I will not be missed

After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. It’s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats don’t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Don’t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

It’s been real
Lol, woe is me. Meanwhile when is the last time you actually saw a trans person in real life. I have been on the planet a long long time and not sure I have ever seen one. Suspected twice but not sure. Illegal border crossing has been happening since the beginning of time. No one has knocked on my door wanting my guns. Reparations still have nit paid any. Kids seeing drag queens not my kids. FBI fixing elections horse shit. No prosecution of crime horse shit we have more people in jail than any where on the planet even more than north Korea. Vaccine and masks lol were ya forced into a vaccine no. Masks so ya had to wear a mask while running around a store big f in deal. Lol, ya been miserable for no fing reason but hey ya like being miserable more power to ya. If ya are going to leave here do yourself a favor. Put down you damn phone quit watching fox news and take your miserable ass outside and start living again. Buy a boat and some fishing poles and be f ING happy. Quit letting people piss on your brain. Politics don't matter at all when you are on the water. All land problems completely fade away. Just you water fish and your fishing buddy.
You don't give up fighting insanity. I know how you feel.. i get the same feeling sometimes to just let them have their way...but their way is wrong and it will lead to death...death of this country, our children, freedom, their own deaths but they don't get that.
Or maybe… just maybe… YOURE wrong!!! 🤯
After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. It’s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats don’t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Don’t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

It’s been real
hahahahaha. bye, felicia.
You win. I hang my head in defeat.

It’s been real

oh c'mon, zoggy, don't be a drama queen. now, i did consider posting this is reponse to yer defeat...


but all i would want from you is to admit donny et al is a traitor & should be put behind bars, not for you to depart from this here fun park.

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