‘I Will Not Suffer This Harlot’....The MAGA Crack Up Continues Apace...

Forcing votes on term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and border security isn't reasonable, Simp?

You really are stupid beyond comprehension.
Term limits - you're a fucking election denier, stooge

Balanced budget - you've never voted for a POTUS who managed to hand off a smaller deficit than what he inherited

Border security - you losers only care about it when you're out of power.
Why is irrelevant to the fact that he replaced one slug of the permanent bureaucratic class with another ....Meet the new boss.

BTW, Dr. Navarro has forgot more abut econ and statistics than you'll ever know.
Because he did so for a specific reason, ignorant pollock.

Navarro is a shitty economist who talked Grifty into his dumbass trade war.
Because he did so for a specific reason, ignorant pollock.
You really are a fucking moron...The reason is meaningless unless the change was in fact a change of substance.....The "why" is just a fart in the wind, when you're replacing interchangeable bureaucratic hacks.
Navarro is a shitty economist who talked Grifty into his dumbass trade war.
He's smarter than three of you, chunkhead.
You really are a fucking moron...The reason is meaningless unless the change was in fact a change of substance.....The "why" is just a fart in the wind, when you're replacing interchangeable bureaucratic hacks.

He's smarter than three of you, chunkhead.
It was, idiot.

Barr had gone public with his conviction that POTUS can't be indicted and prosecuted.

If you are too ignorant to understand, don't f...ing bluff.

He's smarter than three of you, chunkhead.

He's an ass
It was, idiot.

Barr had gone public with his conviction that POTUS can't be indicted and prosecuted.

If you are too ignorant to understand, don't f...ing bluff.
Boris Epshteyn could've -and probably did- tell him that....He didn't need the bloated Bushbot Barr.
He's smarter than three of you, chunkhead.

He's an ass
He's smarter than four of you, horse's ass.


You fucking retard.

Do you even know how the military operates? It's formed around a hierarchy with very strong authority present. A Chief once told me that the military ISN'T a democracy, it's a hierarchy. If someone outranks you (higher on the hierarchy than you), they get to tell you what to do. If you outrank someone else, you get to tell them what to do. And, the authority in the military is pretty much iron clad (or at least, it was when I was in). And, the higher ups (leadership) of the military decided that everyone needed to be vaccinated. Since that was the decision of the leadership, get the vaccine, or get out.
A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian. It is simply sound public health policy that has been in place for over 100 years, and used by both parties throughout that time. Countries with vaccine mandates, mask mandates country-wide, and strict lockdown policies had the lowest rates of disease and death, in the world.

The whole politicization of the pandemic by Americans made the rest of the world question both your intelligence and your sanity, and your continued pushing of the idea that public health initiatives are fascist and/or authoritarian continues to give evidence that you're either stupid or insane to continue to think along these lines. 3% of the world's population, with the most advanced medical treatments in the world, and you account for 15% of the deaths from covid, and the continuing mutation and spread of the disease.
A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian.

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A vaccine mandate is neither facist, nor authoritarian. It is simply sound public health policy that has been in place for over 100 years, and used by both parties throughout that time. Countries with vaccine mandates, mask mandates country-wide, and strict lockdown policies had the lowest rates of disease and death, in the world.

The whole politicization of the pandemic by Americans made the rest of the world question both your intelligence and your sanity, and your continued pushing of the idea that public health initiatives are fascist and/or authoritarian continues to give evidence that you're either stupid or insane to continue to think along these lines. 3% of the world's population, with the most advanced medical treatments in the world, and you account for 15% of the deaths from covid, and the continuing mutation and spread of the disease.
KKKanada's death rate is the same as the US death rate for the Fauci Flu, Twit.

And that's with your Gubmint healthcare.
Term limits - you're a fucking election denier, stooge

Balanced budget - you've never voted for a POTUS who managed to hand off a smaller deficit than what he inherited

Border security - you losers only care about it when you're out of power.
Term limits - you're a fucking election denier, stooge

Link? Or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

Watch this......
He didn't..

Barr did.

I'm smart enough to know Grifty lost....big.
Trump had no fewer than a dozen lawyers that he could've smacked while swinging a cat, who would've told him this common knowledge...Nobody needed Barr.

The nazis used vaccine passports you ridiculous fucking clod.

The nazis used patriotism, hospitals, schools, courts and laws too. The nazis used a LOT of things, that have nothing to do with fascism or authoritarianism. All in the service of overturning legal elections, and installing the leader they wanted, instead of the one the people voted for.
Trump had no fewer than a dozen lawyers that he could've smacked while swinging a cat, who would've told him this common knowledge...Nobody needed Barr.


Very few who had any kind of a reputation who were willing to do what Trump wanted. Barr believed in the Divine Power of Presidents. There are damn few lawyers of any stripe who agreed with him. Barr was also willing to investigate the investigators, and engage in Trump's revenge prosecutions, and turn the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm.

There were any number of reasons why a criminal like Trump needed a AG like Barr.


You fucking retard.

Since the 1950's, no child could attend public school without smallpox and polio vaccines. Ruebella and mumps were later added to the list.

Regardless of which party was in office.
Barr was also willing to investigate the investigators, and engage in Trump's revenge prosecutions, and turn the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm.
Then why didn't he do just that?

Answer: he was put in there to run interference for the permanent police/spook state.
When will you be honest and admit that an authoritarian government is what you favor?....

You said the people were better off because of what took place at the start of the 68th Congress. So, tell us what they did that was so great for the American people.
The nazis used patriotism, hospitals, schools, courts and laws too. The nazis used a LOT of things, that have nothing to do with fascism or authoritarianism. All in the service of overturning legal elections, and installing the leader they wanted, instead of the one the people voted for.
Look at our KKKanadian fuckwit defending Nazis.

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