I will not be missed

After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. Itā€™s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats donā€™t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Donā€™t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

Itā€™s been real

I will miss you. No, we never became fast friends. But your points were good, even when I disagreed with them.

If you feel you have to go, I wish you the best. But the place is better with you here.
After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. Itā€™s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
Yep, except his stuttering still bothers him sometimes
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
It might have been.
Trump is a Russian spy
He might as well be.
The Southern Border is secure
As secure as it's been in years.
America is racist and must be remade
I don't know what you mean by remade, but we certainly still have racism.
Forgive all college debt
Excellent idea.
The Democrats donā€™t need to have debates
They may not, but if they did, Biden would participate. The same can't be said for your man. He wants to bail and he has far more serious opponents than does the president.
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Abortion should be available on demand in the first trimester. After that it should require a doctor's consultation re situations that threaten the mother's health.
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Another excellent idea.
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Nothing wrong with drag shows and if you want to comb their hair beforehand, fee free.
Give PoC reparations
It's been a long time coming.
Fire all dissenting voices
Nope. That's what Trump wants to do with his Schedule F bullshit.
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Nope. The people trying to rig elections would be Donald J Trump and his minions
Donā€™t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Nope, but at higher rates than Trump did.
Being white is a privilege
It is. It shouldn't be.
Vaccine and mask mandates worked
They did. We should have had a great deal more of them. Trump's abject incompetence on that subject cost this nation the lives of several hundred thousand Americans.
You win. I hang my head in defeat.
Another excellent idea
Itā€™s been real
Not my impression.
If you read this - don't be embarrassed to come back.
You wouldn't by far be the first to say they are leaving and then return.
It is expected really.
Pretty hard habit to break.

i like the zogster. him & i have have a mutual respect for all things pie.
After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. Itā€™s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats donā€™t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Donā€™t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

Itā€™s been real

Were those your talking points?
perhaps if i bribed you w/ a piece of this, zogerino?

You don't give up fighting insanity. I know how you feel.. i get the same feeling sometimes to just let them have their way...but their way is wrong and it will lead to death...death of this country, our children, freedom, their own deaths but they don't get that.

We know that you surrendered to the insanity a long time ago and youā€™re not coming back.. Youā€™re one of the true believers.

You seem to have forgotten all of the deaths caused by the Trump presidency, including over 1 million people dying of Covid, all of the mass shooting and gun crime victims, and all of the opioid deaths that happened while Trump spent his time trying to lock up Democrats and falsely claiming he was a victim.

The only reason heā€™s running for president again, so he be an pardon himself for all of his crimes.
After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. Itā€™s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats donā€™t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Donā€™t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

Itā€™s been real

I love a good board suicide letter.

His whole imaginary online persona just didnā€™t hold up.

This is the best post heā€™s ever made.
We know that you surrendered to the insanity a long time ago and youā€™re not coming back.. Youā€™re one of the true believers.

You seem to have forgotten all of the deaths caused by the Trump presidency, including over 1 million people dying of Covid, all of the mass shooting and gun crime victims, and all of the opioid deaths that happened while Trump spent his time trying to lock up Democrats and falsely claiming he was a victim.

The only reason heā€™s running for president again, so he be an pardon himself for all of his crimes.
How exactly did Trump release the Chinese virus on the world? I cannot wait for your response.
We know that you surrendered to the insanity a long time ago and youā€™re not coming back.. Youā€™re one of the true believers.

You seem to have forgotten all of the deaths caused by the Trump presidency, including over 1 million people dying of Covid, all of the mass shooting and gun crime victims, and all of the opioid deaths that happened while Trump spent his time trying to lock up Democrats and falsely claiming he was a victim.

The only reason heā€™s running for president again, so he be an pardon himself for all of his crimes.

Cusses the President who gave her the COVID vaccine, after being jabbed full of it.

Dude left because he was tired of losing. I guess that makes him a loser or smart enough to know he canā€™t win. Itā€™s hard when your politics are based on feelings, culture and bullshit instead of people, facts, and impact. It will give him more time to cold call people on sales since I think he sold timeshares or some shady shit.

Having said that I appreciate all you lovable losers.
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How exactly did Trump release the Chinese virus on the world? I cannot wait for your response.

Trump did nothing to stop the virus from spreading throughout the USA. He had no national testing system. Trump closed the White House pandemic office when he took office, and threw out the pandemic playbook created after the swine flu pandemic.

The rest of the world started preparing for the pandemic in January 2020, when the Chinese government advised the world that they had a problem.

Canada and the rest of the world, had testing in place by February, and we were testing everyone coming in from hotspots.

Trump brought 40,000 people home from China to the USA during same this time frame, without testing any of them. And he did nothing to test people coming in from Europe to airports in Atlanta in New York. The bulk of the early disease, which spread throughout the US, came from Italy, which was confirmed by DNA testing.

Trump adopted the strategy of ā€œherd immunityā€ which the CDC warned from the beginning would kill more than a million Americans.

Trump spent all of his time politicizing the pandemic, attacking blue states for their Covid response, instead of coordinating a nationwide effort to contain the disease.

Even the PPE shortage can be laid at trumps feet. In January he told American medical supply firms to sell all of their PPE to the China. He even changed the tariff rules to allow them to make as much money as possible off the Chinese pandemic.

Thousands of healthcare workers in the USA died because they were using garbage bags and home made masks because the entire national supply had been sold to China.

I can go on and on about the stupid shit that Trump did that killed people but all you have to do is look at the numbers of people who got sick and died in the USA and compare it to any other first world country and you will see what a horrible disaster it was.

Last but not least, every day I read this crazy anti-VAX Covid is a hoax bullshit being posted on this message board so the damage is still ongoing.

You have reached the point where the virus just is running free in mutating it will. The United States of America is poisoning his self with virus and spreading it to the rest of the world.
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Trump did nothing to stop the virus from spreading throughout the USA.

I can't believe you libtards!

You expect Trump to stop a virus???

But your vegetable in chief... No matter what evil he does (open borders.. supporting the murder of babies even in the 9th month!), he's a great president!


Can you say CULT?

You people are so sick... no doctor will see you.. (afraid it may be contagious)
Dude left because he was tired of losing. I guess that makes him a loser or smart enough to know he canā€™t win. Itā€™s hard when your politics are based on feelings, culture and bullshit instead of people, facts, and impact. It will give him more time to cold call people on sales since I think he sold timeshares or some shady shit.

Having said that I appreciate all you lovable losers.
Has he actually left - or did he only promise to leave?
Stay around. From what I have seen things are starting to turn. There is a revolt inside the Democratic Party going on not publicized much but it is happening.
And in the Republican Party as well from what I am seeing in the media. Both national party conventions are going to be wild ones and may see big changes in both parties. They should be entertaining if nothing else.

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