying degrees that much mind.

When remocrats and depublicans "work together" we get the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, idiotic interventionist foreign wars and $30 trillion in debt......If that's what "getting al;ong" is worth, I'll continue to stay on the sidelines.
Burn it, burn it all

I Want Republicans to Lose the Midterms​

Could have told you that with my eyes closed.

Not because I want to see Democrats win. Their agenda is destructive, but Republicans need to lose in order to finally get it through their heads that Trump is poison to their party.
So basically, you think it more important that democrats win with their destructive policies and see America further damaged by them, just so that the GOP can lose to justify claiming what "poison" Trump is pointing at him as the cause? I'd rather see the GOP do GREAT in the midterms to show that our elections are not broke and people are not sleeping, and see MAGA and America First candidates do great, with or without Trump but at least someone like him with the same policies in '24 to pull this country back from the precipice of socialist globalism and get our economy, borders, crime, foreign policies, et al all back on the right track ASAP.

Despite Biden's dismal approval ratings, poor economic climate, and incredibly radical administration, the Republicans look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and that's exactly what needs to happen.
If the GOP loses, it won't be Trump's fault, rather the actions of McConnell who is slamming his breaks on the party just killing 10 million in ads to the state of Arizona alone. Mitch is a lot like you, far too possessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome that he'd rather shoot his own country and party in the face allowing the radical Left to further drag the nation down the rabbit hole of no return out of animus just to justify his hate for the Donald and point your finger to say: 'See!'
"The other side" in my spectrum is statists like you....I don't pay the varying degrees that much mind.

When remocrats and depublicans "work together" we get the DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, idiotic interventionist foreign wars and $30 trillion in debt......If that's what "getting al;ong" is worth, I'll continue to stay on the sidelines.

You are against democracy then. You demand that you are lead by people that think exactly like you do and you would terrorize everyone else. That's called Fascism and nothing ever good has ever come from that, Benito.
Not because I want to see Democrats win. Their agenda is destructive, but Republicans need to lose in order to finally get it through their heads that Trump is poison to their party. A month ago they were riding what looked like was going to be a historical red wave. Now, it's more of a puddle, if even that. The House will still likely flip due to redistricting, but by a much smaller margin. The Senate is looking completely out of reach now barring some tidal event back in their favor. Their reversed fortune is likely due to two elements: the Dobbs ruling and Trump's influence over the Senate primaries.

The Dobbs ruling is what it is. GOP voters have been open and honest about wanting Roe overturned for decades. However, I don't think anyone actually expected it to happen, including the GOP leadership, which is why it was such a shock and awe event. Even with Dobbs, though, the Republicans should still be riding a strong election wave, but they aren't. Trump's picks have been toxic to the electorate. Pennsylvania should have been a relatively easy hold, but Trump endorsed the most incompetent Republican candidate in the race and his campaign is a trainwreck. It's so bad he is likely going to lose to a stroke victim who looks and dresses like Shrek. Mastriano, Trump's handpicked gubernatorial candidate in the state who parroted The Big Lie and was at the Capitol Hill riot on January 6th, has been trailing his opponent in every poll. Georgia should have been the easiest pickup for the GOP, but Trumpy Herschel Walker can't form a coherent thought, makes things up out of thin air, and so far refuses to debate his opponent. In Arizona, MAGA Blake Masters is attempting to run away from his political record on abortion, countering his support for a federal personhood law, and it's blowing up in his face. GOP PACs have already started pulling money out of that race. Wisconsin is now also in jeopardy given Ron Johnson's admittance he was part of the fake Electors scheme. Even states like Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are showing to be more competitive than expected, but I suspect the Republicans will retain those seats in the end. Furthermore, this national toxicity has the potential to destroy several gubernatorial races. Kari Lake in Arizona is as tactless and crass as Trump and is losing her race, which would be a net loss for the GOP. Other competitive races like New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Maine, to name a few are being stunted by the overall environment.

Despite Biden's dismal approval ratings, poor economic climate, and incredibly radical administration, the Republicans look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and that's exactly what needs to happen. After these midterms are over the MAGA faithful need a strong wakeup call that blindly following their leader's guidance is destructive and toxic to their party and their agenda. If they emerge from these elections with anything other than a sound and disappointing defeat it may very well carry them into 2024 with Trump as their nominee and that will be the final nail in the coffin. According to polls, over half of Republicans still want Trump to be their nominee in 2024 and make another run at it and this is dangerous because he will get destroyed. Biden will be one and done, regardless of what he says. The party will never let him be renominated, so 2024 should be a strong presidential year for the GOP following Biden and the Democrats really have no strong bench to speak of. Sanders will be too old. Warren is an unlikable shrew. Harris is an imbecile and Buttigieg is milquetoast. They do have one formidable candidate, however, and that is Gavin Newsom. He's young (relatively speaking), attractive, and charismatic and if I were to make a bet today on who the Dem nominee will be it's him. He's the American version of Justin Trudeau and that's what's so scary about his prospects. The Republicans need someone who can make the strong case that Newsom's radical California values are a poor fit for the country and that case won't be made by Trump. His attitude, his antics, and constant negative press will overshadow all of these things and usher Newsom into the White House in a landslide and we'll pay for it dearly.

