I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

400 years ago. Not bombing hugely populated buildings

Or throwing acid in people's faces

Or blowing up subways for "God"

with shrapnel

Not running over people on purpose with their cars

Or killing gays in gay nightclubs

But you do you. It's pathetic, but you do you.
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

If I may expound, it's worse than that. She's an idiot wrapped up on a horrid ideology who's too cowardly to break out of it.

I have zero respect for that. Zero
The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

If I may expound, it's worse than that. She's an idiot wrapped up on a horrid ideology who's too cowardly to break out of it.

I have zero respect for that. Zero

It's no she....trust me
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
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Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

If I may expound, it's worse than that. She's an idiot wrapped up on a horrid ideology who's too cowardly to break out of it.

I have zero respect for that. Zero

It's no she....trust me

Yes and she claimed to be a Navy pilot with more than 20 years in. Uh huh. Check this out:

According to the Navy, 765 female pilots make up slightly less than 7 percent of all Navy pilots today.

Women remain small percentage of commercial and military aviation despite gains

This does not mean she WASN'T one of course but it makes me skeptical. If there are only 765 today how many were there in 2000? And she was one of them?? Could be. Odds seem small though
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot
The anti-LGBTQ people always push a fundie "Christian" take on this, like they are struggling to "save" the "immortal souls" of LGBTQs. But they do nothing to "save" themselves from all sorts of "sins" that will lead them to be dismissed by the Almighty. Do they honestly think, according to their own narrative, that somebody like trump is going to go to Heaven. How about these guys who have premarital sex and extramarital sex? Hell bound?

Judgmental Puritan
The Puritans were fundies...they killed Quakers and went after women....they were one of the disasters that taught the Founders to write the First Amendment.

The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

400 years ago. Not bombing hugely populated buildings

Or throwing acid in people's faces

Or blowing up subways for "God"

with shrapnel

Not running over people on purpose with their cars

Or killing gays in gay nightclubs

But you do you. It's pathetic, but you do you.
400 years ago....no hugely populated buildings TO bomb but the Puritans did like to force people to go to their church or fine/imprison them. They hung Quakers. They executed a king. They hung or banished uppity women. Their terror of choice was hanging, banishing, branding, putting in the stocks, or cutting heads off.
Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

If I may expound, it's worse than that. She's an idiot wrapped up on a horrid ideology who's too cowardly to break out of it.

I have zero respect for that. Zero

It's no she....trust me

Yes and she claimed to be a Navy pilot with more than 20 years in. Uh huh. Check this out:

According to the Navy, 765 female pilots make up slightly less than 7 percent of all Navy pilots today.

Women remain small percentage of commercial and military aviation despite gains

This does not mean she WASN'T one of course but it makes me skeptical. If there are only 765 today how many were there in 2000? And she was one of them?? Could be. Odds seem small though
I was #63....back then we kept track like the first men did in the early 1900s. Of course, you don't have to believe me....but I get my military retirement check every month all the same. Thank you as a tax payer for your small portion of paying my retirement. :)
The Puritans were Judgmental Moralizers run amok.

Leftist mobs, anyone?
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

You dug your own grave, Pete...that and I'm a master at exposing frauds. Ask that derelict you're friends with you got your lies from. Lol
Exactly....fundies running a theocracy with their version of christian sharia.

Once again...no such thing as Christian Sharia. Cease making shit up
There most certainly is....and since 2016, attempts at codifying christian sharia have increased in this country....all we have to do is look to the frenzy in Southern red states.

You're an idiot

You dug your own grave, Pete...that and I'm a master at exposing frauds. Ask that derelict you're friends with you got your lies from. Lol
Irony abounds!
A "master" eh?...
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?

No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

That’s NOT what the study says.

It says there is “insufficient evidence to conclude” that people are born gay. That’s a far cry from “no evidence”.

I’m fact the study make no conclusions about anything at all so everything in your post is utterly false.

Plus it’s from PJMedia so it may as well be from Mad Magazine.
It’s still a non identification of “being born that way”. Much like the Mueller report you all are mistakenly identifying
Your made up parameters as The parameters. There is not enough evidence to conclude that people are born gay speaks for itself. There is No libbie tweaking to craft that statement in another way.
The so called study which is actually a propaganda piece did not find evidence because they did not look for evidence-evidence that I know exists and that I have posted right here.
Yes we realize your stilted emotional assessment overrides the primere research hospital in the world.
You are one sharp cookie in analyzing and thwarting JH efforts and conclusions.
You didn't bother to read my rebuttal to the OP did you? It is decidedly unemotional
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?

No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.

Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.
To put it simply, I do not believe most gays are pedos, or any of the other people that fall under the "LGBT" umbrella. I consider the political movement to be run by pedophilic psychos though.
A suggestion for all those who seem incredulous that I would say the LGBT political movement is pedophilic....watch this video. The ending tells you exactly why I say that. It is undeniable.

I am gay...are you stating that I am a pedophile or have pedophilic tendencies?

No. You'd have to prove that's what you are. I don't just assume. When I am arguing against LGBT I am arguing against the political movement, not individual gays, I consider the political movement separate and not representative of all or most gays.

Sounds like fun...let's use the same measuring stick when it comes to hetero males.

There is no actual heterosexual movement to compare it to.

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