I will not be missed

In other words, you refuse to read anything which would enlighten you as to what really happened. Not only did I say that Trump lied I made note of the lies he told.

facts are like kryptonite to MAGAts.

You’re supporting an indicted and convicted criminal, self confessed sexual predator, and liar. You moved into the sewer the first time you voted for Trump.

the sewer located in the basket of deplorables.

Anyone who continues to support Donald Trump has no moral high ground to claim.

that's why donny loves the poorly educated long time.
I expect Trump to provide leadership in a crisis. That’s his job.

Donald Trump’s response to Covid was to lie about it and tell the American people, it was no big deal and it was all handled.

Trump was more concerned about what this would do to his re-election chances, then he was about the lives of the American people.

He spread the disease around the country by holding rallies where people didn’t have to wear masks. People dying from going to his fucking rallies, and believing his lies. There were spikes in infections in the weeks following his rallies.

The statistics from 2020 are frightening. American counties which voted for Trump, had higher rates of disease and death than the counties that voted for Biden. Even worse, the greater the vote gap for Trump, the higher the death rate.

Nations which followed the science, had real lockdowns, not the bullshit lockdowns that the US had, and vaccine mandates, returned to normal life quickly.

Our economies never crashed. Since our rates of disease and death were less than a third of that in the USA, our healthcare system had 1/3 of the cost of testing and treating people with Covid. so our medical costs were lower. And we had fewer people with long-term Covid going onto disability coverage.

Things returned to normal relatively quickly here, basically right after we reached 80% all vaccination rates.

Talk about a fucking idiot.

I had a “special exemption” from death and disease, because I live in a country where the nation’s leaders ensured that we have the testing, PPE and resources in place to protect our citizens from the virus.

I live in a country with vaccine and mask mandates, and a government that didn’t try to politicize the pandemic.

I live in the country with no insane billionaire owned right wing media with a vested interest in keeping the pandemic going as a political tool

Fucking idiots like yourself keep going along with this divisive and unproductive hate speech while hundreds of Americans are still dying from Covid.
Question, did TRUMP! do the right thing and listen to the experts when he fast-tracked the vaccines and urged people to take them? I haven't seen an honest answer yet from the usual suspects.
In other words, you refuse to read anything which would enlighten you as to what really happened. Not only did I say that Trump lied I made note of the lies he told.

You’re supporting an indicted and convicted criminal, self confessed sexual predator, and liar. You moved into the sewer the first time you voted for Trump.

Anyone who continues to support Donald Trump has no moral high ground to claim.
Did he do the right thing by fast-tracking the vaccines and urging people to take them?

Make sure that connection between the brain and the DNC Bullshit Talking Point Download Cable is good and tight, little parrot.



look familiar? :auiqs.jpg:
Question, did TRUMP! do the right thing and listen to the experts when he fast-tracked the vaccines and urged people to take them?

you mean the same experts he came to denigrate & pushed hydroxychloroquine, light sabers, & bleach?

I haven't seen an honest answer yet from the usual suspects.

you want some honesty in the way of actual truth & facts?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources​

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.“This came directly from the White House,” one official said.

The White House insistence on secrecy at the nation’s premier public health organization, which has not been previously disclosed, has put a lid on certain information - and potentially delayed the response to the crisis. COVID19, the disease caused by the virus, has killed about 30 people in the United States and infected more than 1,000 people. *
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Did he do the right thing by fast-tracking the vaccines and urging people to take them?

did he do the right thing when he played down the # of cases & did nothing to mitigate the severity that was inevitably coming by lying about it & how masking up & shutting down before any vaccine was even possible would slow down the spread & deaths?

me thinx no.
you mean the same experts he came to denigrate & pushed hydroxychloroquine, light sabers, & bleach?

you want some honesty in the way of actual truth & facts?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources​

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.“This came directly from the White House,” one official said.

