I want you to stay out of my bedroom, but pay for what goes on inside!

By that logic, insurance shouldn't have to cover hypertension medication, cholesterol medication, antibiotics, analgesics, etc...

Funniest post ever.

Show me where I ever said that prescribing a pill to treat a medical condition is wrong and that insurance shouldn't pay for it.

Apparently, according to you, insurance should not have to cover something that is used to treat a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance but should be used to treat other medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, infection, or pain.

Do I have your position on the topic down right?

Funny thing is insurance can cover what it wants or not cover what it does not want.. other insurance companies may or may not do the same... and people and employers can choose between companies...

Just as an employer can cover in terms of what it wants to provide as insurance as a company employment benefit.. or they can choose to offer nothing at all.. they should not be forced.. but if their position is not popular and they cannot get employees, they also have the freedom to fail as a company... Supporting freedom is kinda funny that way

Hell.. I support and like that my company offers it.. but I respect the freedoms of say a catholic organization employer who does not wish to provide such a thing in their voluntarily provided benefits package
Prove your point that it is normal for men not to be able to get erections.

Let's see the medical proof.

I have tons of medical proof that it is not normal and that there is treatment for it.

Generally speaking, erectile dysfunction is a normal part of the male aging process.

He thinks he'll be able to have a health sex life at the age of 90 without needing any medical help. Its perfectly normal for a man to suffer from erectile dysfunction when he gets older.

And I think that if women have to remain abstinent so they don't get pregnant and suffer psychologically from an unwanted pregnancy, men with erection problems shouldn't have sex, then they can't suffer psychologically, either.

In distorting what I have said, you are doing a great job of arguing my point.

Getting pregnant from sex is a normal bodily function for women.
Erectile dysfunction in elderly men is normal - you think its normal for a 90 year old man to get a raging hard on?

Maybe once you can't get it up, you shouldn't have sex. Let men practice abstinence, and see how they like it.

Prove your point that it is normal for men not to be able to get erections.

Let's see the medical proof.

I have tons of medical proof that it is not normal and that there is treatment for it.

Generally speaking, erectile dysfunction is a normal part of the male aging process.

And it is a treatable malfunction of the body, just as lack of Libido is normal malfunction for women which is also treatable.

Getting Pregnant is not a malfunction of of the body.
332-206...FACT. TOUGH SHIT as they say.

Another non sequitur. Nice.
The message is, if one wants The Pill they will pay for it themselves. Or they can go to Planned Parenthood and get it for free.
Tough shit.
Birth control is NOT an entitlement. Never will be.

The stupidity of your post is near legendary. Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her contraceptives as part of her insurance. Your recommendation that she avail herself of PP is endorsement of the entitlement (PP gets Title X grants dumbass) which you claim doesn't exist.

"Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her contraceptives as part of her insurance. "
That is a contradiction. She either pays for the pills or her insurance pays.
I never said anything about PP with the exception that she can go there to get her BC Pills. SHE is the one who says she can't afford the few bucks a month for her own protection.
SO let her go to PP...
PP would be at least in part funded by tax dollars because the organization is not solely focused on birth control.
So there goes another one of your weak arguments flying off the planet.
332-206...FACT. TOUGH SHIT as they say.

Another non sequitur. Nice.
The message is, if one wants The Pill they will pay for it themselves. Or they can go to Planned Parenthood and get it for free.
Tough shit.
Birth control is NOT an entitlement. Never will be.

The stupidity of your post is near legendary. Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her contraceptives as part of her insurance. Your recommendation that she avail herself of PP is endorsement of the entitlement (PP gets Title X grants dumbass) which you claim doesn't exist.

If you want to have a debate, fine. If you want trade insults, have at it. You will lose because I don't give a shit about rules.
Your choice.
So, put another way,

if you need it, it should be covered.
if you want it, it should not be covered.

Intimacy, for you, is not a human need...then right?

You finally got it.

If you need it to correct a physical disfunction, then Health Insurance should cover it. If you want it to prevent the body from acting as it naturally would, you should pay for it yourself.

So eyeglasses are not to be covered? Your sight deteriorates as you age....its quite natural.

BTW intimacy is recognized universally as a human need. Even for many Republicans.
No it is not. There are no known health risks attributed to abstention from sex.
No one is making you pay for it. It's private insurance, you can opt out and pay the fine instead.

