‘I Was Screaming: “Please, Stop, Stop!”‘ Woman Describes Pain And Horror As She Was Brutally Beaten By Group Of Teens Downtown This Past Weekend

None of you have ever talked with these types of kids, you all want to blame it on race or politics.

This shit has always went on in history with youth in big cities when there is no law enforcement. It is clearly gang related initiatian type stuff. Did you listen to the news broadcast?

It even stated that;

"Video from an Uber driver passing by picks up in the middle of the attack. The woman said teenage girls were throwing punches too.

“The girl, she take me from my hair, pulled me down,” the woman said. “I couldn’t see anything, or how many was hitting me. They just kept punching me in my face harder.”

Don't let the media divide you folks from your fellow Americans, don't let them have you believe this is about race, or youth, or anything like that.

This is about the poor and the powerless, uniting b/c they have no family power of their own.

IT is about gang territory and belonging to an organization for POWER and control. It is showing you are up to snuff to belong in their club.
This isn't the first time these teens have committed this kind of random crime. This is not a gang initiation. This is entertainment. They are doing it for fun.
Last century it was the Irish and the Italian gangs.

The difference now? The global elites just don't give a shit about saving the nation.

But the gang problem among the youth has always, and will always be here as long as there are poor. Let us not play into the oligarchy's divide and conquer games, we need all Americans for the storm that is about to come.

This is the 21st Century of Clockwork Orange and you living it, with street beatings and home invasions by teen gangs.
Last century it was the Irish and the Italian gangs.

The difference now? The global elites just don't give a shit about saving the nation.

But the gang problem among the youth has always, and will always be here as long as there are poor. Let us not play into the oligarchy's divide and conquer games, we need all Americans for the storm that is about to come.
What do you get bubbling testosterone levels affecting the undeveloped (and underdeveloped) brains of youth or juvenile males in adult bodies, that come from broken homes or families with no idea of right or wrong, most of which don't even know who their fathers (and in some cases mothers) are?

Gang member.
I see some very confused and naive posters above.

Now I will tell you the real truth and you will not hear it in most places.

First of all these so called 'teens' is a code word for black thugs; used because the media wants to hide the nature of the problem as it goes against their liberal narrative of black victimhood.

It is ridiculous so many seem to worry about the perps and have little or no concern for the real victims.

The outrageous level of black crime exists because the perps are handled with kid gloves.

They in most cases get probation and are very rarely charged with hate crimes which is the true nature of most of these violent incidents.

In fact many if not most of these violent offenders are on probation when they committ these attacks.

What we have here is a failure of the criminal justice system due to liberal judges and other liberal officials in these democrat controlled cities.
Last century it was the Irish and the Italian gangs.

The difference now? The global elites just don't give a shit about saving the nation.

But the gang problem among the youth has always, and will always be here as long as there are poor. Let us not play into the oligarchy's divide and conquer games, we need all Americans for the storm that is about to come.
The Irish and Italian gangs never amused themselves by randomly beating people.
Time and time again we see these extremely outrageous incidents going on and even worse the media will not tell the true story which is one of widespread hate crimes by a particular group and at least on here we all know who they are.

Be very clear on this, the DemoKKKrats who run these shitholes LOVE this sort of stuff.
Simply they have no fathers to whale on their arses when they do something wrong. We can certainly thank LBJ and his Great Society and War on Poverty programs that created the Welfare State and millions of unwed mothers.... Just how many of those teens have their baby mommas...
The establishment right is just as much at fault. All of these pols want to destroy the family and make all you folks things that the party, which ever party you worship, and the central Capital, are the answers to all the problems.

How many of us had dads that were too busy, working their fingers to the bone, to spend time with us, and only came home to beat us if the school told our dads that we did something wrong, never questioning whether those filthy socialists were right or wrong in their opinions about our behavior? :rolleyes:

It is a FACT. . . the schools are the ones that breed bullies and dysfunctional behavior to begin with.

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991​

. . . and you want to defend that system?
That is NOT the system our founders set up, it is a system put in place to serve the oligarchs of the kakistocracy.

Fathers or no . . it is the system that numbers us, places us in categories, and treats us all like machines for a reason.

