I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun

I would like to live in a society where few police carry guns

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In response to the OP, I would never want to live in a society where the police are not armed. I want every one armed. I want you armed, me armed, Ray in Cleveland armed - ok, jaxson disarmed because he choose it - and the police armed.

I would NEVER want cnm armed - or even in possession of a sharpened pencil....
I think many in the world would like to live in a safe society where even the police wouldn't need guns, or, few would need to be called on for situations. I think many Americans can't get to grips with this thread because unlike yourself, they've never experienced other countries.

I think you're right.
Beyond that I think the gun lobby puts out a lot of propaganda to keep themselves and guns relevant.
Also the electoral system leads to politicians no one trusts. So people want guns to protect themselves from a government that doesn't represent them.
I think you're right.
Beyond that I think the gun lobby puts out a lot of propaganda to keep themselves and guns relevant.
Also the electoral system leads to politicians no one trusts. So people want guns to protect themselves from a government that doesn't represent them.

I've walked through the slums on Acapulco. Compton is 30 minutes away. I've been in Harlem, Tijuana, Buffalo.

But NEVER have I been as threatened as in Birmingham England.

Vicious Muslim thugs roaming the streets unchecked. Any moment you could be set upon by a dozen Pakis who beat you and leave you for dead after robbing you. Police won't protect you, they hide from the gangs.

I'm sure there are more violent places in the world, but I've never visited them.
I would assume, rightfully or wrongfully that a society in which police do NOT have guns would generally be a society with less gun violence. Just an assumption that if police don't carry guns it means they don't believe they will be dealing with many others who carry guns.
Police may carry fewer guns when they believe that they won't be dealing with many others who carry guns but I doubt that.

First off, if the police carry fewer guns that doesn't change the reality that many others carry guns. The two ideas cannot be scientifically or statistically related. There could be a cause and effect of fewer bad guys carrying guns so the police choose to carry fewer guns but there would be absolutely zero cause and effect of the police carrying less guns so the bad guys carry less guns.

And what the police "believe" can certainly not change the number of bad guys carrying guns. The human mind is not yet advanced enough that they can control the behavior of others by thought - especially by remote thought.

Of the police are smart, and I believe they mostly are, they won't quit carrying guns as long as they think there is a chance of dealing with even one, single, person carrying a gun. I know I won't quit carrying one even then.

I'm not planning on a fair fight in self-defense; I'm planning on surviving a fight of self defense. For me, I will carry a gun as long as I believe there is anyone who might choose to do me harm, even if only by biting me. I might not shoot someone for biting me but it's always on the table. Why would the police take any different stance on their lives?

In fact, if someone fights with a cop, takes a swing, wrestles with them, pushes them, in any way gets into a physical confrontation, the cop should use his gun and shoot to stop the attacker; they should assume that if someone is attacking an armed cop that their intention is to get the gun, shoot the cop, and then shoot others.

This one turned out OK for the cop:

This one didn't turn out well for the cops:

Yes, cops, just like any one else, should be armed to defend themselves and, if attacked, should defend themselves.
Police may carry fewer guns when they believe that they won't be dealing with many others who carry guns but I doubt that.
Because you cannot separate yourself from the American paradigm, apparently.
Yes, there are criminals in every country and they make up a tiny percentage of the country's population. But they're mentioned 100% of the time in gun debates. Do you agree or disagree?
What a stupid point. If there's one criminal with a gun and a disarmed population, then the population is at the mercy of the man with the gun. Think Pulse nightclub. Think Las Vegas. Think Uvalde.

There's a reason, a very good reason, why bad guys are mentioned in 100% of discussions like this.
Nope.....rape, robbery, murder can happen long before the police even get the call.......and when the cops do show up, they better be ready to deal with the monsters........Britain has been living on borrowed time for a long time.......criminals are losing their fear of the British cop.....and the criminals in Britain are becoming more and more violent...

Also, when the 137 people were murdered in France, by muslim terrorists with illegal military rifles......having nearby police who could shoot back right away is a good thing........

It doesn't always happen like this but there was a case a year or two ago in Indiana in a popular bar district where a guy went on a shooting spree. I can't find the story because all the search results are on the recent mall shooting. But the police were in the area and were on scene shooting at the bad guy in less than 30 seconds and chased him down and killed him.

It's definitely a good thing when the police are armed.
Don't defined the police, would you not like to live in a society where very few officers need to carry a gun? It's a very some question.
Defund. Not defined. It is “some” question. But since that’s not the “society” we are living in, it’s not an especially useful question.
Yet you want to disarm others,

The level of hypocrisy is jaw dropping.
I don't feel I need to take my rifle shopping, unlike you paranoid cowards, nor do my police need to go around armed. Of course, I wouldn't be permitted to take my rifle shopping so that point may well be moot. Oh well.

Then again, it may be why my police don't need to go around armed, who can say?

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I don't feel I need to take my rifle shopping, unlike you paranoid cowards, nor do my police need to go around armed. Of course, I wouldn't be permitted to take my rifle shopping so that point may well be moot. Oh well.

Then again, it may be why my police don't need to go around armed, who can say?


Damn; that's hot! Got any more like that?
From a biblical perspective, there will be a peaceful world one day. Violence, war, predation, etc will be a thing of the past. But according to the bible, that won't happen until Jesus returns.

In the meantime, it's not gonna happen, especially in the US. So if you're for disarming the public, all you're going to do is make law-abiding people sitting ducks, unable to defend themselves, while criminals and the government will still have guns. That's a recipe for disaster.
It's a very simple question, do you feel you would like to live in a society where few police carry a gun. If any situation requires it, a police tactical unit can respond.

Of course, that would be very nice. But it is also, sadly, a fantasy world that will never exist.

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