And the idea that conservatives DON"T wanna police bedrooms and force the 1950s back on women is laughably implausible. No one believes you, which is why Mitt is working for his son, and his stepford wife is riding the car elevator up and down in her free time.
Prove your point that it is normal for men not to be able to get erections.

Let's see the medical proof.

I have tons of medical proof that it is not normal and that there is treatment for it.

Generally speaking, erectile dysfunction is a normal part of the male aging process.

He thinks he'll be able to have a health sex life at the age of 90 without needing any medical help. Its perfectly normal for a man to suffer from erectile dysfunction when he gets older.

And I think that if women have to remain abstinent so they don't get pregnant and suffer psychologically from an unwanted pregnancy, men with erection problems shouldn't have sex, then they can't suffer psychologically, either.

Hey Wallaby, once people reach a certain age range they just don't care about sex anymore.
Who said anything about women have to abstain from sex? There are many methods of birth control. All one has to do is pay for whichever one they wish to use.
Actually not.

This no longer the 19th Century, fortunately.

Workers can’t be compelled to go from employer to employer, hoping to find a benevolent master, or forced to flee an abusive one.

It’s perfectly appropriate in the context of Commerce Clause jurisprudence for government to regulate wages and compensation – which is what employers’ contributions to health insurance premiums is; just as work hours and working conditions are regulated.

What you advocate is a reactionary fantasy.

Bullshit, comrade.

Your Marxist fantasy bears no resemblance to Constitutional reality, fortunately.
You're joking, right?
The term "condition" used for a pregnancy was tossed out years ago. It's unacceptable.
Many women perform in their careers, jobs and function normally right up until the week of giving birth. That is THEIR CHOICE.
Since when is pregnancy, a simple biological function deemed "damaging"..
Get back on your rocker sweetie.

The radical left, such as Noomi, view every live birth as a travesty.
The stupidity of your post is near legendary. Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her contraceptives as part of her insurance.

Lying again?

Fluke wants the Federal government to force the Catholic Church to pay for her contraceptives in violation of their religious beliefs, thus pissing all over the 1st Amendment.

This is just one of the attacks in the left's war on civil rights.

The only civil rights you of the left seek to crush are those in the Constitution and the amendments therein.

Your recommendation that she avail herself of PP is endorsement of the entitlement (PP gets Title X grants dumbass) which you claim doesn't exist.

ALL grants to PP should be stopped, yesterday.
You finally got it.

If you need it to correct a physical disfunction, then Health Insurance should cover it. If you want it to prevent the body from acting as it naturally would, you should pay for it yourself.

So eyeglasses are not to be covered? Your sight deteriorates as you age....its quite natural.

BTW intimacy is recognized universally as a human need. Even for many Republicans.
No it is not. There are no known health risks attributed to abstention from sex.

Your post probably explains why all of the republicans are so upset here....you're not getting any. Go ahead...it won't kill you.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would be for a prospective employee not choosing that company to work for if it didn't align with what coverage they would like.

And if you work there already....I guess you should just quit. Or I guess you can decide just not to have kids, check the owner's religion preferences etc...

Very well.

Still, Ms. Fluke wasn't asking for government money.

In terms of her USING the government to FORCE others to do as she wanted.. yes, she was asking for government money

I guess Brown was asking for money too when Brown v. Board of Education was heard.
The gymnastics you guys perform to try to make your point is astonishing.

It's also astonishing that after you just got your ass handed to you by women in the '12 election, you're coming back for more.
So eyeglasses are not to be covered? Your sight deteriorates as you age....its quite natural.

BTW intimacy is recognized universally as a human need. Even for many Republicans.
No it is not. There are no known health risks attributed to abstention from sex.

Your post probably explains why all of the republicans are so upset here....you're not getting any. Go ahead...it won't kill you.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maslow's needs are of no consequence. Anyone can make up shit to support a particular agenda.

If engaging in coitus is a human need, then how does this Genius Malsow explain celibacy for religious or other purposes?
The fact is sexual activity is a want. Not a need.
Therefore you will pay for your own birth control.
And if you work there already....I guess you should just quit. Or I guess you can decide just not to have kids, check the owner's religion preferences etc...

Very well.

Still, Ms. Fluke wasn't asking for government money.

In terms of her USING the government to FORCE others to do as she wanted.. yes, she was asking for government money

I guess Brown was asking for money too when Brown v. Board of Education was heard.
The gymnastics you guys perform to try to make your point is astonishing.

