I want you to stay out of my bedroom, but pay for what goes on inside!

If it is used for hormonal imbalance, it is being used to treat a problem, not prevent one.

Try again.

By that logic, insurance shouldn't have to cover hypertension medication, cholesterol medication, antibiotics, analgesics, etc...

Funniest post ever.

Show me where I ever said that prescribing a pill to treat a medical condition is wrong and that insurance shouldn't pay for it.

Apparently, according to you, insurance should not have to cover something that is used to treat a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance but should be used to treat other medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, infection, or pain.

Do I have your position on the topic down right?
I would certainly rather chip in for her birth control than chip in to incarcerate her unwanted child.

Just sayin'

And you state this why? If you are inferring that a child born out of wedlock is more likely to become part of the system of Corrections as opposed to the societal system, you may find yourself booted from the Lefty club.
So she didn't want the government to pay for it. Point proven. Thanks.

She simply wanted the government to mandate an employer to pay/provide for something they may not agree with.

That's so much better


Well, in part yeah. What if the company believed in natural childbirth without drugs....would you be for the insurance not paying for Cesarean delivery, Demerol, spinal taps, etc...? If you are not for that, please explain why.

By the way, Elementary is great. Hope it stays on the air.
Straw man argument..And a moot point. There is no such belief.
I will give this to you point blank and you can take it however you wish. Outside of federal mandates, insurance carriers are free to underwrite whatever suits their business model.
Employers are free to engage with an insurer of their choice, or none at all. That includes under Obamacare.
Well, in part yeah. What if the company believed in natural childbirth without drugs....would you be for the insurance not paying for Cesarean delivery, Demerol, spinal taps, etc...? If you are not for that, please explain why.

By the way, Elementary is great. Hope it stays on the air.

I would be for a prospective employee not choosing that company to work for if it didn't align with what coverage they would like.

And if you work there already....I guess you should just quit. Or I guess you can decide just not to have kids, check the owner's religion preferences etc...

Very well.

Still, Ms. Fluke wasn't asking for government money.

Georgetown had a policy in place long before that woman was there and will maintain that policy long after her insignificant presence is no longer desired.
And if you work there already....I guess you should just quit. Or I guess you can decide just not to have kids, check the owner's religion preferences etc...

Very well.

Still, Ms. Fluke wasn't asking for government money.

So you purchase the extra rider.
A company like McD's, that hires mostly teenagers, probably doesn't provide very comprehensive geriatric coverage.

I'm just sating every company shouldn't be required to provide everything for everybody

How would this be any different than a company deciding it didn't want to pay overtime for more than 40 hours in a work week...if it tells you at the interview that you get paid strait wages through out?

You know the deal going in; you can decide not to work there and seek a more worker friendly company...
We all have choices. If a prospective employer is not a good fit then that person should go elsewhere. It's the only logical choice to make.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She wanted the government to FORCE an employer to include it in the coverage plan they chose and they partially pay for, even if it was against their beliefs or stance for whatever reason... Nothing stopped Slutty McMuffin from going and buying her birth control all on her own

Exactly. Why should insurance pay for the small stuff? The purpose of any insurance is to cover the big costs due to accident or illness and now they are supposed to pay for every little thing.

Thank you for posting that.
Where the idea that first dollar insurance coverage should be an entitlement came from is a mystery.
That is the basis of the entire healthcare issue. A percentage of the population actually believes that medical care should be available on demand free of out of pocket expense from provider and the insurer.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She wanted the government to FORCE an employer to include it in the coverage plan they chose and they partially pay for, even if it was against their beliefs or stance for whatever reason... Nothing stopped Slutty McMuffin from going and buying her birth control all on her own

it does not cost more, so you and the employer does not pay ANYTHING FOR IT Dave....

The cost savings for insurers to not cover other things covers the pill.

As example, the insurance actuaries have found savings with providing birth control, that the insurance company won'[t have to pay for such as pregnancies and prenatal care... will cost less with fewer unwanted pregnancies as well....

There is no increase in insurance premiums AT ALL for including birth control coverage.

So, my dear Dave, there is no forcing ANYONE to contribute to another's birth control. Read up on it, pretty please.
Yes, make stuff up to justify another entitlement.
Don't try to convince us that adding something does not cost more. It's impossible. 1+1 does indeed equal TWO.
Why are we getting away from the real objection? The real and only objection is the first amendment violations. All the other cost vs cost is just smoke....

We either have freedom of religion or we don't, which is it?

If your religion is against violence, should you have to pay taxes that go for tanks, apache helicopters, Navy SEALs?

