I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.

If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.

But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
No...we don't recruit...that's what predatory hetero males do to young girls....and get violent when told no.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.
What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.

You also seem to think only immediate family could be the influence.... that's very naiive.

I didn't turn out to be the same as my brothers, even though we had the same parents in the same house.

Now, we all stayed Normative as far as sexuality- but we are all still very different in other ways
As far as you know.
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

That film is as funny (and as accurate) as Reefer Madness.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.

Gay people couldn't marry in this country. And Republicans fought tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

Adoption agencies still discriminate against gay people. And Trump is trying to implement laws to legally allow agencies to discriminate against them.
You forgot the one where men can't go into girls bathrooms. That's a biggie with discrimination.

It's all about the chromosomes with me. There are XX and XY chromosomes.
Anyone wants to argue that has a mental disorder
To me..it's about people. I know too many people are p.o.s. regardless of their sexuality...and too many people who hide angel wings beneath a crazy exterior.

In the end it's about individual peopke and that we all deserve the same rights and privekedges...it is no skin off my back to respect that :)
Think about it.... What in the world does a kindergartner need to know about sex at all, let alone homosexuality...that a parent could not teach them by simply saying they exist and to tolerate them? Nothing really....but the homosexual political movement is obsessed with the idea THEY must control the discussion...

It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%
simply saying they exist and to tolerate them
That IS the extent of early education in homosexuality. Some kids have two dads or two moms. That's okay.

It's sad you actually believe that homosexuals are all pedophiles. I thought that notion went out with the Edsel. I have worked with pedophiles and only one was homosexual (IOW, a very small percentage). I have also known plenty of homosexuals; the ones I know are decent, hard working, family loving people who would NEVER champion pedophilia. What an outstandingly perverse idea.

No doubt, you know several homosexuals and do not know it. You have possibly met a transgender individual and not realized it. (Transgender is NOT cross dressing.) The hateful propaganda you have read and heard about this population is so terribly skewed. Pedophilia occurs across all demographics and both genders, so yes, among the statistically small number of homosexuals in this country, a small percentage of them are pedophiles. There is extremely little research on pedophiles in this country because they do not identify themselves for obvious reasons. I would be very careful believing everything you read, Dude.

And welcome to the board.
I don't believe ALL or even MOST homosexuals are pedophiles. Can you at least TRY to get what I am saying?
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that
They would all be gay if ALL IT WAS was a gene....there are many traits that are partially genetic and partially other things....such as left-handedness.
Think about it.... What in the world does a kindergartner need to know about sex at all, let alone homosexuality...that a parent could not teach them by simply saying they exist and to tolerate them? Nothing really....but the homosexual political movement is obsessed with the idea THEY must control the discussion...

It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%
simply saying they exist and to tolerate them
That IS the extent of early education in homosexuality. Some kids have two dads or two moms. That's okay.

It's sad you actually believe that homosexuals are all pedophiles. I thought that notion went out with the Edsel. I have worked with pedophiles and only one was homosexual (IOW, a very small percentage). I have also known plenty of homosexuals; the ones I know are decent, hard working, family loving people who would NEVER champion pedophilia. What an outstandingly perverse idea.

No doubt, you know several homosexuals and do not know it. You have possibly met a transgender individual and not realized it. (Transgender is NOT cross dressing.) The hateful propaganda you have read and heard about this population is so terribly skewed. Pedophilia occurs across all demographics and both genders, so yes, among the statistically small number of homosexuals in this country, a small percentage of them are pedophiles. There is extremely little research on pedophiles in this country because they do not identify themselves for obvious reasons. I would be very careful believing everything you read, Dude.

And welcome to the board.
I don't believe ALL or even MOST homosexuals are pedophiles. Can you at least TRY to get what I am saying?
And I don't believe that ALL or MOST hetero males are pedophiles either....but 25% of girls being sexually abused before 18 is a hard number to ignore.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that
They would all be gay if ALL IT WAS was a gene....there are many traits that are partially genetic and partially other things....such as left-handedness.
Okay and I am open to seeing this hypothesis prove me wrong some day. As of today, it hasn't. Will it some day? Perhaps. I won't pretend to work from anything besides what we know today.
Think about it.... What in the world does a kindergartner need to know about sex at all, let alone homosexuality...that a parent could not teach them by simply saying they exist and to tolerate them? Nothing really....but the homosexual political movement is obsessed with the idea THEY must control the discussion...

