I Want To Know Democrat's Plan To Stop Illegals From Crossing The Border

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I've never actually heard it. I know Biden has increased the number of border patrol officers but that hasn't been to stop illegals from crossing the border. That has been to help illegals out of the water and hand them goody bags. Biden has also increased resources in able to better process these people, house them, and give them free medical care, on top of the goody bags they receive. But, that doesn't stop them from crossing the border. I want to know what the Democrat's plan is to actually stop these people from crossing the border. If there is any, it seems to be a massive failure. But, I don't see any plan at all. They just seem to want more resources to help these people, not stop them.
The Democrat plan is to allow as many wretched bastards into the country as the public will tolerate. Then, as proudly stated by the Vice President, the mission is, "...a path to citizenship."


Anyone who doesn't get this is a fucking moron.
Democratic politicians don't want to stop it. They will use rhetoric to make it appear as if they are interested, but ultimately, they want it. The more of it the better. They see immigrants of any kind, illegal or legal, as potential voters. It is those that vote for Democrats that need to wake up, but I fear the indoctrination is too strong.
I've never actually heard it. I know Biden has increased the number of border patrol officers but that hasn't been to stop illegals from crossing the border. That has been to help illegals out of the water and hand them goody bags. Biden has also increased resources in able to better process these people, house them, and give them free medical care, on top of the goody bags they receive. But, that doesn't stop them from crossing the border. I want to know what the Democrat's plan is to actually stop these people from crossing the border. If there is any, it seems to be a massive failure. But, I don't see any plan at all. They just seem to want more resources to help these people, not stop them.
The plan is to blame the GOP and/or ignore it

Or had you not noticed?
The Democrat plan is to allow as many wretched bastards into the country as the public will tolerate. Then, as proudly stated by the Vice President, the mission is, "...a path to citizenship."


Anyone who doesn't get this is a fucking moron.
I think some Democrats get it, but they don't care. They are very short-sighted and can't see the dangers of having a one-party system. They also can't do basic math. The world has 8 billion people with a large portion of those that would love to come to the US and sign up for some of our freebees. In their wee little minds, we can let everyone in and still maintain the standard of living that is significantly higher than the vast majority of the world.
Their plan is to make it defacto-legal. Thus there will be no "Illegals" crossing the border.

And I am beginning to think that the average Democrat is myopic enough to go along with that idea. They are force fed this kind of kind of garbage in school and college.
When Uncle RICO got shed of the Remain in Mexico policy the "plan" was evident.....When smacked by the courts and reinstated the dems made it so full of holes with exemptions as to be meaningless.

It was a combination of both spite and long game....The dems don't mind waiting a generation for the millions of anchor baby's votes.

Disinformation has swirled and confusion has set in during the transition. A look at the new rules (and the old ones):

"The Biden administration is now turning away anyone seeking asylum who didn’t first seek protection in a country they traveled through, or first applied online. This is a version of a Trump administration policy that was overturned by the courts. Advocacy groups sued to block the new rule minutes before it took effect.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Francisco by the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies and other groups, alleges the Biden administration “doubled down” on the policy proposed by Trump that the same court rejected. The Biden administration has said its new rule is substantially different.
And I am beginning to think that the average Democrat is myopic enough to go along with that idea. They are force fed this kind of kind of garbage in school and college.
The DNC is a cult, and as such, do not have the ability to challenge their masters intellectually..

For example, they could literally tell them they no longer know what the definition of a car is anymore, and they would go along with it mindlessly.
Disinformation has swirled and confusion has set in during the transition. A look at the new rules (and the old ones):

"The Biden administration is now turning away anyone seeking asylum who didn’t first seek protection in a country they traveled through, or first applied online. This is a version of a Trump administration policy that was overturned by the courts. Advocacy groups sued to block the new rule minutes before it took effect.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Francisco by the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies and other groups, alleges the Biden administration “doubled down” on the policy proposed by Trump that the same court rejected. The Biden administration has said its new rule is substantially different.
Why don't people flood across the Canadian border into the US by the tens of thousands?
We’ve had 70 years of “massive failures” since there has been zero days when there were no illegals coming across the border during those years. Whatever plan was implemented by any of these administrations has failed.

And yes...they flooded across the border when your blob was in office too.
We’ve had 70 years of “massive failures” since there has been zero days when there were no illegals coming across the border during those years. Whatever plan was implemented by any of these administrations has failed.

And yes...they flooded across the border when your blob was in office too.
President Blob was able to significantly reduce the crossing of the border by illegals, and if not for the resistance of the dems (and rinos), he may have been able to reduce it to practically zero.
President Blob was able to significantly reduce the crossing of the border by illegals, and if not for the resistance of the dems (and rinos), he may have been able to reduce it to practically zero.
Is that what he told you? LOL...you poor gullible silly little man.
More than what you think but mostly from the EU.....Lots of Romas too.

Unlike the USA, Canada does get a lot of white European immigration that the USA does not get. That's because we have universal, single, payer health care, sensible restrictions on handgun ownership, an excellent education system, and the ONE thing that the USA is currently lacking - stability in government.
President Blob was able to significantly reduce the crossing of the border by illegals, and if not for the resistance of the dems (and rinos), he may have been able to reduce it to practically zero.

"In response to the recession and the COVID-19 outbreak, President Trump virtually ended the issuance of green cards to people abroad. In the last 6 months of the 2020 fiscal year (April‐September 2020) the U.S. government only issued about 29,000 green cards. In the same period in 2016, the U.S. government issued approximately 309,000 green cards. Compared to the last half of FY2016, the number of green cards issued in the last half of FY2020 fell by 90.5 percent (please see note at the end of this blog post for how I estimated these figures)."
Unlike the USA, Canada does get a lot of white European immigration that the USA does not get. That's because we have universal, single, payer health care, sensible restrictions on handgun ownership, an excellent education system, and the ONE thing that the USA is currently lacking - stability in government.
The Roma don't seem to care for you Hosers.

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