I was once a member of a liberal biased forum.

But now, they've banned conservative thought to the point that it's currently about 81% lib. The level of delusion was mind boggling. They couldn't see the writing on the wall. They'll become as inconsequential as MSNBC is in cable news. I told them so, multiple times and was shot down. The chickens have come home to roost.
"This debate forum is not aligned to any political party." Hahaha, I hope you commies enjoy President Trump's inauguration in 2025.

Love, Grandpappy.

which forum?
which forum?
I won't name it. But the leftists could post bait threads two or three times a day with no consequences.
But post a conservative thread they didn't like, and you got dinged.
I never was nasty or made it personal. I did make fun of liberal policies sometimes.
I think the mods hated that the most.
I won't name it. But the leftists could post bait threads two or three times a day with no consequences.
But post a conservative thread they didn't like, and you got dinged.
I never was nasty or made it personal. I did make fun of liberal policies sometimes.
I think the mods hated that the most.

why not?

would you prove your story was made up?
I can't help but think you may be a member there. Are they losing it over the Biden thing?
Haha, bet they are.

I guess we will never know since you lack the balls to name it.

I do spent time on the Defending Truth and they are doing just the opposite of losing it over Biden. They are much like you Trump worshipers, true believers and will back their guy to their dying breath.

You partisan sheep are all the same, it does not matter which pen you reside in

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