It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%
simply saying they exist and to tolerate them
That IS the extent of early education in homosexuality. Some kids have two dads or two moms. That's okay.

It's sad you actually believe that homosexuals are all pedophiles. I thought that notion went out with the Edsel. I have worked with pedophiles and only one was homosexual (IOW, a very small percentage). I have also known plenty of homosexuals; the ones I know are decent, hard working, family loving people who would NEVER champion pedophilia. What an outstandingly perverse idea.

No doubt, you know several homosexuals and do not know it. You have possibly met a transgender individual and not realized it. (Transgender is NOT cross dressing.) The hateful propaganda you have read and heard about this population is so terribly skewed. Pedophilia occurs across all demographics and both genders, so yes, among the statistically small number of homosexuals in this country, a small percentage of them are pedophiles. There is extremely little research on pedophiles in this country because they do not identify themselves for obvious reasons. I would be very careful believing everything you read, Dude.

And welcome to the board.
I don't believe ALL or even MOST homosexuals are pedophiles. Can you at least TRY to get what I am saying?
And I don't believe that ALL or MOST hetero males are pedophiles either....but 25% of girls being sexually abused before 18 is a hard number to ignore.
I don't know where you got the number, but I have never said homosexuals are the majority of pedophiles. But maybe you do understand gays can do this stuff too, by your comment.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Think about it.... What in the world does a kindergartner need to know about sex at all, let alone homosexuality...that a parent could not teach them by simply saying they exist and to tolerate them? Nothing really....but the homosexual political movement is obsessed with the idea THEY must control the discussion...

It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%
simply saying they exist and to tolerate them
That IS the extent of early education in homosexuality. Some kids have two dads or two moms. That's okay.

It's sad you actually believe that homosexuals are all pedophiles. I thought that notion went out with the Edsel. I have worked with pedophiles and only one was homosexual (IOW, a very small percentage). I have also known plenty of homosexuals; the ones I know are decent, hard working, family loving people who would NEVER champion pedophilia. What an outstandingly perverse idea.

No doubt, you know several homosexuals and do not know it. You have possibly met a transgender individual and not realized it. (Transgender is NOT cross dressing.) The hateful propaganda you have read and heard about this population is so terribly skewed. Pedophilia occurs across all demographics and both genders, so yes, among the statistically small number of homosexuals in this country, a small percentage of them are pedophiles. There is extremely little research on pedophiles in this country because they do not identify themselves for obvious reasons. I would be very careful believing everything you read, Dude.

And welcome to the board.
I don't believe ALL or even MOST homosexuals are pedophiles. Can you at least TRY to get what I am saying?
You're right--maybe just that homosexuals will promote it and embrace it once more deviants join the parade. Except for that hour-long video you put up that I have no intention of watching (I don't watch vids here as a rule, and sure not hour long ones) which you introduce with "A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable"

And then there's "It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%"

There is no doubt that the CRCs are obsessed with gay sex. It gets a lot of press and it's part of their attempts to mask what they want to do to female persons. It's not only that they are pushing heterosexuality, as if there is some sort of conflict between straights and gays, which actually does not exist, the people who do this are those who want to encourage heterosexual male aggression toward women but don't want their efforts to come under public gaze and discussion. Sneaky.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
40% of identical twins who have a gay twin are also gay....even if separated at birth.....
They should all be gay if there is a genetic link. Period and end of story. Identical means "Identical". If identical twins have different sexual preferences ..it is a sign of a non genetic influence, Logic clearly states that

Twins with one being gay and the other hetero blows the genetic link out of the water
If it were ONLY genetics. But when you have any other syblings including fraternal twins have about a 10% chance of also being gay and it jumps to 40%+ with identical twins (even if raises separately)....it makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.

No gay gene....hmmmmm
Not 100% genetic, but one would have to be a moron to not notice the big jump in % for identical twins.

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