‘I Will Not Suffer This Harlot’....The MAGA Crack Up Continues Apace...

Stupid mfr.


A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian. It is simply sound public health policy that has been in place for over 100 years, and used by both parties throughout that time. Countries with vaccine mandates, mask mandates country-wide, and strict lockdown policies had the lowest rates of disease and death, in the world.

The whole politicization of the pandemic by Americans made the rest of the world question both your intelligence and your sanity, and your continued pushing of the idea that public health initiatives are fascist and/or authoritarian continues to give evidence that you're either stupid or insane to continue to think along these lines. 3% of the world's population, with the most advanced medical treatments in the world, and you account for 15% of the deaths from covid, and the continuing mutation and spread of the disease.
The hell there weren't. Tell that to the military and first responders who were ordered to get the jab or be terminated.

Yea, run away with a thumbs down clown. What else are you going to throw up against the wall.
A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian. It is simply sound public health policy that has been in place for over 100 years, and used by both parties throughout that time. Countries with vaccine mandates, mask mandates country-wide, and strict lockdown policies had the lowest rates of disease and death, in the world.

The whole politicization of the pandemic by Americans made the rest of the world question both your intelligence and your sanity, and your continued pushing of the idea that public health initiatives are fascist and/or authoritarian continues to give evidence that you're either stupid or insane to continue to think along these lines. 3% of the world's population, with the most advanced medical treatments in the world, and you account for 15% of the deaths from covid, and the continuing mutation and spread of the disease.

The nazis used vaccine passports you ridiculous fucking clod.
This is NOT how Congress is supposed to work at all. The rules McCarthy was desperate enough to go along with are the reason why Congress got NOTHING done at all under either Beyner, or Ryan, and why both had very short tenures as Speaker.

McCarthy has created another "do nothing" Congress, and will be doing well to end the year as Speaker.

6 hours to read a $1.7TRILLION Spending bill is the definition of broken so badly it's begging for Torches and pitchforks
A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian. It is simply sound public health policy that has been in place for over 100 years, and used by both parties throughout that time. Countries with vaccine mandates, mask mandates country-wide, and strict lockdown policies had the lowest rates of disease and death, in the world.

The whole politicization of the pandemic by Americans made the rest of the world question both your intelligence and your sanity, and your continued pushing of the idea that public health initiatives are fascist and/or authoritarian continues to give evidence that you're either stupid or insane to continue to think along these lines. 3% of the world's population, with the most advanced medical treatments in the world, and you account for 15% of the deaths from covid, and the continuing mutation and spread of the disease.
Yes, the majority of COVID patients in Indiana hospitals are unvaccinated You just can't fix stupoid.
You just got your ass handed to you via your retarded ass argument. Get the fuck on loser.

Wrong again. Like everything you post.

You claimed the dems aren't authoritarian. I proved they are.

Your rebuttal was
"But, but, but...."

6 hours to read a $1.7TRILLION Spending bill is the definition of broken so badly it's begging for Torches and pitchforks
And the $2trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy that they didn't need? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg: That shit didn't take one minute.
That's Grifty's DoJ, Laughing Lad...

You got bupkis.

Navarro is a joke.
Don't fucking care....I never trusted the Bushbot Barr, from the moment his fat ass was floated to replace the shitweasel Sessions....Doucehbag was just another in the long train of Trump's unforced errors.

I was right....You have you head stuffed so far up your own ass that you refuse to even look at the report.
Destroying government isn't going to magically reward you with power.
No one destroyed anything by holding votes... what does destroy government which is us the people is an authoritarian government that is accepted by the liberals in this nation...
Don't fucking care....I never trusted the Bushbot Barr, from the moment his fat ass was floated to replace the shitweasel Sessions.

I was right....You have you head stuffed so far up your own ass that you refuse to even look at the report.
Do you know why Grifty replaced Banjo Beau with Bill Barr?

Thank you for cherry picking the 0NE reasonable rule in the list, thus proving what a complete fool you truly are.

You ignore all of the self-dealing, anti-democratic, and stupid shit in that rules list, and pick the ONLY reasonable suggestion in the lot. And the fact that you do this, simply proves what a stupid gullible idiot you truly are.

Instead of dealing with high inflation, the Southern Border, or climate change, the Insurrection Caucus is going to investigate Hunter Biden's emails, Nancy Pelosi's responsibility for the lack of security on January 6th, Anthony Faucci, and Joe Biden's corruption. Nothing to help the American people at all. Just giving a platform for Jim Jordan and the other members of the Insurrectionist Caucus to lie with impunity, to the American people.

How come you don't have a job yet, FuckBoi????
Instead of dealing with high inflation, the Southern Border,

Thanks for once again exposing your ignorance. They cover the Southern border, Dumbass.

Forcing votes on term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and border security isn't reasonable, Simp?

You really are stupid beyond comprehension.

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