I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah

No? You are doing your damnest to defend them and degenerate all others.

yeah, I think they are you heroes. They're killing westerners, aren't they?
Last time I checked the were Muslims fighting a war inside Muslim nations? Exactly what part of that is any of our business?

And they are as evil and stupid as you are. But good news, you both hate Liberalism, the very foundation of this nation.
The liberalism that founded this country is the type of liberalism I practice. You're type, not so much.

Last time I checked, we had interests in that region of the world, and it is acceptable that every country is allowed to look after their own interests abroad. When they start killing our citizens and the citizens of our allies, it becomes our business. In case you missed it, treaties of alliance are part of the highest law of our country.

So, have you recovered from your stupidity yet? Find that compass? Did you get a designer one?
Tell me, what are the American interests in the Middle East? Should Iran have bombed us when we shut them out of here? Cuba? How about Russia? Oh, we have interests there alright, and we're missing an few structures in NY to prove it but hey, they were only protecting their interests so it's all good.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.
It's thrilling to watch you try to justify the taking of the nature resources from other nations while ignoring the fact that such a thing just might piss people off, not to mention trying to impose your economics and culture on them at the very same time, and funding their despots and arming their enemies because it serves your capitalist nation. As for helping them, well, as you can see, you have helped them more than enough and they would like you to stop. How unreasonable these people are...
Why do you insist on showcasing your inability to comprehend this simple language?

So, if you'll note the highlighted part you'll see where you embarrassed yourself, yet again.

BTW....They are making a pretty profit from that natural resource, and it helps them get things like food and other commodities not usually found in a Bedouin tent.

Does someone really need to explain to you the difference between the taking of and the paying for concept? What, with your advanced degree in international monetary exchanges, I would have thought it was obvious to you...

I'd like to stay and embarrass you so more, but I really have to get some other things done.....Do try to avoid that stroke...you'd be even harder to understand if you were forced to type with just one hand.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.

Darkwind.........or is it passingwind?

How do you say "FART BLOSSOM in Hebrew?

While all religions are bullshit, why do they have to practice theirs in a Latrine while we have to send you motherfuckers 12 BBBBBBBBBBBillion a year so that you can practice yours?

Don't give me "flow of energy bullshit" - the motherfuckers inside the DC beltway have antagonized Iraq and Iran both major suppliers of oil. We don't have a RIGHT to their oil. Furthermore the enviro-nazis here in the US love to harass our oil companies.

If you don't want the "radical Islamofascists" to fuck with you dissolve the Jewish State and get the fuck out of Palestine.


People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....

People like her elected Obama, so clearly she shares his lack of values.

I have always wondered why it is that people are reluctant to name anti-Americans as such.

After all, anti- is a prefix designated to mean, "Against"....every USMB progressive and liberal (with a few exceptions) are against American and would not bring themselves to say anything good about America if you pulled out their toenails.

Yet, these same people who proclaimed loudly that "Bush was not My President" are suddenly besides themselves and frothing at the mouth when anyone decides to disagree with the Bamster.

Its a mental illness.
Bush was my president as is Oblama..Just because you don't like them does not mean you can disavow them from their position....
They are the perfect example of traitors. The don't like the elected leader, so they refuse to support him. And not only do they refuse to support him, they denigrate him in the extreme, constantly feeding right into the hands of groups like ISIS and other groups that are against the US. They are traitors, period.
Kind of reminds Me of every leftist that opined from 2001 to 2009.....thanks for making My point.
Really? Now you are making it up as you go along. When did the left support a dictator or a despot over the US President?
Last time I checked the were Muslims fighting a war inside Muslim nations? Exactly what part of that is any of our business?

And they are as evil and stupid as you are. But good news, you both hate Liberalism, the very foundation of this nation.
The liberalism that founded this country is the type of liberalism I practice. You're type, not so much.

