I was wrong about Phil Jones.. The Inside Story of Climate Science..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Had a lot of late nights this week. Watched a PBS special on Climate Change. Kind of well done, but preachy.
BIG HIGHLIGHT was --- I now understand how Phil Jones "lost" the supporting data for his temperature charts of GLOBAL reconstructions in the 18th and 19th Centuries. I had heard that this guy lack "organization skills" and attention to detail -- but what I saw --- was closer to episode of "Hoarders" on another network. In fact, -- an intervention MIGHT be in order.. HERE IS -- the pinnacle of "Climate Science" 30 years after the advent of desktop computing and document scanning..

He's running out of work space as evidenced by this close-up..


But WAIT -- It's not just his office.. The documentary then takes us into the East Anglia CRU "Climate Library"


Haven't seen anything like that in Western science and engineering since about the 1990's.
I now understand why Climate Science can't reproduce the data processing or make their "adjustments" available. And somebody should call the "hoarders" franchise, and suggest a new episode..

:banana: :banana: :banana:

BTW: The link to THIS segment of the Documentary is at

Taking the temperature - Myles Allen and Phil Jones Thin Ice

On Thin Ice -- The Inside Story of Climate Science... 2012. If you want the WHOLE episode, it will cost you $18..
Dear God, the trees that were harvested to create that steamy pile....

Exactly.. He should buy some Gore Carbon Offsets for that woodpile.
To be fair -- SOME of that could be papers from early 20th Century that are not yet scanned. But MOST journals have completed their archives back to their origins.

Climate Science could disappear from the face of earth if Phil's Win98 machine has it's fan stop running and starts smoking. Kinda like Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wiz of Oz....
A guy that takes his job very seriously and does a hell of a lot more for science then the op. lol
A guy that takes his job very seriously and does a hell of a lot more for science then the op. lol

PM me. We can discuss that. Are those pictures what you ENVISIONED "modern climate science" looks like?
"Phlo Jones has a messy desk, so climate scence is a fraud!"

Good luck with that. I guess when all the data says deniers have been completely wrong about everything, deflections of that sort become necessary. It's good to be on the rational side and not need those types of deflections.
"Phlo Jones has a messy desk, so climate scence is a fraud!"

Good luck with that. I guess when all the data says deniers have been completely wrong about everything, deflections of that sort become necessary. It's good to be on the rational side and not need those types of deflections.

I guess when all the adjusted data says deniers have been completely wrong about everything...

there, fixed it for ya
Frank, don't spam the same stupid shit in every thread. That's trolling, and it's against the rules.
Dear God, the trees that were harvested to create that steamy pile....

Exactly.. He should buy some Gore Carbon Offsets for that woodpile.
To be fair -- SOME of that could be papers from early 20th Century that are not yet scanned. But MOST journals have completed their archives back to their origins.

Climate Science could disappear from the face of earth if Phil's Win98 machine has it's fan stop running and starts smoking. Kinda like Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wiz of Oz....

I retired from law enforcement in 2005 and was involved with skeptical approaches to the science of earths atmosphere, before retiring. To date I have roughly 28 terabytes of data stored. Many books I have read have now been scanned in and made into searchable documents to include graphs and charts. I could not fathom trying to look for things in Phil Jones messes. I would be lost without my redundant servers and backups. Even my Police Sciences Masters thesis is in electronic format. Every class in atmospheric physics, statistics, etc that I have taken is in electric format and I use that data daily as a Meteorologist.

The level of Jones disorganization is stunning.. But as hoarders go, I would bet he could tell you exactly (or darn close to it) where everything is.
So you're not really working on a PhD in meteorology, as you earlier claimed. Got it. Just out of curiosity, where are you storing 28 TB of data?
So you're not really working on a PhD in meteorology, as you earlier claimed. Got it. Just out of curiosity, where are you storing 28 TB of data?

Actually I am working on a doctorate.. As for the data, Its not hard to upgrade a Microsoft sever array. One Rack sits nicely in the basement. I am pretty proud of that acquisition for next to nothing a few years back. It also allows me to run some sophisticated modeling programs as well.
Dear God, the trees that were harvested to create that steamy pile....

Exactly.. He should buy some Gore Carbon Offsets for that woodpile.
To be fair -- SOME of that could be papers from early 20th Century that are not yet scanned. But MOST journals have completed their archives back to their origins.

Climate Science could disappear from the face of earth if Phil's Win98 machine has it's fan stop running and starts smoking. Kinda like Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wiz of Oz....

I retired from law enforcement in 2005 and was involved with skeptical approaches to the science of earths atmosphere, before retiring. To date I have roughly 28 terabytes of data stored. Many books I have read have now been scanned in and made into searchable documents to include graphs and charts. I could not fathom trying to look for things in Phil Jones messes. I would be lost without my redundant servers and backups. Even my Police Sciences Masters thesis is in electronic format. Every class in atmospheric physics, statistics, etc that I have taken is in electric format and I use that data daily as a Meteorologist.

The level of Jones disorganization is stunning.. But as hoarders go, I would bet he could tell you exactly (or darn close to it) where everything is.