So yes, I want the Republicans to lose bigly. The Trump faithful will still be there, of course. Nothing will convince them they are lambs to the slaughter, but enough of the rank and file may finally realize Trump is destructive and relegate the remaining hold outs to the extreme wing of their party and purge them from having future significant influence. It needs to happen or the country is doomed in 2024.
TLDR. That it comes from you had a lot to do with that decision.
You are against democracy then. You demand that you are lead by people that think exactly like you do and you would terrorize everyone else. That's called Fascism and nothing ever good has ever come from that, Benito.
Democracy barely works here now. It'll be a fiasco if we let in more people from shit hole countries. We know who they will vote for.
You are against democracy then. You demand that you are lead by people that think exactly like you do and you would terrorize everyone else. That's called Fascism and nothing ever good has ever come from that, Benito.

Worthless endless wars, 30 trillion and never ending printing is not democracy. It's politicians grifting and destroying this country as many cheer it on. Murica murica.
The reason republicans need to lose is so they realize Roe Vs Wade was not negotiable.
It is not up for grabs.
It can NEVER be up to government to dictate personal family choices like when and how many kids you want.
We are way over populated and still constantly growing exponentially.
That has to stop.
Every child born is a threat to total extinction of the entire human race essentially.
And what is worst is that smart people already realize that and are having fewer children, so it is the "Idiocracy" that is taking over.
That's some insane motherfucking shit.
And you think "the smart people", meaning billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, have the right to murder millions of unsuspecting dark people in Africa, which is pretty much what they're doing.
Not because I want to see Democrats win. Their agenda is destructive,
I'm going to disagree with a lot of what you say, but I thank you for saying it. Anti-Trump Republicans/Conservatives are under-represented on here. They're still out there in large numbers, though many are being converted to reluctant Trump supporters by seeing what the DNC activists of the DOJ/FBI are doing to him. If you are an anti-Trump Republican/Conservative, I look forward to reading more of your posts.
but Republicans need to lose in order to finally get it through their heads that Trump is poison to their party. A month ago they were riding what looked like was going to be a historical red wave. Now, it's more of a puddle, if even that. The House will still likely flip due to redistricting, but by a much smaller margin. The Senate is looking completely out of reach now barring some tidal event back in their favor. Their reversed fortune is likely due to two elements: the Dobbs ruling and Trump's influence over the Senate primaries.

The Dobbs ruling is what it is. GOP voters have been open and honest about wanting Roe overturned for decades. However, I don't think anyone actually expected it to happen, including the GOP leadership, which is why it was such a shock and awe event.
Trump currently is the GOP leadership, as determined by the voters. The Old Guard, who lost GOP voters to Trump by a comical margin in the 2016 primary, never expected Roe V. Wade to be over-turned, you are spot on about that. Never expected nor particularly wanted it. It gave them an issue to fund raise on, but with a built in excuse to never do anything about it. That's why they kept nominating judges and justices who would not over-turn it. Until Trump.

He didn't even have to nominate ant-abortion activists, just judges who believe that the constitution means what it says.
Even with Dobbs, though, the Republicans should still be riding a strong election wave, but they aren't. Trump's picks have been toxic to the electorate. Pennsylvania should have been a relatively easy hold, but Trump endorsed the most incompetent Republican candidate in the race and his campaign is a trainwreck. It's so bad he is likely going to lose to a stroke victim who looks and dresses like Shrek. Mastriano, Trump's handpicked gubernatorial candidate in the state who parroted The Big Lie and was at the Capitol Hill riot on January 6th, has been trailing his opponent in every poll. Georgia should have been the easiest pickup for the GOP, but Trumpy Herschel Walker can't form a coherent thought, makes things up out of thin air, and so far refuses to debate his opponent. In Arizona, MAGA Blake Masters is attempting to run away from his political record on abortion, countering his support for a federal personhood law, and it's blowing up in his face. GOP PACs have already started pulling money out of that race. Wisconsin is now also in jeopardy given Ron Johnson's admittance he was part of the fake Electors scheme. Even states like Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are showing to be more competitive than expected, but I suspect the Republicans will retain those seats in the end. Furthermore, this national toxicity has the potential to destroy several gubernatorial races. Kari Lake in Arizona is as tactless and crass as Trump and is losing her race, which would be a net loss for the GOP. Other competitive races like New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Maine, to name a few are being stunted by the overall environment.
To kind of condense that, the best campaigners, best fund raisers, and most politically skilled of the GOP are not the Trump supporters. The Trump supporters are less wily politicians, but they beat the establishment Republicans due to Trump's endorsement. Because of their lack of political acumen, the are less likely to defeat the Democrat in the general in November.

