I want you to stay out of my bedroom, but pay for what goes on inside!

You're an expert at adjusting reality to fit your warped view of the world.

Unfortunately we've seen it manifest itself in the Catholic church with sex scandals involving the most vulnerable victims. Only those exercising an agenda would argue that this has nothing to do with their vow of celibacy. Additionally utilizing this one subset of men as an example is an incomplete science since the needs are not consistent throughout life.

And for the fortieth time, Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her birth control through her insurance.
You are condemning an entire faith based on the actions of a very few.
And here's a newsflash for you. Catholics are not the only faith in which their clergy takes a vow of celibacy.
She wanted her insurance company to pay for her birth control.

No, I'm pointing out what happens when Maslow's HON is...I don't know the proper wording but for lack of a better term, "violated". Psychiatrists and psychologists have been using the model for decades, it's ironclad as any examination of human development can be I suppose and is accepted by the majority of the world's medical professionals.

As for the insurance company...she pays the insurance company so she's paying for her contraception. Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about Maslow's HON? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality junior.

Ok, she is paying her insurance premium for what she is getting now. Since she wants additional coverage, her premium should rise accordingly.
She wants the insurer to cover the additional cost of adding birth control pills.
Yeah, I know how insurance works. Insurance, the concept of pooling the funds of the many to compensate the losses of the few.
Who gives a shit about Maslow..His chart is a theory. There are no doubt many others.
Please tell me you're not hinging your case on one person's theory.
This is not about anything BUT Ms Flounder...I mean Fluke's desire to pass off the responsibility of her birth control and by extension, her propensity to have high risk unprotected sex, onto others..
Ya know what? A rubber would solve this entire issue for her.
No one is making you pay for it. It's private insurance, you can opt out and pay the fine instead.

And the idea that conservatives DON"T wanna police bedrooms and force the 1950s back on women is laughably implausible. No one believes you, which is why Mitt is working for his son, and his stepford wife is riding the car elevator up and down in her free time.

Liberal pretzel logic at its finest.

You are condemning an entire faith based on the actions of a very few.
And here's a newsflash for you. Catholics are not the only faith in which their clergy takes a vow of celibacy.
She wanted her insurance company to pay for her birth control.

No, I'm pointing out what happens when Maslow's HON is...I don't know the proper wording but for lack of a better term, "violated". Psychiatrists and psychologists have been using the model for decades, it's ironclad as any examination of human development can be I suppose and is accepted by the majority of the world's medical professionals.

As for the insurance company...she pays the insurance company so she's paying for her contraception. Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about Maslow's HON? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality junior.

Ok, she is paying her insurance premium for what she is getting now. Since she wants additional coverage, her premium should rise accordingly.
She wants the insurer to cover the additional cost of adding birth control pills.
Yeah, I know how insurance works. Insurance, the concept of pooling the funds of the many to compensate the losses of the few.

Great...now we're getting somewhere. At no point did she want the governemnt to pay for her contraception.

Who gives a shit about Maslow..His chart is a theory. There are no doubt many others.
Please tell me you're not hinging your case on one person's theory.
Its the same theory nearly all scholars are hanging their hat on. When you claim that intimacy isn't a basic human need, you're standing on the wrong side of those scholars. I'm guessing that neighborhood is familiar to you. :razz:

This is not about anything BUT Ms Flounder...I mean Fluke's desire to pass off the responsibility of her birth control and by extension, her propensity to have high risk unprotected sex, onto others..
Ya know what? A rubber would solve this entire issue for her.

Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part. Which is the major hurdle, IMHO, most republicans have in understanding this concept. They grow up in patriarchal "daddy will take care of you" families and can't understand it when women reject that false premise and seek aid in taking care of their own bodies and securing their future; be it on equal pay, career advancement, or contrceptive and reproductive choice.
No, I'm pointing out what happens when Maslow's HON is...I don't know the proper wording but for lack of a better term, "violated". Psychiatrists and psychologists have been using the model for decades, it's ironclad as any examination of human development can be I suppose and is accepted by the majority of the world's medical professionals.

