I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah

Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
Read just this morning that King Abdullah once, for fun, played a small role in a Star Wars (or was that Star Trek?) movie. Remember, I don't watch many movies and I read the article only in passing.....but you can read the whole thing if movies are your "thing":

Jordan The King Who Was in Star Trek is Now Going to War for Real

Later I mentioned that to a friend at the coffee shop. A liberal having Chai Tea at a nearby table (apparently libs are allergic to coffee unless it has hot milk, whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles) jumped up and said Obama had been in a Star Trek Episode, too!

Then I looked it up.

He was right!

Who knew there were people inside those cute little Tribbles!
I hate coffee and have since drinking gallons daily in the military....
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
He drew a red line, they crossed it, and he responded.

Yep, a much better leader than the White House occupier.

Also, note how he and his wife showed actual compassion to the family of the murdered pilot - as opposed to Obama's ME-ME-ME shallow photo op exploitation of tragedy.
Well, full disclosure.

Obama says me, me, me everywhere he goes so it may not be a personal insult to the dead woman who was an American citizen (yet another) murdered by these savages.
You mean the one Jordan just killed, with a bomb? Hope she didn't burn to death, that would ruin your moral high-ground made of Jello.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
What-evah, where oh where is your hero Pootin, hiding?
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....
This type of thread is So Revealing. The moonbats scurry out of their dank little corners of fear in order to shit and piss on anyone who shows that he has a Backbone made of Moral Fiber.
What the OP reveals is her total lack of patriotism to America. What the OP reveals is that she will drop to her knees for any other leader in the free or not free world if they 'talk tough.' Words mean nothing. Jordan is in the ME. Jordan is a Muslim country. Why have they waited all this time to fight against terrorism and against ISIS? What this thread reveals about the RW is that they are incredibly stupid.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
He drew a red line, they crossed it, and he responded.

Yep, a much better leader than the White House occupier.

Also, note how he and his wife showed actual compassion to the family of the murdered pilot - as opposed to Obama's ME-ME-ME shallow photo op exploitation of tragedy.
Well, full disclosure.

Obama says me, me, me everywhere he goes so it may not be a personal insult to the dead woman who was an American citizen (yet another) murdered by these savages.
You mean the one Jordan just killed, with a bomb? Hope she didn't burn to death, that would ruin your moral high-ground made of Jello.
Given the track record of your heros, she was dead days before that bomb landed.

Kind of like the Jordanian pilot.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....

People like her elected Obama, so clearly she shares his lack of values.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....

People like her elected Obama, so clearly she shares his lack of values.
Obama made of point of showing us during the prayer breakfast that he can't see evil for what it is. He compares Christianity with ISIS. For the most part what Christians have done throughout history is hurt sinner's feelings. What was the worse thing that could happen to you if you're a member of a Christian church? Be ex-communicated? With ISIS you get burned alive.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
American F-16 and F-22 jets provided security to the Jordanian fighter planes, with additional support from refueling tankers and surveillance aircraft, US officials said.
Jordan US France Intensify Anti-ISIS Operations Following Murder Of Pilot

You people are such idiots. The US and other countries are supporting Jordan. You people have said time and again, why aren't the Muslim countries in the ME fighting against ISIS instead of expecting us to do it. Now one country is doing it. You are such hypocrites.

What is the OP suggesting, that we invade another ME country like Bush did with Afghanistan and Iraq, ending up with thousands of American deaths? You people are such idiots. Can't repeat it often enough.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....

People like her elected Obama, so clearly she shares his lack of values.

I have always wondered why it is that people are reluctant to name anti-Americans as such.

After all, anti- is a prefix designated to mean, "Against"....every USMB progressive and liberal (with a few exceptions) are against American and would not bring themselves to say anything good about America if you pulled out their toenails.

Yet, these same people who proclaimed loudly that "Bush was not My President" are suddenly besides themselves and frothing at the mouth when anyone decides to disagree with the Bamster.

Its a mental illness.
Given the track record of your heros, she was dead days before that bomb landed.
Not my heroes, an evil like you, and your new hero killed her...
No? You are doing your damnest to defend them and degenerate all others.

yeah, I think they are you heroes. They're killing westerners, aren't they?
Last time I checked the were Muslims fighting a war inside Muslim nations? Exactly what part of that is any of our business?

And they are as evil and stupid as you are. But good news, you both hate Liberalism, the very foundation of this nation.
obama has been spitting on every country trying to fight isis. That's why the UAE told obama that they would no longer be part of his phony coalition. obama refused to help with the rescues of downed pilots. See ya.

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