Last time I checked, we had interests in that region of the world, and it is acceptable that every country is allowed to look after their own interests abroad. When they start killing our citizens and the citizens of our allies, it becomes our business. In case you missed it, treaties of alliance are part of the highest law of our country.

So, have you recovered from your stupidity yet? Find that compass? Did you get a designer one?
Tell me, what are the American interests in the Middle East? Should Iran have bombed us when we shut them out of here? Cuba? How about Russia? Oh, we have interests there alright, and we're missing an few structures in NY to prove it but hey, they were only protecting their interests so it's all good.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.
It's thrilling to watch you try to justify the taking of the nature resources from other nations while ignoring the fact that such a thing just might piss people off, not to mention trying to impose your economics and culture on them at the very same time, and funding their despots and arming their enemies because it serves your capitalist nation. As for helping them, well, as you can see, you have helped them more than enough and they would like you to stop. How unreasonable these people are...
Why do you insist on showcasing your inability to comprehend this simple language?

So, if you'll note the highlighted part you'll see where you embarrassed yourself, yet again.

BTW....They are making a pretty profit from that natural resource, and it helps them get things like food and other commodities not usually found in a Bedouin tent.

Does someone really need to explain to you the difference between the taking of and the paying for concept? What, with your advanced degree in international monetary exchanges, I would have thought it was obvious to you...

I'd like to stay and embarrass you so more, but I really have to get some other things done.....Do try to avoid that stroke...you'd be even harder to understand if you were forced to type with just one hand.
Lots of words. A damn shame that none of them mean anything besides our shit don't stink and they have no reason to hate us, those mean sand *******, whose nations we fuck with for our benefit.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.

Darkwind.........or is it passingwind?

How do you say "FART BLOSSOM in Hebrew?

While all religions are bullshit, why do they have to practice theirs in a Latrine while we have to send you motherfuckers 12 BBBBBBBBBBBillion a year so that you can practice yours?

Don't give me "flow of energy bullshit" - the motherfuckers inside the DC beltway have antagonized Iraq and Iran both major suppliers of oil. We don't have a RIGHT to their oil. Furthermore the enviro-nazis here in the US love to harass our oil companies.

If you don't want the "radical Islamofascists" to fuck with you dissolve the Jewish State and get the fuck out of Palestine.


I understand that you are as dumb as the communist. If you don't want to try to understand the macroeconomics of energy in the world and what role it plays in the economies of the world, that is your business.

I'll give you the same answer I give to all primates who lack the higher level of thought to understand God....You telling Me anything about religion is like a baboon saying to Me that art is nothing but random colors on a square. IT it meaningless and has no impact upon Me at all.
The liberalism that founded this country is the type of liberalism I practice. You're type, not so much.

Last time I checked, we had interests in that region of the world, and it is acceptable that every country is allowed to look after their own interests abroad. When they start killing our citizens and the citizens of our allies, it becomes our business. In case you missed it, treaties of alliance are part of the highest law of our country.

So, have you recovered from your stupidity yet? Find that compass? Did you get a designer one?
Tell me, what are the American interests in the Middle East? Should Iran have bombed us when we shut them out of here? Cuba? How about Russia? Oh, we have interests there alright, and we're missing an few structures in NY to prove it but hey, they were only protecting their interests so it's all good.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.
It's thrilling to watch you try to justify the taking of the nature resources from other nations while ignoring the fact that such a thing just might piss people off, not to mention trying to impose your economics and culture on them at the very same time, and funding their despots and arming their enemies because it serves your capitalist nation. As for helping them, well, as you can see, you have helped them more than enough and they would like you to stop. How unreasonable these people are...
Why do you insist on showcasing your inability to comprehend this simple language?

So, if you'll note the highlighted part you'll see where you embarrassed yourself, yet again.

BTW....They are making a pretty profit from that natural resource, and it helps them get things like food and other commodities not usually found in a Bedouin tent.

Does someone really need to explain to you the difference between the taking of and the paying for concept? What, with your advanced degree in international monetary exchanges, I would have thought it was obvious to you...

