I want you to stay out of my bedroom, but pay for what goes on inside!

OP- Free BC saves EVERYONE money, including insurers, dupes. Fluke wanted that. Personalizing and demonizing her is more hater Pub BS. PLUS will decimate the number of abortions. Do idiot dupes EVER STFU? They do slowly disappear though...

She wanted the Gov to force her insurance company to pay part of the cost.
No one is making you pay for it. It's private insurance, you can opt out and pay the fine instead.

And the idea that conservatives DON"T wanna police bedrooms and force the 1950s back on women is laughably implausible. No one believes you, which is why Mitt is working for his son, and his stepford wife is riding the car elevator up and down in her free time.

There is the first problem..

The Government requiring businesses to give health insurance to their employees.

IMHO, that is as unconstitutional as is the Democrats current attempts at restarting their gun grab.
She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

True...you're the first one to bring it up in this thread.

Look, she made her testimony about what, 10 months ago and the right wing is still terrified of a woman who clearly rejects their world view. Had Republican party leader Rush Limbaugh kept his mouth shut, she would have faded into obscurity. But he called her a slut and her career took off. She should donate half of her future earnings to Limbaugh. Never has he looked so...well...Republican and by contrast, she looked darling.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gyKhZrjFrU]I VOTE for Women - YouTube[/ame]

It had a catalytic effect that was coupled with the absolute trouncing Governor Romney suffered at the polls at the hands of single women, educated women, and moderates.

Instead of learning the vivid lesson, the GOP is coming back for more. Good. Plenty to go around.

The right wing has nothing but fear, hate, and discontent to offer. I call them the wrecking crew.

Unfortunately, you're right for a great many of them. If the TEA party is seen as the major threat to the mainstream GOP in terms of fiscal matters, I would submit that the Religious Right/Christian Conservative coalitions equal as much of a threat on the social issue side of the coin. The Democrats have always had divisions in their party that rendered the years from 1968 to 1992 as seeing only one Democrat capture the Oval office. Four out of twenty-four years is pretty sad. Now you see the same fracturing on the GOP side of the aisle punctuated by demographic shifts in America. Hence of the last 6 presidential elections, the GOP has won the popular vote exactly once and it took a wartime President and Karl Rove to do it.

One of those shifts are the rise in the numbers of single individuals. According to the Washington Post, Obama won single men 56/40, single women 67/31 and nearly broke even with married women 46/53. This demograpic (singles) will only continue to rise and that spells terrible news for the GOP.

Full disclosure; I'm not a Democrat but the current alignment of the DNC is closer to my ideas on good government than the GOP has been for some time.

Getting back to the matter at hand, I don't think there should be free contraception for anyone who wants it without needs testing. If Ms. Fluke later endorsed such a thing, she was wrong. But she was not wrong in her initial testimony in my view.
No one is making you pay for it. It's private insurance, you can opt out and pay the fine instead.

And the idea that conservatives DON"T wanna police bedrooms and force the 1950s back on women is laughably implausible. No one believes you, which is why Mitt is working for his son, and his stepford wife is riding the car elevator up and down in her free time.

There is the first problem..

The Government requiring businesses to give health insurance to their employees.

IMHO, that is as unconstitutional as is the Democrats current attempts at restarting their gun grab.

I agree; I don't see how the government can force you to purchase health care insurance. But it did...strangely.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She just should have kept hammering the fact home that HMOs pay for viagra, cialis and other 'recreational' drugs of that nature.

You mean medicines which both men and women use to correct a problem with their bodies?

Apples to oranges kid.

Sorry, I haven't been a kid for several years. Getting pregnant is not a 'problem' with someone's body, so birth control is not preventing an illness or condition. The only possible exception to this is if getting pregnant will cause severe medical issues with that woman up to and including death. Viagra, Cialas et. al. don't always cure a medical problem as far as I am concerned. Many users don't really need it and use it to enhance their performance beyond average levels. Sometimes it is used to counteract medicines that have side effects, but to me that means that the medicine that has side effects such as that should not be used. In most cases the detriment is more psychological than anything else. I respect your opinion, but perhaps the definition of what is considered 'medicine' is too broad when it comes to making society pay for conditions that occur due to natural causes (old age) or because other medicines that have unpleasant side effects should not be used or not approved by the FDA.
these meds are ussed for other things besides pregnancy prevention.

WHY do you lie about that?

Viagra is used by both men and women to treat conditions where the body is not responding as it is supposed to.


Not necessarily. It depends on each person. Sometimes the person is just old or medicines they are using have side effects (which means the FDA is approving medicines that are fixing one problem and causing other ones) and perhaps those medicines should not be used. You've seen the ads on TV for these drugs with their laundry list of 'possible' side effects. Sometimes the side effects are scarier than the orginal condition.

If you're old certain body parts break down or don't work as well. Some of those body parts are not as critical as others and are not nearly as important to maintaining longevity. How many women do you know personally that use Viagra?

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