I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Implying that gay and transgendered people are the same as pedophiles.

No one has said that at all.

The point was that the day will come when paedophiles seek the same kind of recognition and glorification that homosexuals are receiving today. Not that the two groups are the same at all.

Paedophiles have already organized lobbies like NAMBLA, so I think its inevitable
Harry Hay was pro-NAMBLA, and a member.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.

If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.

But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.
What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.

You also seem to think only immediate family could be the influence.... that's very naiive.
Think about it.... What in the world does a kindergartner need to know about sex at all, let alone homosexuality...that a parent could not teach them by simply saying they exist and to tolerate them? Nothing really....but the homosexual political movement is obsessed with the idea THEY must control the discussion...

It is pedophilic and corruption of societal norms that movement desires. They cheer when a young man is shunned by his family for being gay...they have another recruit running into their perverse arms when that happens. It is a sexually deviant and predatory movement. 100%
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.
What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.

You also seem to think only immediate family could be the influence.... that's very naiive.

I didn't turn out to be the same as my brothers, even though we had the same parents in the same house.

Now, we all stayed Normative as far as sexuality- but we are all still very different in other ways
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.
In my profession I work with many gay people, and some are good friends.
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.
In my profession I work with many gay people, and some are good friends.
So anecdotal evidence that contradicts the scientific. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying homosexuals are automatically pedophilic, I know a few myself that would stomp a mudhole into any child molester they ran across. My arguments are with the political movement as it is today, not to say most individual gays support pedophilia or are pedophiles. Studies have shown over half of them admit bring molested as children....I am sure that number is way higher.
Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned.
I'm not so sure about that. I work with several gay people who have siblings who are straight.
That proves absolutely the opposite of what you're saying. Especially if those siblings are their twins.
What I was referring to was that they grew up together in the same environment, with the same parents and influences, so I don't think it is learned. I think they always had those inclinations, maybe just didn't acknowledge them. I don't believe someone just wakes up one day and decides they are gay. Nor do I think someone can become gay. They either are or they aren't.
My main question for you..is if those of us you're disaggreeing with at the moment are right.....would you turn your back on the LGBT movement as a political one?
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

So anecdotal evidence that contradicts the scientific. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying homosexuals are automatically pedophilic, I know a few myself that would stomp a mudhole into any child molester they ran across. My arguments are with the political movement as it is today, not to say most individual gays support pedophilia or are pedophiles. Studies have shown over half of them admit bring molested as children....I am sure that number is way higher.
How many gay people do you know? I would be willing to bet it's barely a fraction of how many I work closely with on a daily basis. I don't discuss politics in the workplace, but I do know that several share my conservative views. And none of them are pedophiles. Almost all of them have a long term relationship with a partner.
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

What is your evidence for what you "believe"? So far, there is none....just your feelings and beliefs.
In my profession I work with many gay people, and some are good friends.


Yeeesh...........I am sometimes stunned at the sheer number of bubble dwellers that frequent this forum!
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

I had the same experience. I went to school in a gay majority neighborhood in my hometown. It was a school for troubled kids that had been kicked out for whatever reasons of all the regular schools. After the bell ring and we would be waiting for the public transit bus at the stop to head home...homosexual men would swarm the bus stops offering drugs and money, clothes... food...for sexual favors. Without trying to sounding vain, I have always been handsome and in good shape, almost born that way...had a six pack at 8 years old and still have it. So you can imagine what harrassment I got during that time.

I know how perverse their world can be just from that experience.
So anecdotal evidence that contradicts the scientific. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying homosexuals are automatically pedophilic, I know a few myself that would stomp a mudhole into any child molester they ran across. My arguments are with the political movement as it is today, not to say most individual gays support pedophilia or are pedophiles. Studies have shown over half of them admit bring molested as children....I am sure that number is way higher.
How many gay people do you know? I would be willing to bet it's barely a fraction of how many I work closely with on a daily basis. I don't discuss politics in the workplace, but I do know that several share my conservative views. And none of them are pedophiles. Almost all of them have a long term relationship with a partner.
I'm not talking about the ones you know then.
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

I had the same experience. I went to school in a gay majority neighborhood in my hometown. It was a school for troubled kids that had been kicked out for whatever reasons of all the regular schools. After the bell ring and we would be waiting for the public transit bus at the stop to head home...homosexual men would swarm the bus stops offering drugs and money, clothes... food...for sexual favors. Without trying to sounding vain, I have always been handsome and in good shape, almost born that way...had a six pack at 8 years old and still have it. So you can imagine what harrassment I got during that time.

I know how perverse their world can be just from that experience.

I grew up in a more normative neighborhood, and like Jimmy Barnes in video I posted, sometimes men who picked me up hitchhiking would try to recruit.
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

I had the same experience. I went to school in a gay majority neighborhood in my hometown. It was a school for troubled kids that had been kicked out for whatever reasons of all the regular schools. After the bell ring and we would be waiting for the public transit bus at the stop to head home...homosexual men would swarm the bus stops offering drugs and money, clothes... food...for sexual favors. Without trying to sounding vain, I have always been handsome and in good shape, almost born that way...had a six pack at 8 years old and still have it. So you can imagine what harrassment I got during that time.

I know how perverse their world can be just from that experience.

Yep.....years ago, I was part of a gym that had a steam room. After training, me and my training partner would sit in there for a few minutes before hitting the pool. Many times had these oddballs reaching out through the steam to fiddle with your toes......it was so fucked up. Youd open your eyes and theyd be staring at you.......I mean just pronounced social oddballs. I guess to progressives, Im closed minded. But that's why their thinking remains fringe thank God!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
If that was true, homosexuals wouldn't try to recruit new members and that would be futile.
But the facts are, they do try to bring new people aboard.
None of the gay people I know would ever do this. It is a very personal lifestyle decision they have made for themselves.

Fair enough, if that's your own experience.

But homosexuals do make sales pitches for their orientations to young men like Ralph did with Jimmy Barnes in the educational classic "Boys Beware". When I was a young man, homosexuals tried to recruit me, so I speak from what I've seen.

I had the same experience. I went to school in a gay majority neighborhood in my hometown. It was a school for troubled kids that had been kicked out for whatever reasons of all the regular schools. After the bell ring and we would be waiting for the public transit bus at the stop to head home...homosexual men would swarm the bus stops offering drugs and money, clothes... food...for sexual favors. Without trying to sounding vain, I have always been handsome and in good shape, almost born that way...had a six pack at 8 years old and still have it. So you can imagine what harrassment I got during that time.

I know how perverse their world can be just from that experience.

I grew up in a more normative neighborhood, and like Jimmy Barnes in video I posted, sometimes men who picked me up hitchhiking would try to recruit.

Oh I grew up in a more normative neighborhood too ...it was the city that was crazy. I was bussed to that school not growing up in that neighborhood.
My main question for you..is if those of us you're disaggreeing with at the moment are right.....would you turn your back on the LGBT movement as a political one?
I don't support any political movement based on sexuality. As far as I'm concerned, what a person does in his or her bedroom is none of my business, and I really don't care.
As a Christian, I don't believe it is right to judge anyone. We are all sinners. According to the Bible, it is just as sinful for me to fool around with my boyfriend because we are not married.

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