I'd like to stay and embarrass you so more, but I really have to get some other things done.....Do try to avoid that stroke...you'd be even harder to understand if you were forced to type with just one hand.
Lots of words. A damn shame that none of them mean anything besides our shit don't stink and they have no reason to hate us, those mean sand *******, whose nations we fuck with for our benefit.
Lots of words that convey meaning and to those who are trained in their use, understanding of complex concepts. Its called communication and it is how we pass knowledge on to others.

Try it sometime.

Have a nice day.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.

Darkwind.........or is it passingwind?

How do you say "FART BLOSSOM in Hebrew?

While all religions are bullshit, why do they have to practice theirs in a Latrine while we have to send you motherfuckers 12 BBBBBBBBBBBillion a year so that you can practice yours?

Don't give me "flow of energy bullshit" - the motherfuckers inside the DC beltway have antagonized Iraq and Iran both major suppliers of oil. We don't have a RIGHT to their oil. Furthermore the enviro-nazis here in the US love to harass our oil companies.

If you don't want the "radical Islamofascists" to fuck with you dissolve the Jewish State and get the fuck out of Palestine.


I understand that you are as dumb as the communist. If you don't want to try to understand the macroeconomics of energy in the world and what role it plays in the economies of the world, that is your business.

I'll give you the same answer I give to all primates who lack the higher level of thought to understand God....You telling Me anything about religion is like a baboon saying to Me that art is nothing but random colors on a square. IT it meaningless and has no impact upon Me at all.
Tell us, smart guy, why are we in the Middle East? Is there, just maybe, something they have that we want and are desperate to make sure isn't disrupted?
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
LMAO And this comes from the people who repeatedly say, what are we doing in the ME, we need to mind our own business. As well, the US is supporting Jordon's limited air force with far more fighter jets than they have. What do you miss, the fiery rhetoric of King Abdulla? Words are cheap; actions mean a lot more. What a bunch of idiots you RWs are.

It's not surprising that the import and meaning of what Abdullah does flies right over your pointy little head.
People of character and passion simply make her green with envy...

I crack Myself up....

People like her elected Obama, so clearly she shares his lack of values.
Obama made of point of showing us during the prayer breakfast that he can't see evil for what it is. He compares Christianity with ISIS. For the most part what Christians have done throughout history is hurt sinner's feelings. What was the worse thing that could happen to you if you're a member of a Christian church? Be ex-communicated? With ISIS you get burned alive.
This illustrates how utterly stupid you are. If ISIS represents Islam, why is King Abdulla against them? Why is the UAE against them? Why is Saudi against them? Why is Bharain against them? The vast majority of Muslims around the world are against ISIS which is a terrorist organization and does not reflect true Islam. And here your are congratulating Jordan for fight against them, but at the same time saying that ISIS represents Islam: Jordan is an Islamic country. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth, and the only reason for doing that is your dislike of Obama. You are such a complete hypocrite.
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Tell me, what are the American interests in the Middle East? Should Iran have bombed us when we shut them out of here? Cuba? How about Russia? Oh, we have interests there alright, and we're missing an few structures in NY to prove it but hey, they were only protecting their interests so it's all good.
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.
It's thrilling to watch you try to justify the taking of the nature resources from other nations while ignoring the fact that such a thing just might piss people off, not to mention trying to impose your economics and culture on them at the very same time, and funding their despots and arming their enemies because it serves your capitalist nation. As for helping them, well, as you can see, you have helped them more than enough and they would like you to stop. How unreasonable these people are...
Why do you insist on showcasing your inability to comprehend this simple language?

So, if you'll note the highlighted part you'll see where you embarrassed yourself, yet again.

BTW....They are making a pretty profit from that natural resource, and it helps them get things like food and other commodities not usually found in a Bedouin tent.

Does someone really need to explain to you the difference between the taking of and the paying for concept? What, with your advanced degree in international monetary exchanges, I would have thought it was obvious to you...