The White House insistence on secrecy at the nation’s premier public health organization, which has not been previously disclosed, has put a lid on certain information - and potentially delayed the response to the crisis. COVID19, the disease caused by the virus, has killed about 30 people in the United States and infected more than 1,000 people. *
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources


Looks a lot like you're trying to act like you're answering without answering. It's a very simple answer to a very simple question. Did TRUMP! do the right thing when he fast-tracked the vaccines and urged people to take them?
did he do the right thing when he played down the # of cases & did nothing to mitigate the severity that was inevitably coming by lying about it & how masking up & shutting down before any vaccine was even possible would slow down the spread & deaths?

me thinx no.
Yet another attempt to appear to give an answer without answering. That's a basic strawman, because you're giving and answering a question I didn't ask while pretending to answer mine. Pretty lame.
Looks a lot like you're trying to act like you're answering without answering. It's a very simple answer to a very simple question. Did TRUMP! do the right thing when he fast-tracked the vaccines and urged people to take them?

donny did the 'right thing' because it benefitted donny. just like he lied & covered up the devastation happening in real time B4 any vaccines - because it was 'right' for donny.

JUST like he also turned orange tail when he started blathering about getting the vaccine was an individual choice when his MAGAts bitched 'cause a whole lot are anti vaxx. & he needed their loyalty & votes.
Yet another attempt to appear to give an answer without answering. That's a basic strawman, because you're giving and answering a question I didn't ask while pretending to answer mine. Pretty lame.


Make sure that connection between the brain and the DNC Bullshit Talking Point Download Cable is good and tight, little parrot.


You elected a criminal President who was in the middle of a $100+ million fraud trial when you elected him.

A man who bragged about sexually assaulting women, bribing government officials, and who had 6 bankruptcies under his belt. A 7th bankruptcy happening during the 2016 campaign.

Are your defense of your devotion to this soul-less hate monger is what??

These are talking points????
donny did the 'right thing' because it benefitted donny. just like he lied & covered up the devastation happening in real time B4 any vaccines - because it was 'right' for donny.
That alone could get you a 'visit'. Be careful.
JUST like he also turned orange tail when he started blathering about getting the vaccine was an individual choice when his MAGAts bitched 'cause a whole lot are anti vaxx. & he needed their loyalty & votes.
And you can't give a simple yes or no without a whole bunch of qualifications and waddaboudisms. Classic dodge I've seen over and over again.
wait... you're talking about bidum here?

Oh, that's right. Dims can do no wrong! How could I forget the mantra/ideology of the left?

my bad

Do you have any evidence of criminal wrong doing by Democrats in high office?

Any criminal charges filed? Any convictions obtained? Do you have a single investigative report that recommends charges against any Democrat?

Until you do, this is just same bullshit different day. No evidence. No witnesses. And no crimes having been committed. 30+ years of the same bullshit about how Democrats are getting away with everything.

Get back to us when you turn up some evidence of all of these supposed crimes.

We have a lists of Republicans, who have been investigated, charged, and convicted of the crimes of which they were accused. In every Republican administration since Richard Nixon.

Hundreds of charges laid, dozens of senior Republicans jailed. Pardons gladhanded out.

What do you have other than “Whataboutism?” .

Show us the evidence asshole?
That alone could get you a 'visit'. Be careful.

wtf are you suggesting haddy?

And you can't give a simple yes or no without a whole bunch of qualifications and waddaboudisms. Classic dodge I've seen over and over again.

because a simple yes or no is too complex for you. there's no dodging 'cept for you refusing to accepts facts. the truthful facts & not some bullshit alternative facts.

the truth is - donny lied & lied & lied about the severity of COVID & played down the number of cases & deaths.


he admitted that he didn't want americans coming off a floating petri dish because then those cases would be recorded & he 'liked the numbers where they were '


then he lied & said it was all gonna be over in the spring.


& because the economy was tanking due to those damn americans had the nerve to keep getting get sick & die is when he 'fast tracked' that vaccine & promoted it. for ... his... benefit.


THEN when his flying monkeys started becoming more anti masking & certainly anti vaxxing, & a few started chanting anti trump rhetoric because of his promoting it - he switched tactics & also pushed hydroxycloriquin; instead of giving out PSAs that taking fish food was junk science, because he didn't want his nutty supporters to turn on him - & started making dr. fauci a target


just cause you don't want to accept the facts that yer chosen one is all about himself, that's on you.

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