I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun

I would like to live in a society where few police carry guns

  • Yes

  • No

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Nope.....rape, robbery, murder can happen long before the police even get the call.......and when the cops do show up, they better be ready to deal with the monsters........Britain has been living on borrowed time for a long time.......criminals are losing their fear of the British cop.....and the criminals in Britain are becoming more and more violent...

Also, when the 137 people were murdered in France, by muslim terrorists with illegal military rifles......having nearby police who could shoot back right away is a good thing........
So you want to live in a society where all police need to carry a gun? Strange.
Would it be good if people didn't commit violent crime, and cops simply had to hand out tickets....of course.

When you know of a plane of existence where that is possible, and can find a way to open a gate to that location...get back to us...
Correct, violent crime contributes to a tiny percentage of life, and no doubt, you've never been a victim of violent crime in your life. So back to to reality and the thread.

I want to live in a society where most police officers don't carry a gun​

I want to live in a society where most liberals don't have a brain. Oh, wait, I already do.

Lots of countries, if they'd only do it, but firearms tend not to be carried by police in countries that respect others' rights.


Which countries and how diverse are these countries?
Correct, violent crime contributes to a tiny percentage of life, and no doubt, you've never been a victim of violent crime in your life. So back to to reality and the thread.
Violent crime is higher per capita in the UK than the USA, and rising sharply.


Gun crimes are lower in the UK, but overall violent crime is higher.

Ain't gonna happen but would be nice. :)

To arrive at such a society would require an expanded death penalty, many new prisons, and incarceration of millions more offenders for extended periods. As with other simple-to-solve societal problems we have no stomach for that. :(
All of those things could lead us to safe streets if, and only if, the police and the population are armed.

Without arms, you could never get to a polite society and if you get to a polite society and then take the guns as no longer needed, society would slip back to its violent ways in days.
In response to the OP, I would never want to live in a society where the police are not armed. I want every one armed. I want you armed, me armed, Ray in Cleveland armed - ok, jaxson disarmed because he choose it - and the police armed.
Of course you don't get it, you're thick as fuck, hence your retarded posts.

Let's try it another way, do you want the type of American society where most police need not carry a firearm.
So why did you have a no option in your poll if the only answer you're willing to accept is the yes option?

Like you, your poll is stupid.

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