I'd like to stay and embarrass you so more, but I really have to get some other things done.....Do try to avoid that stroke...you'd be even harder to understand if you were forced to type with just one hand.
Lots of words. A damn shame that none of them mean anything besides our shit don't stink and they have no reason to hate us, those mean sand *******, whose nations we fuck with for our benefit.
Lots of words that convey meaning and to those who are trained in their use, understanding of complex concepts. Its called communication and it is how we pass knowledge on to others.

Try it sometime.

Have a nice day.
We understand you perfectly. You are an apologist for American oil interests in the Middle East, a resource that has ruined what they might otherwise have been and we have been more than happy to help in their destruction as diverse nations with diverse economies. We want that black gold, can't survive without it, and will do anything necessary to keep it flowing, and they know it. So, when you are fucking with them from half way across the globe, don't be shocked when they fuck you back...
No, they were not protecting their own interests. They can practice their religion anywhere there is a latrine. However, we have an economy based upon the flow of energy from that part of the world. We ALSO pay a handsome price for the energy. The disruption of that supply is a legitimate concern not only for us, but for the world at large.

Of course, you having an advanced degree in macroeconomics would understand the millions upon millions of people who could end up dying if these savages were allowed to interrupt the worlds economy for the sake of a dead child rapist.

They have no legitimate purpose other than hate. Funny thing is, we'd have been willing to help them if they had but asked.

Now, the best they can expect is the bottom of our shoes, the worst....well, I already outlined what I'd do to them in another thread.

Darkwind.........or is it passingwind?

How do you say "FART BLOSSOM in Hebrew?

While all religions are bullshit, why do they have to practice theirs in a Latrine while we have to send you motherfuckers 12 BBBBBBBBBBBillion a year so that you can practice yours?

Don't give me "flow of energy bullshit" - the motherfuckers inside the DC beltway have antagonized Iraq and Iran both major suppliers of oil. We don't have a RIGHT to their oil. Furthermore the enviro-nazis here in the US love to harass our oil companies.

If you don't want the "radical Islamofascists" to fuck with you dissolve the Jewish State and get the fuck out of Palestine.


I understand that you are as dumb as the communist. If you don't want to try to understand the macroeconomics of energy in the world and what role it plays in the economies of the world, that is your business.

I'll give you the same answer I give to all primates who lack the higher level of thought to understand God....You telling Me anything about religion is like a baboon saying to Me that art is nothing but random colors on a square. IT it meaningless and has no impact upon Me at all.

By a "communist" you meant an anti-zionist, right?

By not understanding "macroeconomics" you meant not understanding the crazy biased interventionist , warmonger-controlled US foreign policy ,right?

By "god" you meant Bibi?

Jordanian jets strike Isis targets with missiles bearing the message For you - the enemies of Islam - Middle East - World - The Independent




A NATION COMES TOGETHER, and VOWS REVENGE..........................

Muslims standing up to ISIS, and refuse to bend to them................If ISIS's strategy is to piss everyone off in the world...............................

Don't forget this one, that the brave brave king also sent to eternal peace.
There is only one poster, aka troll that forgets about her, who went there to try and help the victims of the SYRIAN conflict................

Her death via the airstrikes are only propaganda from ISIS at this point...........Do you have information regarding this we don't know.............Or are you a spokesman for ISIS..............................

Unlike you, some of us don't forget her or the other 3 Americans who have died at the hand of ISIS.
Don't forget this one, that the brave brave king also sent to eternal peace.
There is only one poster, aka troll that forgets about her, who went there to try and help the victims of the SYRIAN conflict................

Her death via the airstrikes are only propaganda from ISIS at this point...........Do you have information regarding this we don't know.............Or are you a spokesman for ISIS..............................

Unlike you, some of us don't forget her or the other 3 Americans who have died at the hand of ISIS.

Just wait. Obama will release a few more GITMO terrorist as ransom for her.

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