As for the insurance company...she pays the insurance company so she's paying for her contraception. Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about Maslow's HON? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality junior.

Ok, she is paying her insurance premium for what she is getting now. Since she wants additional coverage, her premium should rise accordingly.
She wants the insurer to cover the additional cost of adding birth control pills.
Yeah, I know how insurance works. Insurance, the concept of pooling the funds of the many to compensate the losses of the few.

Great...now we're getting somewhere. At no point did she want the governemnt to pay for her contraception.

Who gives a shit about Maslow..His chart is a theory. There are no doubt many others.
Please tell me you're not hinging your case on one person's theory.
Its the same theory nearly all scholars are hanging their hat on. When you claim that intimacy isn't a basic human need, you're standing on the wrong side of those scholars. I'm guessing that neighborhood is familiar to you. :razz:

This is not about anything BUT Ms Flounder...I mean Fluke's desire to pass off the responsibility of her birth control and by extension, her propensity to have high risk unprotected sex, onto others..
Ya know what? A rubber would solve this entire issue for her.

Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part. Which is the major hurdle, IMHO, most republicans have in understanding this concept. They grow up in patriarchal "daddy will take care of you" families and can't understand it when women reject that false premise and seek aid in taking care of their own bodies and securing their future; be it on equal pay, career advancement, or contrceptive and reproductive choice.

Scholars? Which ones?..Anyway, with animals, sex is for procreation.
With humans, sex is an urge. Once we reach adulthood we control our urges. Period.

"Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part."...And this is who's problem?
It takes a minimum of two people to have sex. Each bears equal responsibility. Therefore if one partner does not wish to or resists the responsibility then the deal should be off.
As for the rest of your post, it is rejected as an excuse to not be responsible.
Ok, she is paying her insurance premium for what she is getting now. Since she wants additional coverage, her premium should rise accordingly.
She wants the insurer to cover the additional cost of adding birth control pills.
Yeah, I know how insurance works. Insurance, the concept of pooling the funds of the many to compensate the losses of the few.

Great...now we're getting somewhere. At no point did she want the governemnt to pay for her contraception.

Its the same theory nearly all scholars are hanging their hat on. When you claim that intimacy isn't a basic human need, you're standing on the wrong side of those scholars. I'm guessing that neighborhood is familiar to you. :razz:

This is not about anything BUT Ms Flounder...I mean Fluke's desire to pass off the responsibility of her birth control and by extension, her propensity to have high risk unprotected sex, onto others..
Ya know what? A rubber would solve this entire issue for her.

Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part. Which is the major hurdle, IMHO, most republicans have in understanding this concept. They grow up in patriarchal "daddy will take care of you" families and can't understand it when women reject that false premise and seek aid in taking care of their own bodies and securing their future; be it on equal pay, career advancement, or contrceptive and reproductive choice.

Scholars? Which ones?..Anyway, with animals, sex is for procreation.
With humans, sex is an urge. Once we reach adulthood we control our urges. Period.
So, you never have sex? Explains quite a bit about your anger issues.

"Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part."...And this is who's problem?
It takes a minimum of two people to have sex. Each bears equal responsibility. Therefore if one partner does not wish to or resists the responsibility then the deal should be off.
As for the rest of your post, it is rejected as an excuse to not be responsible.

As soon as a man gets pregnant, I'll buy into your theory about equally shared responsibility. Dumbass.

You can Google "Applying Maslow's Theory" and get over 300,000 articles; many detailing how to apply the theory to your vocation. I would imagine that if you Googled "Applying thereisnospoon's theory to life without sex" you'd get fewer.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.
Great...now we're getting somewhere. At no point did she want the governemnt to pay for her contraception.

Its the same theory nearly all scholars are hanging their hat on. When you claim that intimacy isn't a basic human need, you're standing on the wrong side of those scholars. I'm guessing that neighborhood is familiar to you. :razz:

Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part. Which is the major hurdle, IMHO, most republicans have in understanding this concept. They grow up in patriarchal "daddy will take care of you" families and can't understand it when women reject that false premise and seek aid in taking care of their own bodies and securing their future; be it on equal pay, career advancement, or contrceptive and reproductive choice.

