I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan

So who has been judgmental? You put forth one set of supposedly "Christian" rules according to your leaders, but then try and fight everyone off who challenges whether you and they have actually abided by the stated rules. Oh. As for the OT and NT rules, how many have you and your leaders actually followed? What follows from this is that "Christianity" is on really shaky ground. Do not your beloved trump, pence, frankie have to kneel before the Almighty? Truly, is trump, according to your belief, going to be cast down to hell?
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan

So who has been judgmental? You put forth one set of supposedly "Christian" rules according to your leaders, but then try and fight everyone off who challenges whether you and they have actually abided by the stated rules. Oh. As for the OT and NT rules, how many have you and your leaders actually followed? What follows from this is that "Christianity" is on really shaky ground. Do not your beloved trump, pence, frankie have to kneel before the Almighty? Truly, is trump, according to your belief, going to be cast down to hell?

Hey listen Hysteria, you put yourself on the very Throne of God, judging who will and will not go to Heaven. The veriest Church Ladies I know are the absolute joyless Leftie ladies, I'm telling you. Pursed lipped, joyless, finger-wagging killjoys.

Do you even recognize it?? How horridly judgmental you are? In EVERY area but the one your Overlords give you free reign: sexuality. You don't judge sexuality; it's "free love" there. Everywhere else you judge, judge, judge, judge, judge. It makes you persnickety, uptight and absolutely humorless.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.

Actually, the Lawrence case of 2003 gives homosexuals the legal right to both receive and take it in the ass.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Which rights would those be?
Can't wait for the pedophiles to join the LGBT alphabet soup...after all, the same logic they use to say a child as young as 3 knows they don't want to be the gender they were born could be used to say a child that young wants or does not want to have sex with an adult.
If "love is loooooove maaaaaaan", how could LGBTers argue against it?

When the time comes, they won't be fighting against it and we all know this. The political LGBTmovement has always been about degrading society to the point all perversion is considered normal.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.

Gay people couldn't marry in this country. And Republicans fought tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

Adoption agencies still discriminate against gay people. And Trump is trying to implement laws to legally allow agencies to discriminate against them.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.

Gay people couldn't marry in this country. And Republicans fought tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

Adoption agencies still discriminate against gay people. And Trump is trying to implement laws to legally allow agencies to discriminate against them.
Gays have zero *rights* to adoption, unless they are adopting their own flesh and blood child from back when they were only semi-gay and could get hard for a woman.

They're gay, they can't naturally produce children, no chance whatsoever. You don't have a right to parenthood.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.

Gay people couldn't marry in this country. And Republicans fought tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

Adoption agencies still discriminate against gay people. And Trump is trying to implement laws to legally allow agencies to discriminate against them.

Gays can marry and what you call discrimination others call a Constitutional right...freedom of religion

Epic fail on your part
Can't wait for the pedophiles to join the LGBT alphabet soup...after all, the same logic they use to say a child as young as 3 knows they don't want to be the gender they were born could be used to say a child that young wants or does not want to have sex with an adult.
If "love is loooooove maaaaaaan", how could LGBTers argue against it?

When the time comes, they won't be fighting against it and we all know this. The political LGBTmovement has always been about degrading society to the point all perversion is considered normal.

Absolutely disgusting statement from you.

Implying that gay and transgendered people are the same as pedophiles.

Gay and lesbian couples are consenting adults. And a transgendered individual isn't harming anyone. They are changing their own body. And again a person consents to changing their gender.

Pedophilia is abuse and rape of a child.

They fact that you compare the two says a lot of about your ignorance bigotry.
Let's say for the sake of the argument, people aren't born gay. So what? People still gave a right to sleep with and marry who they want.
You’re right, But expecting anyone else to except and respect that lifestyle is ridiculous.

Like I said the fuckers should keep it to themselves

You can reject homosexuality all you want. But the problem has been that this country hasn't given them their legal rights.
Yes it has.

Gay people couldn't marry in this country. And Republicans fought tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.

Adoption agencies still discriminate against gay people. And Trump is trying to implement laws to legally allow agencies to discriminate against them.
You forgot the one where men can't go into girls bathrooms. That's a biggie with discrimination.

It's all about the chromosomes with me. There are XX and XY chromosomes.
Anyone wants to argue that has a mental disorder
Can't wait for the pedophiles to join the LGBT alphabet soup...after all, the same logic they use to say a child as young as 3 knows they don't want to be the gender they were born could be used to say a child that young wants or does not want to have sex with an adult.
If "love is loooooove maaaaaaan", how could LGBTers argue against it?

When the time comes, they won't be fighting against it and we all know this. The political LGBTmovement has always been about degrading society to the point all perversion is considered normal.

Absolutely disgusting statement from you.

Implying that gay and transgendered people are the same as pedophiles.

Gay and lesbian couples are consenting adults. And a transgendered individual isn't harming anyone. They are changing their own body. And again a person consents to changing their gender.

Pedophilia is abuse and rape of a child.

They fact that you compare the two says a lot of about your ignorance bigotry.
Actually you’re wrong, LGBT people and pedophiles and people that like animals are all mentally disabled/insane.
As a libertarian I guess they can do what they want… The fuckers should just keep it to themselves.

The alphabet soup should start their own Communes....
Can't wait for the pedophiles to join the LGBT alphabet soup...after all, the same logic they use to say a child as young as 3 knows they don't want to be the gender they were born could be used to say a child that young wants or does not want to have sex with an adult.
If "love is loooooove maaaaaaan", how could LGBTers argue against it?

When the time comes, they won't be fighting against it and we all know this. The political LGBTmovement has always been about degrading society to the point all perversion is considered normal.

Absolutely disgusting statement from you.

Implying that gay and transgendered people are the same as pedophiles.

Gay and lesbian couples are consenting adults. And a transgendered individual isn't harming anyone. They are changing their own body. And again a person consents to changing their gender.

Pedophilia is abuse and rape of a child.

They fact that you compare the two says a lot of about your ignorance bigotry.
I didn't imply homosexuals are the same as pedophiles. I did imply the political movement is pedophilic, and it is and always has been..Harry Hay, the guy who started the current movement was a pedophilic homosexual crossdresser... What other political movement would be more suited for pedos to latch onto?
Implying that gay and transgendered people are the same as pedophiles.

No one has said that at all.

The point was that the day will come when paedophiles seek the same kind of recognition and glorification that homosexuals are receiving today. Not that the two groups are the same at all.

Paedophiles have already organized lobbies like NAMBLA, so I think its inevitable
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
Find God? Who wants the Republican God?
I prefer the old one. The good one.

As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.
Find God? Who wants the Republican God?
I prefer the old one. The good one.

You have a very elementary understanding of the Bible..or you wouldn't think this was a good meme to post. That's not the topic anyway....just saying.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.
Find God? Who wants the Republican God?
I prefer the old one. The good one.

You have a very elementary understanding of the Bible..or you wouldn't think this was a good meme to post. That's not the topic anyway....just saying.

Derp is obsessed over republicans

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