I want to cook meat.


Gold Member
Jan 17, 2018
Tell me, the old fool, where the fire should be for cooking:

- from below
- on the side
- from above


You should understand that Selivan does not ask simple questions
All around on all sides for a faster more complete cooking experience...
I give a little clue ...
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------
- The fire is from below ... What you need to do to cook meat
- The fire is on the side ... What you need to do to cook meat
- The fire is on top ... What you need to do to cook meat
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what is the technology of cooking meat

- if the fire is below
- if the fire is on the side
- if the fire is on top
I hope that now everything is clear?
Otherwise, you are stupid, like a Siberian bo
o :04:
Tell me, the old fool, where the fire should be for cooking:

- from below
- on the side
- from above

It depends on the animal. Was this store bought healthy certified FDA meat or was it the diseased slaughtered pig or dog you stole from the village?
If healthy meat in cooking vessel (that's: 'wessel' in Chekovian Russian), cook with fire from below because radiative and convective heat rise upward.
If unhealthy village dog meat, cook from side on open spit using only radiative heat because you have unlimited supply of wood to burn out back in woods, from chairs in house and floorboards.
If Selevan, then cook from above with forced heat blowing down with fan or blow torch and gasoline because you are jacked off imbecile who will claim all methods used in Soviet Union from 100 year ago peasants is far superior to modern 21st Century USA anyway.
I grill on 3/4 in cast iron grate at high heat. Sears the meat and leaves beautiful crosshatch grill marks. Always medium rare to medium.

My smoker uses indirect low temp heat with a hardwood for smoke. Low and slow at about 225 deg, usually four to fourteen hours
I give a little clue ...
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------
- The fire is from below ... What you need to do to cook meat
- The fire is on the side ... What you need to do to cook meat
- The fire is on top ... What you need to do to cook meat
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what is the technology of cooking meat

- if the fire is below
- if the fire is on the side
- if the fire is on top
I hope that now everything is clear?
Otherwise, you are stupid, like a Siberian bo
o :04:
A convection oven! Even heat all the way around
the topic is closed.
All my themes will be closed when this shit appears
Any person of this forum who communicates with him on my branches immediately becomes included in my personal IGNOR

All my themes will be closed when this shit appears

Is that PROMISE? WE hold you at your word.

Any person of this forum who communicates with him on my branches immediately becomes included in my personal IGNOR

That must keep you awfully busy, farm boy. Must be a full time day and night job. Glad to know I'm totally IN YOUR HEAD.
A convection oven! Even heat all the way around

I have a convection oven with a small fan in the back. It cooks my meat beautifully. :D
I also have one and am very thriled with it. Cuts down time and every thing stays moist, awesome. Along with my 15k btu burners I can cook blackened or what ever I want with near proffesional equipment. i am very happy with my stove. That 15k btu burner seals those spices and moisture in to create some of the best cajun food available. God I love red pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A convection oven! Even heat all the way around

I have a convection oven with a small fan in the back. It cooks my meat beautifully. :D
I also have one and am very thriled with it. Cuts down time and every thing stays moist, awesome. Along with my 15k btu burners I can cook blackened or what ever I want with near proffesional equipment. i am very happy with my stove. That 15k btu burner seals those spices and moisture in to create some of the best cajun food available. God I love red pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not answer my messages and do not write to me ...
I do not see you
A convection oven! Even heat all the way around

I have a convection oven with a small fan in the back. It cooks my meat beautifully. :D
I also have one and am very thriled with it. Cuts down time and every thing stays moist, awesome. Along with my 15k btu burners I can cook blackened or what ever I want with near proffesional equipment. i am very happy with my stove. That 15k btu burner seals those spices and moisture in to create some of the best cajun food available. God I love red pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not answer my messages and do not write to me ...
I do not see you
Like I give a shit what you want! Try not acting like you are superior and you may actually make freinds here! We may actually like some ones point of view out side our own country if they did not act like an ass hole!
A convection oven! Even heat all the way around

I have a convection oven with a small fan in the back. It cooks my meat beautifully. :D
I also have one and am very thriled with it. Cuts down time and every thing stays moist, awesome. Along with my 15k btu burners I can cook blackened or what ever I want with near proffesional equipment. i am very happy with my stove. That 15k btu burner seals those spices and moisture in to create some of the best cajun food available. God I love red pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I put red pepper on everything!

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