I wonder how many wind turbines and solar panels are working under 40 inches of snow. Yeah, you heard right, 3ft 4 inches of snow.

That is why you determine the economics of solar and wind based on annual output not daily fluctuations.
Both feed a power grid that can compensate for daily fluctuations
Link, if you do not link you made all this up
Adding even more unreliable power to our grid doesn't make it better. Or cheaper.
Neither solar nor wind are expected to provide 100 percent of our power
They are expected to reduce our reliance on coal and oil
Where is rightwinger's link?

We do not use oil to make electricity, never ever have, so it is impossible for solar and wind to reduce our reliance on oil.

Coal, you need coal to make solar panels and wind turbines, hence heavy industry must increase the use of Coal to manufacture wind turbines and solar panels.

Where is rightwinger's link showing that coal usage by heavy industry, or oil usage by heavy industry has decreased.

Rightwinger is simply a liar, without links
Where is rightwinger's link?

We do not use oil to make electricity, never ever have, so it is impossible for solar and wind to reduce our reliance on oil.

Coal, you need coal to make solar panels and wind turbines, hence heavy industry must increase the use of Coal to manufacture wind turbines and solar panels.

Where is rightwinger's link showing that coal usage by heavy industry, or oil usage by heavy industry has decreased.

Rightwinger is simply a liar, without links
These Environmental Wackos live a life of lies.

They are trying to defend a scam. It is hard to do.
Where is rightwinger's link?

We do not use oil to make electricity, never ever have, so it is impossible for solar and wind to reduce our reliance on oil.

Coal, you need coal to make solar panels and wind turbines, hence heavy industry must increase the use of Coal to manufacture wind turbines and solar panels.

Where is rightwinger's link showing that coal usage by heavy industry, or oil usage by heavy industry has decreased.

Rightwinger is simply a liar, without links

Nice try Skippy
You were asked for a link first
Either provide one or admit you made it up
Nice try Skippy
You were asked for a link first
Either provide one or admit you made it up
Yet, you made your comment first, and I asked for you to explain, which you can not.

Now you are asking for a link to run and hide from your comments.

I stated that wind and solar are subsidized, everyone knows they are. That is not even debatable.

I also stated that wind and solar are raising electric rates, that is not even debatable.

What can not be proven is your comment, rightwinger, and everyone sees you flaying around, like an idiot, dodging your ridiculous comments.
I think most are constant speed turbines. As wind speed increases the turbine produces more electricity at the same airfoil speed via transmissions.
how would that work considering the wind is always varying, speed and direction
I would look at it like a car engine that can put out varying amounts of power at a constant rpm's through fuel input and gearing.
I would not, I would look at it like a device that relies on a varying, intermittent source of power that will attempt to move around anything in it's path.

That is the wind, intermittent, or does not blow for hours. Wind changes direction constantly. Wind which has a varying speed, always.
One guesses the solar panels themselves. What is the wattage involved to roll this robot?
So let me get this straight. 40 inches of snow on the solar panels, thus zero wattage output, what power is going to the robot?

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