I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun

I would like to live in a society where few police carry guns

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It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.
Bad guys will always have guns.....
They don't.

They do, the majority.

Certain officers are trained to use firearms but don't carry guns.

The Bobbys are a tourist attraction. Every police car in London has fire arms.

When an incident happens, the gun unit is deployed. That means, those that are trained, come off normal duty to go the incident that requires armed officers. I hope that's filled that gap in your knowledge.

False knowledge isn't useful.
Very stupid thread, absurd OP premise and a disturbingly mindless poll.

Let’s just Reformulate it:

In an Emegency situation such as an armed intruder inside your home, do you want to have to wait for the police at all to address the threat? Off hand, I’d say, “no.” Waiting bad.

In that same scenario, however long it takes for the police to respond, do you want them showing up UNARMED? Off hand, I’d say “no.” That would likely be both futile and very dangerous for everyone involved (except the armed intruder).
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.
If we could get rid of our inner city Negro thugs and Illegals then crime in this country would be drastically reduced.
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.

Nope.....rape, robbery, murder can happen long before the police even get the call.......and when the cops do show up, they better be ready to deal with the monsters........Britain has been living on borrowed time for a long time.......criminals are losing their fear of the British cop.....and the criminals in Britain are becoming more and more violent...

Also, when the 137 people were murdered in France, by muslim terrorists with illegal military rifles......having nearby police who could shoot back right away is a good thing........
They don't. Certain officers are trained to use firearms but don't carry guns. When an incident happens, the gun unit is deployed. That means, those that are trained, come off normal duty to go the incident that requires armed officers. I hope that's filled that gap in your knowledge.

Yeah...adding more time to critical time situations......
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.

Would it be good if people didn't commit violent crime, and cops simply had to hand out tickets....of course.

When you know of a plane of existence where that is possible, and can find a way to open a gate to that location...get back to us...
They can't imagine a society that is not a feeding frenzy.

Because they are so rare, and in reality......they are backed up by American guns.......those countries you point to? Are only safe from predation because America keeps Russia, China, and the muslim countries from rolling over them.....
I'll try again. Look at the different cultures around the world, look at their orientation towards guns.

So depending on how the society is in that country, would you like to live in a society where only a few police officers need to carry a gun.

I don't give a flying fuck about other cultures around the world.

They're the reason we need guns in the first place.

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