The Irish and Italian gangs never amused themselves by randomly beating people.
If you believe that these folks were "randomly" beating this girl for no reason . . . you are as dumb as folks around here say you are.
What do you get bubbling testosterone levels affecting the undeveloped (and underdeveloped) brains of youth or juvenile males in adult bodies, that come from broken homes or families with no idea of right or wrong, most of which don't even know who their fathers (and in some cases mothers) are?

Gang member.
When that article mentioned the involvement of the girls? Yeah, that was the sure tip off.

Where there are large groups of organized young men. . . the poor and desperate girls are sure to follow.

I would not be surprised if this incident has much, MUCH more than the victim, or the news report is telling us. . . Snitches get stitches in this culture.

And when you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way. . .

If you believe that these folks were "randomly" beating this girl for no reason . . . you are as dumb as folks around here say you are.
This gang has been beating random people for awhile. Some have been caught. They are having fun. It's white supremacy. Even if the victims aren't white.
If you believe that these folks were "randomly" beating this girl for no reason . . . you are as dumb as folks around here say you are.
There was a reason and it is quite the thing now; it occurs much more often than most realize.

Only the incidents captured on video are heard about, many more going on.
However you do not get it nor do most.

The big problem being too many making excuses for these thugs when what really needs to happen is to identify the problem and mete out punishment--no probation should be allowed.

No problem can be solved until the problem is recogized but if the problem has anything to do with blacks it is swept under the rug.
I think the term "jungle monkeys" is appropriate.
It began with public schools teaching blacks they are 'entitled' thus it is logical for these blacks to think if they do not live in that mansion on the hill; white folks are holding them back and these evil whites deserve to get beaten and robbed.
I wouldn’t want to be a cop in today’s hyper charged political environment, especially with Democrat nut jobs in charge and constantly trashing the police. So many other professions that don’t require that you risk your life every day, just to be called a racist by a bunch of commies at the end.
Right on, brother!

That's why it's suicidal for any good person to become a cop or public school teacher nowadays.
I see some very confused and naive posters above.

Now I will tell you the real truth and you will not hear it in most places.

First of all these so called 'teens' is a code word for black thugs; used because the media wants to hide the nature of the problem as it goes against their liberal narrative of black victimhood.

It is ridiculous so many seem to worry about the perps and have little or no concern for the real victims.

The outrageous level of black crime exists because the perps are handled with kid gloves.

They in most cases get probation and are very rarely charged with hate crimes which is the true nature of most of these violent incidents.

In fact many if not most of these violent offenders are on probation when they committ these attacks.

What we have here is a failure of the criminal justice system due to liberal judges and other liberal officials in these democrat controlled cities.
And some people think that this nation has a bright future.

It began with public schools teaching blacks they are 'entitled' thus it is logical for these blacks to think if they do not live in that mansion on the hill; white folks are holding them back and these evil whites deserve to get beaten and robbed.

That Black ghetto mentality is a jungle mentality.

However, since the Blacks are the core voting demographics of the filthy Demoocrat party nobody will ever get them under control. Just look at all the crime in all the Democrat controlled big city shitholes and the Democrat leadership don't do anything.
This gang has been beating random people for awhile. Some have been caught. They are having fun. It's white supremacy. Even if the victims aren't white.
This same gang huh? Just random folks huh?

They have identified the members, and they just let them do it?

Yeah, O.K., I'm willing to entertain that premise.

BUT PROVE IT. Post me some links to back up your assertion. I want names, dates, and reasons they just let them do it.

OTHERWISE? I call bullshit.

The victim was hispanic. . . so. . . your narrative doesn't really. . . um. . . seem to hold much water.

"It's white supremacy. Even if the victims aren't white." :rolleyes:

Is this sort of like, "Tipsycatlover is always correct. Even if she is wrong?" :heehee:
The teens hope they are fingered. Once they get sent to Joliet, they can find someone to take the fall for the crime.

They get "exonerated", a multimillion dollar settlement from the city, and hero status among the left like the CP5.

Best way to fix these thugs asses is to close the case as unsolvable, and don't give them a dime.

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