Scholars? Which ones?..Anyway, with animals, sex is for procreation.
With humans, sex is an urge. Once we reach adulthood we control our urges. Period.
So, you never have sex? Explains quite a bit about your anger issues.

"Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part."...And this is who's problem?
It takes a minimum of two people to have sex. Each bears equal responsibility. Therefore if one partner does not wish to or resists the responsibility then the deal should be off.
As for the rest of your post, it is rejected as an excuse to not be responsible.

As soon as a man gets pregnant, I'll buy into your theory about equally shared responsibility. Dumbass.

You can Google "Applying Maslow's Theory" and get over 300,000 articles; many detailing how to apply the theory to your vocation. I would imagine that if you Googled "Applying thereisnospoon's theory to life without sex" you'd get fewer.
"As soon as a man gets pregnant"

Ok..How about we return from LA LA Land...
Please spare me the feminist bullshit.

Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Case closed.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

HMO's are becoming a thing of the past. Now we have PPO's with higher deductibles except for well care. Birth control is NOT well care. It's a choice. Which places the burden of birth control back on the individual.
Birth control is NOT well care. It's a choice. Which places the burden of birth control back on the individual.
Under this logic, insurance plans shouldn't cover any vaccinations or shots for those going overseas. Because, you know, it's a choice. If you get malaria, tough--you knew the risks.

Those would be considered preventative or "well care". Jeez.
Birth control is NOT well care. It's a choice. Which places the burden of birth control back on the individual.
Under this logic, insurance plans shouldn't cover any vaccinations or shots for those going overseas. Because, you know, it's a choice. If you get malaria, tough--you knew the risks.

What would you like health insurance to cover? Everything from the first dollar?
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

You mean medicines which both men and women use to correct a problem with their bodies?

Apples to oranges kid.
Scholars? Which ones?..Anyway, with animals, sex is for procreation.
With humans, sex is an urge. Once we reach adulthood we control our urges. Period.
So, you never have sex? Explains quite a bit about your anger issues.

"Many women cannot rely on their partner to do his part."...And this is who's problem?
It takes a minimum of two people to have sex. Each bears equal responsibility. Therefore if one partner does not wish to or resists the responsibility then the deal should be off.
As for the rest of your post, it is rejected as an excuse to not be responsible.

As soon as a man gets pregnant, I'll buy into your theory about equally shared responsibility. Dumbass.

You can Google "Applying Maslow's Theory" and get over 300,000 articles; many detailing how to apply the theory to your vocation. I would imagine that if you Googled "Applying thereisnospoon's theory to life without sex" you'd get fewer.
"As soon as a man gets pregnant"

Ok..How about we return from LA LA Land...
Please spare me the feminist bullshit.

Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Case closed.

Yes especially since the burden of responsibility is obviously not shared as you pretended earlier. Not only do you have very little idea how insurance works you seem to be equally ignorant about physiology.
OP- Free BC saves EVERYONE money, including insurers, dupes. Fluke wanted that. Personalizing and demonizing her is more hater Pub BS. PLUS will decimate the number of abortions. Do idiot dupes EVER STFU? They do slowly disappear though...
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

True...you're the first one to bring it up in this thread.

Look, she made her testimony about what, 10 months ago and the right wing is still terrified of a woman who clearly rejects their world view. Had Republican party leader Rush Limbaugh kept his mouth shut, she would have faded into obscurity. But he called her a slut and her career took off. She should donate half of her future earnings to Limbaugh. Never has he looked so...well...Republican and by contrast, she looked darling.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gyKhZrjFrU]I VOTE for Women - YouTube[/ame]

It had a catalytic effect that was coupled with the absolute trouncing Governor Romney suffered at the polls at the hands of single women, educated women, and moderates.

Instead of learning the vivid lesson, the GOP is coming back for more. Good. Plenty to go around.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

True...you're the first one to bring it up in this thread.