It's also astonishing that after you just got your ass handed to you by women in the '12 election, you're coming back for more.
Speaking of mental gymnastics, here's
another non sequitur.
No it is not. There are no known health risks attributed to abstention from sex.

Your post probably explains why all of the republicans are so upset here....you're not getting any. Go ahead...it won't kill you.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maslow's needs are of no consequence. Anyone can make up shit to support a particular agenda.
You're an expert at adjusting reality to fit your warped view of the world.

If engaging in coitus is a human need, then how does this Genius Malsow explain celibacy for religious or other purposes?
The fact is sexual activity is a want. Not a need.
Therefore you will pay for your own birth control.

Unfortunately we've seen it manifest itself in the Catholic church with sex scandals involving the most vulnerable victims. Only those exercising an agenda would argue that this has nothing to do with their vow of celibacy. Additionally utilizing this one subset of men as an example is an incomplete science since the needs are not consistent throughout life.

And for the fortieth time, Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her birth control through her insurance.
In terms of her USING the government to FORCE others to do as she wanted.. yes, she was asking for government money

I guess Brown was asking for money too when Brown v. Board of Education was heard.
The gymnastics you guys perform to try to make your point is astonishing.

It's also astonishing that after you just got your ass handed to you by women in the '12 election, you're coming back for more.
Speaking of mental gymnastics, here's
another non sequitur.

Apparently petitioning the government is the same as asking for money according to Dave.
You're really not very good at this.
Your post probably explains why all of the republicans are so upset here....you're not getting any. Go ahead...it won't kill you.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maslow's needs are of no consequence. Anyone can make up shit to support a particular agenda.
You're an expert at adjusting reality to fit your warped view of the world.

If engaging in coitus is a human need, then how does this Genius Malsow explain celibacy for religious or other purposes?
The fact is sexual activity is a want. Not a need.
Therefore you will pay for your own birth control.

Unfortunately we've seen it manifest itself in the Catholic church with sex scandals involving the most vulnerable victims. Only those exercising an agenda would argue that this has nothing to do with their vow of celibacy. Additionally utilizing this one subset of men as an example is an incomplete science since the needs are not consistent throughout life.

And for the fortieth time, Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her birth control through her insurance.
You are condemning an entire faith based on the actions of a very few.
And here's a newsflash for you. Catholics are not the only faith in which their clergy takes a vow of celibacy.
She wanted her insurance company to pay for her birth control.
Maslow's needs are of no consequence. Anyone can make up shit to support a particular agenda.
You're an expert at adjusting reality to fit your warped view of the world.

If engaging in coitus is a human need, then how does this Genius Malsow explain celibacy for religious or other purposes?
The fact is sexual activity is a want. Not a need.
Therefore you will pay for your own birth control.

Unfortunately we've seen it manifest itself in the Catholic church with sex scandals involving the most vulnerable victims. Only those exercising an agenda would argue that this has nothing to do with their vow of celibacy. Additionally utilizing this one subset of men as an example is an incomplete science since the needs are not consistent throughout life.

And for the fortieth time, Ms. Fluke wanted to pay for her birth control through her insurance.
You are condemning an entire faith based on the actions of a very few.
And here's a newsflash for you. Catholics are not the only faith in which their clergy takes a vow of celibacy.
She wanted her insurance company to pay for her birth control.

No, I'm pointing out what happens when Maslow's HON is...I don't know the proper wording but for lack of a better term, "violated". Psychiatrists and psychologists have been using the model for decades, it's ironclad as any examination of human development can be I suppose and is accepted by the majority of the world's medical professionals.

As for the insurance company...she pays the insurance company so she's paying for her contraception. Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about Maslow's HON? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality junior.
No, I'm pointing out what happens when Maslow's HON is...I don't know the proper wording but for lack of a better term, "violated". Psychiatrists and psychologists have been using the model for decades, it's ironclad as any examination of human development can be I suppose and is accepted by the majority of the world's medical professionals.

What you're doing is a debate technique known as "blowing smoke."

As for the insurance company...she pays the insurance company so she's paying for her contraception. Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about Maslow's HON? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality junior.

False, as you well know.

Fluke pays a portion of the premium to the Church through payroll deduction, but the church contracts group coverage with the insurance company and pays for it.

Do you really not know how insurance works on top of not knowing about academic integrity? Leave the basement and get some exposure to reality, Skippy.

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