Yeah, he could find everything EXCEPT the supporting data and processing for his oft quoted papers... Probably fell in the trash can. If there is one.
Had a lot of late nights this week. Watched a PBS special on Climate Change. Kind of well done, but preachy.
BIG HIGHLIGHT was --- I now understand how Phil Jones "lost" the supporting data for his temperature charts of GLOBAL reconstructions in the 18th and 19th Centuries. I had heard that this guy lack "organization skills" and attention to detail -- but what I saw --- was closer to episode of "Hoarders" on another network. In fact, -- an intervention MIGHT be in order.. HERE IS -- the pinnacle of "Climate Science" 30 years after the advent of desktop computing and document scanning..

He's running out of work space as evidenced by this close-up..


But WAIT -- It's not just his office.. The documentary then takes us into the East Anglia CRU "Climate Library"


Haven't seen anything like that in Western science and engineering since about the 1990's.
I now understand why Climate Science can't reproduce the data processing or make their "adjustments" available. And somebody should call the "hoarders" franchise, and suggest a new episode..

:banana: :banana: :banana:

BTW: The link to THIS segment of the Documentary is at

Taking the temperature - Myles Allen and Phil Jones Thin Ice

On Thin Ice -- The Inside Story of Climate Science... 2012. If you want the WHOLE episode, it will cost you $18..

H.O.L.Y. S.H.I.T! My gosh but that is a true revelation!
Now with a desk and office as clean as that --- THIS person couldn't possibly be a Climate Scientist..

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Had a lot of late nights this week. Watched a PBS special on Climate Change. Kind of well done, but preachy.
BIG HIGHLIGHT was --- I now understand how Phil Jones "lost" the supporting data for his temperature charts of GLOBAL reconstructions in the 18th and 19th Centuries. I had heard that this guy lack "organization skills" and attention to detail -- but what I saw --- was closer to episode of "Hoarders" on another network. In fact, -- an intervention MIGHT be in order.. HERE IS -- the pinnacle of "Climate Science" 30 years after the advent of desktop computing and document scanning..

He's running out of work space as evidenced by this close-up..


But WAIT -- It's not just his office.. The documentary then takes us into the East Anglia CRU "Climate Library"


Haven't seen anything like that in Western science and engineering since about the 1990's.
I now understand why Climate Science can't reproduce the data processing or make their "adjustments" available. And somebody should call the "hoarders" franchise, and suggest a new episode..

:banana: :banana: :banana:

BTW: The link to THIS segment of the Documentary is at

Taking the temperature - Myles Allen and Phil Jones Thin Ice

On Thin Ice -- The Inside Story of Climate Science... 2012. If you want the WHOLE episode, it will cost you $18..

yah, I have seen pictures of Jones' office before.

I think poor ol' Phil is a victim of the Peter Principle. eg people keep getting promoted until they are incompetent at their job. he should probably be doddering about doing useless projects rather than being in charge of an important global temperature dataset.
So, what was Currie's latest paper? I believe it was the "stadium waves" nonsense. That is, her exercise in curve fitting. She filtered and overfiltered the data until it only had the signal she wanted, then declared it had the signal she wanted. And she gave no physical mechanism at all to explain it, she just declared energy flows to and fro, without explaining how. Any real scientist knows that curve fitting isn't science, it's mathturbation. Real scientists propose the physical mechanism first, and then then see if the data supports it.

In that 2013 paper, she also predicted global warming was over. 2104 and 2015 made that claim look completely ludicrous.

So, her science just stinks, and the predictions she made have failed completely. And deniers don't care. Failure is their deity. They fail at everything themselves, so they demand leaders just like themselves.

Deniers are showing off their ugly souls in this thread, descending like a pack of hyenas on Jones because he has a messy office. That's just pathetic. Honest people who have the science on their side wouldn't have to stoop that low. Jones does good science, while deniers suck hard at every bit of science on every topic.
So, what was Currie's latest paper? I believe it was the "stadium waves" nonsense. That is, her exercise in curve fitting. She filtered and overfiltered the data until it only had the signal she wanted, then declared it had the signal she wanted. And she gave no physical mechanism at all to explain it, she just declared energy flows to and fro, without explaining how. Any real scientist knows that curve fitting isn't science, it's mathturbation. Real scientists propose the physical mechanism first, and then then see if the data supports it.

In that 2013 paper, she also predicted global warming was over. 2104 and 2015 made that claim look completely ludicrous.

So, her science just stinks, and the predictions she made have failed completely. And deniers don't care. Failure is their deity. They fail at everything themselves, so they demand leaders just like themselves.

Deniers are showing off their ugly souls in this thread, descending like a pack of hyenas on Jones because he has a messy office. That's just pathetic. Honest people who have the science on their side wouldn't have to stoop that low. Jones does good science, while deniers suck hard at every bit of science on every topic.

It's not JUST a messy office. It's an indication of his ability to organize and use tools.. AND extremely suggestive as to how he COULD NOT or WOULD NOT provide data sets to other researchers without a fuss.. Haven't seen anything like that in DECADES... And THAT is the zenith of Climate science??

More importantly ----- Help me out here..

I need to know whether that brown pile behind his chair is his old hat or a beaver looking for stolen wood..

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