Look, she made her testimony about what, 10 months ago and the right wing is still terrified of a woman who clearly rejects their world view. Had Republican party leader Rush Limbaugh kept his mouth shut, she would have faded into obscurity. But he called her a slut and her career took off. She should donate half of her future earnings to Limbaugh. Never has he looked so...well...Republican and by contrast, she looked darling.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gyKhZrjFrU]I VOTE for Women - YouTube[/ame]

It had a catalytic effect that was coupled with the absolute trouncing Governor Romney suffered at the polls at the hands of single women, educated women, and moderates.

Instead of learning the vivid lesson, the GOP is coming back for more. Good. Plenty to go around.

The right wing has nothing but fear, hate, and discontent to offer. I call them the wrecking crew.
So, you never have sex? Explains quite a bit about your anger issues.

As soon as a man gets pregnant, I'll buy into your theory about equally shared responsibility. Dumbass.

You can Google "Applying Maslow's Theory" and get over 300,000 articles; many detailing how to apply the theory to your vocation. I would imagine that if you Googled "Applying thereisnospoon's theory to life without sex" you'd get fewer.
"As soon as a man gets pregnant"

Ok..How about we return from LA LA Land...
Please spare me the feminist bullshit.

Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Case closed.

Yes especially since the burden of responsibility is obviously not shared as you pretended earlier. Not only do you have very little idea how insurance works you seem to be equally ignorant about physiology.
The burden of responsibility IS shared. Two consenting adults make the conscious choice to engage in coitus. You are damned skippy the responsibility is shared. If not, there will be consequences as a result of risky behavior. In other words, if you want to screw, you had better be prepared to accept the results of your actions. Or, you use any one of the myriad of birth control measures. They are readily available at any pharmacy. Or through one's medical professional. Only don't make it a problem for others. Cut loose and pay up.
I gave you the definition of the insurance concept.
You have an agenda and will keep insisting you are correct. You will continue to make up stuff in the hope people will believe you or just throw up their hands in disgust and walk away.
One more time. Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Now if that does not fit the PC feminist template, too bad.
If you want The Pill, open your wallet.
OP- Free BC saves EVERYONE money, including insurers, dupes. Fluke wanted that. Personalizing and demonizing her is more hater Pub BS. PLUS will decimate the number of abortions. Do idiot dupes EVER STFU? They do slowly disappear though...
"As soon as a man gets pregnant"

Ok..How about we return from LA LA Land...
Please spare me the feminist bullshit.

Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Case closed.

Yes especially since the burden of responsibility is obviously not shared as you pretended earlier. Not only do you have very little idea how insurance works you seem to be equally ignorant about physiology.
The burden of responsibility IS shared. Two consenting adults make the conscious choice to engage in coitus. You are damned skippy the responsibility is shared. If not, there will be consequences as a result of risky behavior.
The man doesn't get nine months of child bearing last I checked. The number of deadbeat dads should be the first clue to the Disney World argument you are making.
In other words, if you want to screw, you had better be prepared to accept the results of your actions. Or, you use any one of the myriad of birth control measures. They are readily available at any pharmacy. Or through one's medical professional. Only don't make it a problem for others. Cut loose and pay up.
I gave you the definition of the insurance concept.
You have an agenda and will keep insisting you are correct. You will continue to make up stuff in the hope people will believe you or just throw up their hands in disgust and walk away.
One more time. Bottom line, if women choose to have high risk unprotected sex, their choice of birth control will remain their responsibility.
Now if that does not fit the PC feminist template, too bad.
If you want The Pill, open your wallet.

Exactly the argument I am making...the gov is not paying for it and Ms. Fluke and others are taking responsibility. So they came up with the concept of insurance paying part of the expense for medicine for what is universally recognized as a human need despite your cartoonish protest to the contrary. At the end of the day Junior, Ms Fluke's contraception isn't costing you a dime. Its only out of pure meanness that the GOP is opposing anyone who wants their insurance to pay part of the cost of necessary medication.

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