‘I Will Not Suffer This Harlot’....The MAGA Crack Up Continues Apace...

That has always been their agenda, way before Biden. I've said it for decades. This is a collection of individuals who live and breath to see the pain and suffering of others. They behave exactly like the Nazis did in Germany. Given the power, the GOP would engage in recreational murder and killing of those who are not like them.
There is no such animal, and you can't cite any proof of that. You're just a miserable pos liar.


So you don’t think it’s good to require 72 hours minimum to read a bill before having to vote on it?


Thank you for cherry picking the 0NE reasonable rule in the list, thus proving what a complete fool you truly are.

You ignore all of the self-dealing, anti-democratic, and stupid shit in that rules list, and pick the ONLY reasonable suggestion in the lot. And the fact that you do this, simply proves what a stupid gullible idiot you truly are.

Instead of dealing with high inflation, the Southern Border, or climate change, the Insurrection Caucus is going to investigate Hunter Biden's emails, Nancy Pelosi's responsibility for the lack of security on January 6th, Anthony Faucci, and Joe Biden's corruption. Nothing to help the American people at all. Just giving a platform for Jim Jordan and the other members of the Insurrectionist Caucus to lie with impunity, to the American people.

How come you don't have a job yet, FuckBoi????
Thank you for cherry picking the 0NE reasonable rule in the list, thus proving what a complete fool you truly are.

You ignore all of the self-dealing, anti-democratic, and stupid shit in that rules list, and pick the ONLY reasonable suggestion in the lot. And the fact that you do this, simply proves what a stupid gullible idiot you truly are.

Instead of dealing with high inflation, the Southern Border, or climate change, the Insurrection Caucus is going to investigate Hunter Biden's emails, Nancy Pelosi's responsibility for the lack of security on January 6th, Anthony Faucci, and Joe Biden's corruption. Nothing to help the American people at all. Just giving a platform for Jim Jordan and the other members of the Insurrectionist Caucus to lie with impunity, to the American people.

How come you don't have a job yet, FuckBoi????
They do absolutely nothing for the American people. NOTHING!
There is no such fucking thing you miserable pos.

The hell there weren't. Tell that to the military and first responders who were ordered to get the jab or be terminated.

There is nothing to debate with you here, because you offer nothing to support your own opinions. You pretend to be educated and accuse me of being “unread” on these issues. You obviously haven’t read or considered the warning of Washington I quoted about the threat that the “spirit of party” represents to our “popular” Republican form of government.

Not merely Washington but the main writer of our Constitution and Fourth President, James Madison, also reacted negatively to the partisan spirit that quickly arose in the new Republic. Like Washington a Federalist who feared the rise of popular passions fanned by “party partisan” demagogues, he was above all a public servant and a thoughtful politician.

Madison sought alternatives to the then clearly misfunctioning Electoral College, and especially opposed the early spread of state “winner take all” partisan selection of electors. If he lived today, he would no doubt support reforms like “Instant Runnoff Ranked Choice Voting”:

As historian Garry Wills wrote of our fourth president, “as a framer and defender of the Constitution he had no peer.” Yet, when he helped create the Constitution and when he defended it years after his presidency, Madison repeatedly argued for alternatives to the winner-take-all method of choosing a state’s presidential electors. Like other leaders of that time, he looked at the world with clear eyes and learned from experience, unafraid to support change when that change made sense. — Why James Madison Wanted to Change the Way We Vote For President - FairVote

Of course today partisan demagogery has infected our professional politicians and much of the public as well, as reflected by the insulting “discourse” that usually goes on right here on USMessageBoard.
There is nothing to debate with you here, because you offer nothing to support your own opinions. None of them do.
The hell there weren't. Tell that to the military and first responders who were ordered to get the jab or be terminated.

They signed up you bumbling idiot. That's not authoritarianism or mandate. They signed up you fucking clown. Get a gd clue you idiot. Do you know what happens in a room full of infected covid patients with other non-infected covid patients? Take a wild fucking guess?
This is how congress is suppose to work... not like the coronation process that dems do...
No wonder rank and file democrat voters are so mad... they can't get anything they want because the same elected dems keep all the power for themselves and block their own party members...

I love hoe Pelosi collared and bitch slapped The Squad into kissing her senile ass
They signed up you bumbling idiot. That's not authoritarianism. Get a gd clue you idiot. Do you know what happens in a room full of infected covid patients with other non-infected covid patients? Take a wild fucking guess?



You fucking retard.

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