I wonder how many wind turbines and solar panels are working under 40 inches of snow. Yeah, you heard right, 3ft 4 inches of snow.

The subsidies are part of the problem.

The company gets away with putting in shitty power producing equipment because the idiot politicians approve the filthy ass subsidies. Morons vote for the idiots that give away the subsidies.

The free market should determine the technology, not some ill conceived Environmental Wacko agenda.

I don't blame the companies from taking the money. However, we just need to recognize that it is moronic and a waste. Maybe the next time we go to the polls we don't elect shitheads to waste our money.

The engineering should be insured ... isn't that what you do? ... maybe the problem is corrupt engineers ...

I live in a State that requires insurance and bonding on any project ... if the power producing equipment doesn't work, the tax-payers are reimbursed ... that's guarantied under law ... "fly-by-night" engineering doesn't fly here ...

Free market means people get to do with their money what they want to ... what do you think free market means? ... it's windy in West Texas ... God knows it's windy there ... Free Market says spin them turbines ... it's always sunny in San Diego, solar works GREAT there, if you're an engineer, why do you say hydro doesn't work in the rain forest? ...

Yes, it's stupid to put solar panels on coal seams ... just like it's stupid to put nuclear reactors where 50 meter tsunamis occur ...
Exactly. Even if you clear the snow off them, with the short days, low sun angle, and generally overcast and very cloudy weather in winter and around snow storms, what kind of solar power does anyone expect to get especially considering that weeks might go by without a truly sunny, clear day?
People around the Twin Cities are also putting them on top of roofs with asphalt shingles. Then when you need to reshingle you have the added cost and pain in the ass of pulling all the solar then remounting it.
People around the Twin Cities are also putting them on top of roofs with asphalt shingles. Then when you need to reshingle you have the added cost and pain in the ass of pulling all the solar then remounting it.

Wind, solar, and EVs are only cheaper and efficient when you ignore their total cost of ownership and operation. Just as I just pointed out to Dagosa that the cost of owning and operating an EV goes FAR beyond just the cost of recharging. In effect, just on buying the EV car and replacing the battery every ten years assuming you also buy a new car every ten years, figure on an upfront cost of about $400.00 a month operating costs! Then add the cost of recharging it onto that.

Not only does an EV buyer have an upfront added cost of around 50-100% more cost just to BUY the EV, but you better put at least $200.00 a month into your savings account just for when the battery craps out and you need to install a new one.

Now imagine if your gas car had up to $400.00 a month in repairs month after month, would you consider it a good deal because it got 45 miles to the gallon?
Wind, solar, and EVs are only cheaper and efficient when you ignore their total cost of ownership and operation. Just as I just pointed out to Dagosa that the cost of owning and operating an EV goes FAR beyond just the cost of recharging. In effect, just on buying the EV car and replacing the battery every ten years assuming you also buy a new car every ten years, figure on an upfront cost of about $400.00 a month operating costs! Then add the cost of recharging it onto that.

Not only does an EV buyer have an upfront added cost of around 50-100% more cost just to BUY the EV, but you better put at least $200.00 a month into your savings account just for when the battery craps out and you need to install a new one.

Now imagine if your gas car had up to $400.00 a month in repairs month after month, would you consider it a good deal because it got 45 miles to the gallon?
Add to that, if you want a level 2 charger your house better have 200amp service as the charger sucks 50 amps. Most older homes only have 100amp service available.
Add to that, if you want a level 2 charger your house better have 200amp service as the charger sucks 50 amps. Most older homes only have 100amp service available.

Shame. I have 200 amp service, but will never buy an EV.

I have a 60 amp feed going up through the walls to the second floor to a sub-panel I put there for an additional 4 circuits I installed years ago for my stereo.
Shame. I have 200 amp service, but will never buy an EV.

I have a 60 amp feed going up through the walls to the second floor to a sub-panel I put there for an additional 4 circuits I installed years ago for my stereo.
Yeah, we have 200 amp service and I have a 100 amp feed to our second garage.
Currently shopping for a used 5.7 Tundra and have no use for a small vehicle with no towing capacity.
MSN If the blades of the windmills are frozen or caked with snow, and the solar panels cant see the light of day under all that snow, how many people are without power, thanks to the Joe Biden admin's push for renewable(non working) energy in this snowmaggedon? Can your EV handle all that cold and wind, while you not only have your car on, but the heater, lights and wipers all using up that precious electricity, that is now limiting your range, but hope you dont end up in a snowbank where you are stuck for hours. Might see some of that when the bitter cold(Not globull warming) is over.....
The entire envirowhacko agenda is nothing but an assault on Western civilization to bring it down.

China puts out more CO2 than all nations combined and nobody says a peep about them.
You need to broom the snow off
You can prevent an airliner from flying if you heavily ice the wings up. And the propellor of wind towers have that problem. Do you plan to climb up a few hundred feet with a broom?
You can prevent an airliner from flying if you heavily ice the wings up. And the propellor of wind towers have that problem. Do you plan to climb up a few hundred feet with a broom?
Blowing really hard works better for Arlette.

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