I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun

I would like to live in a society where few police carry guns

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They don't. Certain officers are trained to use firearms but don't carry guns. When an incident happens, the gun unit is deployed. That means, those that are trained, come off normal duty to go the incident that requires armed officers. I hope that's filled that gap in your knowledge.


Move to England, then.

Problem solved...
I would not live anywhere that almost all LEOs aren’t armed. Personally I think they need more training in firearms use and broader ROEs for their use.
No idea what you're trying to convey here.
He is ignoring human nature and pictures a society were everyone loves each other and shits rainbows and Unicorns.

Every large urban area in the world has a violent criminal element and criminals that prey on the innocent will always exist.
The OP is asking an impossibility.
it makes no difference if cops in the US are armed or not because they have absolutely no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone.
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.

I've lived in various countries like that. The police are safer, the people's lives are safer.

The right likes to create problems to solve, yet they need the problem there so they can constantly claim to be solving it, but never do.
I would assume, rightfully or wrongfully that a society in which police do NOT have guns would generally be a society with less gun violence. Just an assumption that if police don't carry guns it means they don't believe they will be dealing with many others who carry guns.
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.

Criminals would still have guns in such a society.

So without human beings, including police, also being able to carry guns, criminals would be at a serious advantage.

Criminals would love to live in such a society. Human beings, not so much.
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Correct, the thread heading is very clear, do you want the type of society where few police need guns. So what kind of society do think that is, what does that entail, what does it look like, which countries have that type of society etc...

Stop thinking binary.

Which countries have the type of society where LE doesn't need to carry guns?
Which countries have the type of society where LE doesn't need to carry guns?

In Never Never Land, maybe. (Exhibit A.)

But the bad guys still had guns. (See Exhibit B.)

Exhibit A.


Exhibit B.

For the retards -

I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun.

That means, you want a type of society where most of the police can carry out their duties without carrying a gun. I know gun nuts will struggle with this concept, but it's a poll 3 year olds could grasp.

Like so many leftists, you deny human nature. And that's why your ideology fails miserably.
No idea what you're trying to convey here.
I'll try again. Look at the different cultures around the world, look at their orientation towards guns.

So depending on how the society is in that country, would you like to live in a society where only a few police officers need to carry a gun.
I've lived in various countries like that. The police are safer, the people's lives are safer.

The right likes to create problems to solve, yet they need the problem there so they can constantly claim to be solving it, but never do.
I think many in the world would like to live in a safe society where even the police wouldn't need guns, or, few would need to be called on for situations. I think many Americans can't get to grips with this thread because unlike yourself, they've never experienced other countries.
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Criminals would still have guns in such a society.

So without human beings, including police, also being able to carry guns, criminals would be at a serious advantage.

Criminals would love to live in such a society. Human beings, not so much.
Yes, there are criminals in every country and they make up a tiny percentage of the country's population. But they're mentioned 100% of the time in gun debates. Do you agree or disagree?
Which countries have the type of society where LE doesn't need to carry guns?
Lots of countries, if they'd only do it, but firearms tend not to be carried by police in countries that respect others' rights.

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