I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

To put it simply, I do not believe most gays are pedos, or any of the other people that fall under the "LGBT" umbrella. I consider the political movement to be run by pedophilic psychos though.

What you "consider" is irrelevant, because it has no basis in fact or in reality.
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?

No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.

Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.

There is no actual heterosexual movement to compare it to.

Well, there IS INCEL....but someone is sexually abusing 1 in 4 girls before they reach 18.....just regular hetero males?
To put it simply, I do not believe most gays are pedos, or any of the other people that fall under the "LGBT" umbrella. I consider the political movement to be run by pedophilic psychos though.
Which political movement? The LGBTQ movement?
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
I will add that we who are allies of gay people have not need to approach the issue emotionally. The courts have long ruled that homosexuality it an immutable characteristic and the reason why people are gay -legally speaking - is not up for debate.You might have notices that with all of the court cases brought on the same sex marriage issue, not one that I know of raised that issue of why people are gay- despite the myriad of endless absurd arguments against it.

Now the bigots do get emotional because they have a vested interest in trying to show that it is a choice. Ig=f they can do that, they can claim that homosexuality is a frivolous and hedonistic lifestyle choice and use that as justification to deny right.

I will also say that it is strictly either a choice or genetic is a favorite way that the bigots like to dumb down the subject and ignore the complexity of human sexuality.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
You didn't bother to read my rebuttal to the OP did you? It is decidedly unemotional
I read it and it’s twisted nutterville
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?

No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.

Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.

There is no actual heterosexual movement to compare it to.

Well, there IS INCEL....but someone is sexually abusing 1 in 4 girls before they reach 18.....just regular hetero males?

Just as it isn't the normal gay person who commits sexual assault, so is the same for heteros. It's never the average doing it.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
I will add that we who are allies of gay people have not need to approach the issue emotionally. The courts have long ruled that homosexuality it an immutable characteristic and the reason why people are gay -legally speaking - is not up for debate.You might have notices that with all of the court cases brought on the same sex marriage issue, not one that I know of raised that issue of why people are gay- despite the myriad of endless absurd arguments against it.

Now the bigots do get emotional because they have a vested interest in trying to show that it is a choice. Ig=f they can do that, they can claim that homosexuality is a frivolous and hedonistic lifestyle choice and use that as justification to deny right.

I will also say that it is strictly either a choice or genetic is a favorite way that the bigots like to dumb down the subject and ignore the complexity of human sexuality.
It's amazing how easily those who argue that homosexuality is a choice forget that religion is also a choice.
I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?
No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.
Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.
There is no actual heterosexual movement to compare it to.
Well, there IS INCEL....but someone is sexually abusing 1 in 4 girls before they reach 18.....just regular hetero males?
Just as it isn't the normal gay person who commits sexual assault, so is the same for heteros. It's never the average doing it.
I hear you...but sadly, about half the time it's a hetero male family member or family friend. And then, we also have the religious leader contingent, both protestant and catholic.
I hope that comment wasn't in reply to the 1 in 4 girls being sexually abused stat.
no, but to the headline of the topic. i'm happily gay. nothing will ever change that
I am glad you are happy. I would wish nothing else. Do you believe that all heterosexuals should be forced into my view and that you need parades?
A lot less in your face would go a long way and I can tell you that in your face efforts have Not persuaded anyone to come over to your views.
I hope that comment wasn't in reply to the 1 in 4 girls being sexually abused stat.
no, but to the headline of the topic. i'm happily gay. nothing will ever change that
I am glad you are happy. I would wish nothing else. Do you believe that all heterosexuals should be forced into my view and that you need parades?
A lot less in your face would go a long way and I can tell you that in your face efforts have Not persuaded anyone to come over to your views.
Do you know why Gay Pride parades are traditionally in June?
No, the no rebuttal is you and your made up words and phrases you use because you think they make you look smart (news flash, they don't). You continue to cry about the baker, but he has won twice already and you just keep harassing him. Maybe you better learn something. Intentionally targeting a particular business to attempt to bankrupt them is harassment. Religious objections are valid no matter how much you cry. It is not discrimination. When the baker wins again, he should sue those two into bankruptcy.

"your made up words and phrases you use because you think they make you look smart"

Hmmmm...where to start.

1. Words and phrases make up written communication, dear.

2. Newsflash, we know how CRCs (con-servative republican christians) hate smarts.

3. I heard your excuses all before...in the 60s...during Jim Crow.

Where to destroy you again.
1) Real words and phrases make up communication. Not your fake words and made up labels that apparently only you gays understand.
2)Since Sassy, Sue, I, and most other posters here are smarter than you, we know why you hate our side so much.
3) Since I never lived in the South, nor was I here during the Jim Crow era, your excuses are just that. Excuses. Thus they are dismissed.
That's 3 strikes. You're out.
Golly gee....posting to say how much smarter you are and how you've destroyed someone. :71: Some very convincing stuff right there, dear boy. :71:

Poor idiot. The irony is not realizing you did the exact same ting. Keep laughing. The baker still wins. By the way, noting the total avoidance of the facts thrown at you by multiple posters. Try again.
Ah...another post declaring victory.....perhaps a few more and you are well on your way to convincing someone.

I have no need to declare victory. Your forfeit by running away from any facts presented declares victory. Meanwhile, keep saying you gays are normal. Maybe someday somebody will believe you. But probably not.
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No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.
Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.
There is no actual heterosexual movement to compare it to.
Well, there IS INCEL....but someone is sexually abusing 1 in 4 girls before they reach 18.....just regular hetero males?
Just as it isn't the normal gay person who commits sexual assault, so is the same for heteros. It's never the average doing it.
I hear you...but sadly, about half the time it's a hetero male family member or family friend. And then, we also have the religious leader contingent, both protestant and catholic.
All of those are just as bad. I look at female public school teachers taking advantage of young boys going through puberty in the same way I would any other predator. And I hope you understand, I am not trying to pretend there is no way someone can be homosexual naturally. The evidence for a genetic component is not there today, could it be found some day? No doubt. So I only speak on current evidence.
That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
You didn't bother to read my rebuttal to the OP did you? It is decidedly unemotional
I read it and it’s twisted nutterville
Brilliant retort. Just fucking brilliant!!!!
Nature: over 400 species display homosexual behavior
Evolution: not every member of a species needs to reproduce, nor is capable of it.

Not saying that is true however even if that IS true, that's 400 out of 8.7 million species on Earth. Seems homosexuality is not prevalent. In fact, it is statistically null.

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