Would you just STOP IT....
So who was stopping her from going out and finding just such a plan? Oh, that's right, she wanted the GOVERNMENT to force her existing plan to carry it because she didn't want to be bothered with doing anything for herself.

Well, I don't know her motivation or level of apathy but essentially you're right; she wanted the insurance offered to her to include preventative health drugs like contraception.

What illness does Birth Controll prevent?

By that logic, insurance shouldn't have to cover hypertension medication, cholesterol medication, antibiotics, analgesics, etc...

Funniest post ever.

Show me where I ever said that prescribing a pill to treat a medical condition is wrong and that insurance shouldn't pay for it.

Apparently, according to you, insurance should not have to cover something that is used to treat a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance but should be used to treat other medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, infection, or pain.

Do I have your position on the topic down right?

You couldn't be further off.

That is why you are an idiot. You think you know what others believe without reading and comprehending what they are saying. You simply assign positions to them that you think they have.

To put it simply...

If a person needs a specific approved drug to treat a medical condition, they should get it and Insurance should cover it as they cover other medicines, co-pays and all. I would include Birth Control pills being prescribed for conditions which the FDA has approved it's use for. I would also include Viagra as it is used by both men and women to treat a physical problem.

If a person wants a drug to order to inhibit their body from performing as it naturally would, then the drugs should not be covered under Government mandated Insurance requirements. In this I would include Birth Control that is being prescribed for use as birth control and not as treatment. I would also include medicines used for gender re-assignments. If a Doctor were to be caught prescribing medicines under this and claiming that it was for treatment of medical conditions, they would lose their license and have to reimburse the insurance company for all the claims.

And yes, I do believe that Marijuana should be able to be prescribed for specific illnesses and physical conditions and covered under medical insurance.
I'm sure Sandra Fluke would throw a fit over this picture.


What about Viagra and penis pumps?

Ahh yes. The liberal mantra...."But what about"..Sheesh.
Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She wanted the government to FORCE an employer to include it in the coverage plan they chose and they partially pay for, even if it was against their beliefs or stance for whatever reason... Nothing stopped Slutty McMuffin from going and buying her birth control all on her own

Typical male conservative...if a woman wants birth control, she must be a slut!

Can't imagine you are too popular with the ladies.

She put herself out there. Whatever criticism went her way was deserved.
I think she created a lot of hysteria with the left. Obama's timing was impeccable. He used Fluke as a prop for his socialized medicine agenda and she was quickly tossed to the gutter when people stopped paying attention.
The pill has more benefits than just being able to bang like a rabbit. But if you guys are against that then that must suck.

Yep, it helps with endometriosis. I had to take it myself when I was a teenager (and no, I wasn't sexually active). Funny, we had to beg and plead for BC to be covered. Viagra was, but BC wasn't. Interesting, no?

From only 2002
Erections Get Insurance; Why Not the Pill? - ABC News

I'm a man and as a teenager I was very sexually active. Unfortunately not with a partner.
Show me where I ever said that prescribing a pill to treat a medical condition is wrong and that insurance shouldn't pay for it.

Apparently, according to you, insurance should not have to cover something that is used to treat a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance but should be used to treat other medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, infection, or pain.

Do I have your position on the topic down right?

You couldn't be further off.

That is why you are an idiot. You think you know what others believe without reading and comprehending what they are saying. You simply assign positions to them that you think they have.

To put it simply...

If a person needs a specific approved drug to treat a medical condition, they should get it and Insurance should cover it as they cover other medicines, co-pays and all. I would include Birth Control pills being prescribed for conditions which the FDA has approved it's use for. I would also include Viagra as it is used by both men and women to treat a physical problem.

If a person wants a drug to order to inhibit their body from performing as it naturally would, then the drugs should not be covered under Government mandated Insurance requirements. In this I would include Birth Control that is being prescribed for use as birth control and not as treatment. I would also include medicines used for gender re-assignments. If a Doctor were to be caught prescribing medicines under this and claiming that it was for treatment of medical conditions, they would lose their license and have to reimburse the insurance company for all the claims.

And yes, I do believe that Marijuana should be able to be prescribed for specific illnesses and physical conditions and covered under medical insurance.

So, put another way,

if you need it, it should be covered.
if you want it, it should not be covered.

Intimacy, for you, is not a human need...then right?
She wanted the government to FORCE an employer to include it in the coverage plan they chose and they partially pay for, even if it was against their beliefs or stance for whatever reason... Nothing stopped Slutty McMuffin from going and buying her birth control all on her own

Typical male conservative...if a woman wants birth control, she must be a slut!

