I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Not 100% genetic, but one would have to be a moron to not notice the big jump in % for identical twins.

You're grasping, Pete and every one knows it. Go take a restroom break lmao
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Not 100% genetic, but one would have to be a moron to not notice the big jump in % for identical twins.

You're grasping, Pete and every one knows it. Go take a restroom break lmao
Are you in the pee pee and poo poo stage of development now? Or into scatology. You keep bringing it up. Inquiring minds want to know.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Not 100% genetic, but one would have to be a moron to not notice the big jump in % for identical twins.

You're grasping, Pete and every one knows it. Go take a restroom break lmao
Are you in the pee pee and poo poo stage of development now? Or into scatology. You keep bringing it up. Inquiring minds want to know.

You're a fraud on here...shall I create a poll, Pete?

You started it and I'll end it....it's me. Roll the dice idc
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Not 100% genetic, but one would have to be a moron to not notice the big jump in % for identical twins.

You're grasping, Pete and every one knows it. Go take a restroom break lmao
Are you in the pee pee and poo poo stage of development now? Or into scatology. You keep bringing it up. Inquiring minds want to know.

You're a fraud on here...shall I create a poll, Pete?

You started it and I'll end it....it's me. Roll the dice idc
A poll? :71: By all means.....start your charming poll.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.

Why is it then that such strict gender roles must be taught to childten & so harshly enforced?

Is heterosexuality innate, or is does that have to be taught in HIV+AIDS sex ed class when they pass out condoms?
Keep in mind, the other side of the coin. If homosexuality is a choice, that means heterosexuality is a choice also.
JH credibility has been flushed by releasing this fact based counter to the emotive shitstorm
If homosexuality is a choice, that means heterosexuality is a choice also.

More or less what I am trying to get at. People have their natural inclinations or appetites, but it is a choice whether & how they give in to their desires.

Sex at conception and birth-certificate sex are not necessarily the same, either.

Some people are uncomfortable & use their personal discomfort as fuel for hatred to persecute others whom they perceive as different.
If homosexuality is a choice, that means heterosexuality is a choice also.

More or less what I am trying to get at. People have their natural inclinations or appetites, but it is a choice whether & how they give in to their desires.

Sex at conception and birth-certificate sex are not necessarily the same, either.

Some people are uncomfortable & use their personal discomfort as fuel for hatred to persecute others whom they perceive as different.
There certainly are multiple examples to be seen of that being true.....how many times do we have to hear about some actively anti-gay politician or spokesperson being found to gay on the down low.
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
No XXY or XYY? What about Jesus? XX but identified as a male.

Sure. Very objective about Christianity. Uh-huh
Ok, what was Jesus' chromosome set up? Virgin birth...only had XX chromosomes to work with....and yet he identified as male.

Right. Because it would be impossible utterly for the God who INVENTED the Y chromosome to make sure Mary got one.
We would get along much better if you would just drop the spiritual heal stuff and stick to the objective facts and science.

Gays folks are not in need of therapy or healing simply by virtue of the fact that they are gay. The healing is needed as the result of what society has done to them

People who "change " are often bisexual which is a fact that most here gloss over and refuse to acknowledge the difference between lifestyle and sexual orientation. Many other "change " as the result of shame and coercion, but they don't really change at all and often the long term results are disastrous. This is what facts look like

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
No XXY or XYY? What about Jesus? XX but identified as a male.

Sure. Very objective about Christianity. Uh-huh
Ok, what was Jesus' chromosome set up? Virgin birth...only had XX chromosomes to work with....and yet he identified as male.

Right. Because it would be impossible utterly for the God who INVENTED the Y chromosome to make sure Mary got one.
Why bother....it's not as if Jesus was going to get married and have kids, right? I am curious why the bible doesn't talk about how its god shared his genetic material with the virgin Mary.
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.

Why is it then that such strict gender roles must be taught to childten & so harshly enforced?

Is heterosexuality innate, or is does that have to be taught in HIV+AIDS sex ed class when they pass out condoms?
Keep in mind, the other side of the coin. If homosexuality is a choice, that means heterosexuality is a choice also.

Nope, Pete nature and even evolution demands it.

Objective fact: Humans are born either male or female there is no third gender. It's scientific!!! Can we 'get along' now? :11_2_1043:
No XXY or XYY? What about Jesus? XX but identified as a male.

Sure. Very objective about Christianity. Uh-huh
Ok, what was Jesus' chromosome set up? Virgin birth...only had XX chromosomes to work with....and yet he identified as male.

Right. Because it would be impossible utterly for the God who INVENTED the Y chromosome to make sure Mary got one.
Why bother....it's not as if Jesus was going to get married and have kids, right? I am curious why the bible doesn't talk about how its god shared his genetic material with the virgin Mary.

I've read a lot of really dumb stuff on this site--I mean astoundingly dumb. But this one is among the dumbest.

Your bigotry makes you say dumb things like this.
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.

Why is it then that such strict gender roles must be taught to childten & so harshly enforced?

Is heterosexuality innate, or is does that have to be taught in HIV+AIDS sex ed class when they pass out condoms?
Keep in mind, the other side of the coin. If homosexuality is a choice, that means heterosexuality is a choice also.

Nope, Pete nature and even evolution demands it.

Nature: over 400 species display homosexual behavior
Evolution: not every member of a species needs to reproduce, nor is capable of it.
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.
No XXY or XYY? What about Jesus? XX but identified as a male.

Sure. Very objective about Christianity. Uh-huh
Ok, what was Jesus' chromosome set up? Virgin birth...only had XX chromosomes to work with....and yet he identified as male.

Right. Because it would be impossible utterly for the God who INVENTED the Y chromosome to make sure Mary got one.
Why bother....it's not as if Jesus was going to get married and have kids, right? I am curious why the bible doesn't talk about how its god shared his genetic material with the virgin Mary.

I've read a lot of really dumb stuff on this site--I mean astoundingly dumb. But this one is among the dumbest.

Your bigotry makes you say dumb things like this.
How is it any dumber than anything else we read in the bible?

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