You may be right. The DNC agrees with you enough to sink millions of dollars into helping Trump-backed candidates with deceptive ads.

From the perspective of a Trump supporter, my answer would be what good would it do to nominate a Trump-bashing Republican? That he will more likely win? That doesn't help if the establishment guy goes right back to rubber stamping the Democrats' policies. For Trump voters, it is not about electing someone with an (R) after their names, no matter if he is just a Democrat-Lite.

Trump was at heart a third party candidate, liked by voters, but not by Republicans or Democrats. He understood, though, that third party candidates are extremely unlikely to win, so he motivated voters to run the GOP over to him, and then ran for president. Now, he is the GOP. Maybe the old guard should break off into their own party.
Despite Biden's dismal approval ratings, poor economic climate, and incredibly radical administration, the Republicans look to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and that's exactly what needs to happen. After these midterms are over the MAGA faithful need a strong wakeup call that blindly following their leader's guidance is destructive and toxic to their party and their agenda. If they emerge from these elections with anything other than a sound and disappointing defeat it may very well carry them into 2024 with Trump as their nominee and that will be the final nail in the coffin. According to polls, over half of Republicans still want Trump to be their nominee in 2024 and make another run at it and this is dangerous because he will get destroyed. Biden will be one and done, regardless of what he says. The party will never let him be renominated, so 2024 should be a strong presidential year for the GOP following Biden and the Democrats really have no strong bench to speak of. Sanders will be too old. Warren is an unlikable shrew. Harris is an imbecile and Buttigieg is milquetoast. They do have one formidable candidate, however, and that is Gavin Newsom. He's young (relatively speaking), attractive, and charismatic and if I were to make a bet today on who the Dem nominee will be it's him. He's the American version of Justin Trudeau and that's what's so scary about his prospects.
I think that is as good an analysis of the upcoming Democratic presidential primary as can be done at this time. But too many things can and likely will change. Remember the sudden turnaround the last Dem primary when a few key black leaders turned South Carolina for Biden.

One thing that I think is likely to bring a YUGE change is that Biden doesn't make it until the end of his first term. He talked about that openly when he announced "his" selection of Harris as VP. I don't see crowbarring Harris out of that office before Biden goes under for the third time, and as a serving president, it will take a lot of coordinated effort to beat her in the primary. That coordinated effort by the DNC to replace her with a white man will be so obvious that it will risk offending their Africa-American base.

Even if Biden doesn't die, the DNC will be accused or racism/sexism/all kinda ism, for opposing Harris in favor of one of those paleface men you mention. If the press turns against them, the Democrats would have nothing.

The Republicans need someone who can make the strong case that Newsom's radical California values are a poor fit for the country and that case won't be made by Trump. His attitude, his antics, and constant negative press will overshadow all of these things and usher Newsom into the White House in a landslide and we'll pay for it dearly.
In a vacuum, with no knowledge of pre-Trump history, that makes sense. But it assumes that if the GOP nominee is not Trump, it will therefore not be a person with constant negative press. When was the last time a GOP presidential nominee did not have constant negative press? I'm guessing Eisenhower, but I don't know that there wasn't constant negative press about him, I just wasn't there to see it.

Yes, Trump's constant negative press is more vicious and far less dependent on what he actually does. But that in itself is a benefit to Trump. Why? Because he knows that the press will attack him no matter what he does. He may not like it, but he doesn't quit because of it, or change what he does.
So yes, I want the Republicans to lose bigly. The Trump faithful will still be there, of course. Nothing will convince them they are lambs to the slaughter, but enough of the rank and file may finally realize Trump is destructive and relegate the remaining hold outs to the extreme wing of their party and purge them from having future significant influence. It needs to happen or the country is doomed in 2024.
I disagree with the idea that there is a groups of establishment Republicans supported by the rank and file, who make up the majority of the party, while there is also a fringe group of Trump supporters that can be done away with by the establishment.

Trump supporters are not nearly as stupid or smelly as Agent Strzok believes. We don't support Trump because we worship him or any of that nonsense. We support his policies and overturning Dobbs was a big victory for him.

If the old school GOPers manage to keep Trump out of the primary, with help from the Democratic activists of the DOJ/FBI, he likely will run a self-financed third party campaign. He wouldn't win, but his running would guarantee a Democrat victory.

You didn't mention who you think should be the GOP nominee, if it won't be Trump.
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