Can't imagine you are too popular with the ladies.

She put herself out there. Whatever criticism went her way was deserved.
I think she created a lot of hysteria with the left. Obama's timing was impeccable. He used Fluke as a prop for his socialized medicine agenda and she was quickly tossed to the gutter when people stopped paying attention.

How'd that work out for the GOP? The "she got what she deserved" gambit?
So you purchase the extra rider.
A company like McD's, that hires mostly teenagers, probably doesn't provide very comprehensive geriatric coverage.

I'm just sating every company shouldn't be required to provide everything for everybody

How would this be any different than a company deciding it didn't want to pay overtime for more than 40 hours in a work week...if it tells you at the interview that you get paid strait wages through out?

You know the deal going in; you can decide not to work there and seek a more worker friendly company...
We all have choices. If a prospective employer is not a good fit then that person should go elsewhere. It's the only logical choice to make.

Great dodge.
So you purchase the extra rider.
A company like McD's, that hires mostly teenagers, probably doesn't provide very comprehensive geriatric coverage.

I'm just sating every company shouldn't be required to provide everything for everybody

How would this be any different than a company deciding it didn't want to pay overtime for more than 40 hours in a work week...if it tells you at the interview that you get paid strait wages through out?

You know the deal going in; you can decide not to work there and seek a more worker friendly company...
We all have choices. If a prospective employer is not a good fit then that person should go elsewhere. It's the only logical choice to make.

Actually not.

This no longer the 19th Century, fortunately.

Workers can’t be compelled to go from employer to employer, hoping to find a benevolent master, or forced to flee an abusive one.

It’s perfectly appropriate in the context of Commerce Clause jurisprudence for government to regulate wages and compensation – which is what employers’ contributions to health insurance premiums is; just as work hours and working conditions are regulated.

What you advocate is a reactionary fantasy.
You know it is, doesn't always make it right......
That I'll agree with. The law and (more often) an organization's rules is/are often on the wrong side of what is "right".

But if we can agree that the law trumps religion in some instances and that you can't opt out of obedience to the law based on religious beliefs, I don't think that business owners shouldn't be able to opt out either.

More importantly, why would you want to? I mean, seriously, is it going to cost company X THAT much more to offer insurance that covers 5-10 more drugs; there are only so many contraceptive choices much like you're OTC analgesics, Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Alieve (the generic name escapes me)?

I understand going to battle over capping costs per employee. We run into that all the time at my hospital system. But going to war over nickles--nickles that will prevent the insurance company from having to cover child birth procedures AS WELL AS THE EMPLOYER HAVING TO COVER FOR AN EMPLOYEE WHO IS TAKING MATERNITY LEAVE...is frankly stupid.

Try a little logic people.

Forget about the cost. Either way the cost is minimal. But if I were an employer, and I had strong religious beliefs that contraception and/or abortion was against my religion, then i would not be willing to pay for an employee to break my religious beliefs. What they do on their own is of no concern, as long as the religious employer had nothing to do with it.

That is what certain employers are wanting. Just leave me out of it. (well not me but the generic me)

I don't see this as anything other than stepping on established religious beliefs of some people.
By that logic, insurance shouldn't have to cover hypertension medication, cholesterol medication, antibiotics, analgesics, etc...

Funniest post ever.

Show me where I ever said that prescribing a pill to treat a medical condition is wrong and that insurance shouldn't pay for it.

Apparently, according to you, insurance should not have to cover something that is used to treat a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance but should be used to treat other medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, infection, or pain.

Do I have your position on the topic down right?
Stop making up stuff. Your argument is weak. It's barely standing.
Endometriosis is a debilitatingly painful condition. I should know, I had a severe case of it when I was young. BC pills helped immensely, and are still the main medication perscribed for this. Viagra is not a real medication for a real medical problem. Impotence is not a painful medical condition that affects your life, won't let you function or go to school and work - so what if old men can't get it up anymore - is that a crisis? No, it isn't, yet IT was covered long before BC pills were.

Ok..Lets not get into "my condition is worse than your condition"..That's a childish argument.
The fact is erectile dysfunction can be devastating to marriages and to men's psychological well being.. Medicine is not just for physical maladies.
With that said, my idea is to allow for coverage when the Pill is used for medicinal purposes. NOT for birth control.
There should be a medically acceptable distinction so that women who suffer from medical conditions such as the one you faced can purchase BC pills through a prescription benefit just like other medicines.

So would the employer be paying for it? Because they should be.

WRONG.. Each insurance carrier as well as each employer should have the choice to carry or not to carry. DONE.

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