i wonder what is out there?

do you live in an earth quake zone !!! or is there a large predator roaming in the woods ??:eek:

Haha! I do live in an earthquake zone and when we have a little shaker the dogs will look up like "Hmm. What's that?" and promptly go back to sleep. They certainly don't behave strangely beforehand. Maybe they know it's not THE BIG ONE!!!! :eek:

When our 7.3 hit here my dog spent the entire day hiding under the bed. I couldn't figure it out..even that night he didn't want to sleep with me which is wierd for him...our Chihuahua would stick his head out and nose dive back under there..I was like what is up with you..shrugged my shoulders and went on..at 2.30 that morning boom the first earthquake I had ever felt like that in my life....scared the hell out of all of us..he hates earthquakes and hides under the bed before they happen. I have also noticed before hurricanes that the birds disappear.

Well, I have five dogs and six cats and none of them do that. But maybe we haven't had a big enough and close enough one for them to sense it in advance or be concerned about it.
so far so good.....i am sitting up with him and he is outside......no howling....
Haha! I do live in an earthquake zone and when we have a little shaker the dogs will look up like "Hmm. What's that?" and promptly go back to sleep. They certainly don't behave strangely beforehand. Maybe they know it's not THE BIG ONE!!!! :eek:

When our 7.3 hit here my dog spent the entire day hiding under the bed. I couldn't figure it out..even that night he didn't want to sleep with me which is wierd for him...our Chihuahua would stick his head out and nose dive back under there..I was like what is up with you..shrugged my shoulders and went on..at 2.30 that morning boom the first earthquake I had ever felt like that in my life....scared the hell out of all of us..he hates earthquakes and hides under the bed before they happen. I have also noticed before hurricanes that the birds disappear.

Well, I have five dogs and six cats and none of them do that. But maybe we haven't had a big enough and close enough one for them to sense it in advance or be concerned about it.

yeah 7.3 is huge and we were fairly close to the epicenter...felt like a train rolling over the house to be quite honest....not interested in any repeats of that in the near future either.
to give these meds i have to b up at 2 am lol.....
keep the doors to your home closed and locked !! sometimes animals can sence danger and get nervy !! it is probably nothing but a large carnivore could bee in the forest nearby !!!
o i am leaving him with the door open today......he was good last night.....he has had all the meds from the vet.....and i dont wanna come home to a mess today....they are all good dogs...well buddy is still a mess but he was an only dog....so this pack stuff is new to him
o i am leaving him with the door open today......he was good last night.....he has had all the meds from the vet.....and i dont wanna come home to a mess today....they are all good dogs...well buddy is still a mess but he was an only dog....so this pack stuff is new to him
I'm glad to hear he is doing better, Bones.

Really, don't feel guilty. I didn't mean to be a part of making any guilty feelings on your part. I understand. Really.

Anyway, I'm glad it looks like things are getting better for Thor.
o fuck better.......when i get home tonight they all die...one by one....

sooo i come home for lunch....which is taking all my lunch...to check on them....they had a trash festival while i was gone....i have just enough time to pick up trash and answer the phone....

yeppers at 5 oclock i am staring all over getting me some good dogs.....

fucking biscuit eaters
ahhh now i feel like a total meanie...thor is sick i had to leave for a few hours.....he had an explosion diarrhea in the shower i have made the first clean attempt...wet/dry vac and rinsing with hot water...now for the shark steamer loaded with water and clorax

the vet has been alert.....rice and chicken for thor this evening....and hubby is picking up a med that helps 'bind' stuff.....binding stuff would be nice....i have been told what to watch for....and now i have a problem for tomorrow..i am suppose to be gone all day.....and i cant leave him in like this.....

i know he is fine outside with jake....he doesnt bother anyone

Rice and chicken or pork chops cures just about everything wrong with a dog.:lol:
o fuck better.......when i get home tonight they all die...one by one....

sooo i come home for lunch....which is taking all my lunch...to check on them....they had a trash festival while i was gone....i have just enough time to pick up trash and answer the phone....

yeppers at 5 oclock i am staring all over getting me some good dogs.....

fucking biscuit eaters

Get them some bully sticks. They'll be so occupied they won't have time to tear up the house. Seriously. Bully sticks. Get the nice, thick, 12" long ones, don't get the thin 12". Especially if they've never had them before, they'll be totally busy chewing on them!

They're bull pizzle, shaped into chew sticks. A by-product of the beef industry. They were recommended by my vet because they're totally digestible, unlike rawhide. And while bones are dangerous, these are not. He recommended them as a chew that would be safe for my dogs unsupervised when I'm not home.

They've never exacerbated diarrhea in my dogs, either.

If you can't find them locally, order online. Here's where I get mine: BullySticks | Bully Sticks | Braided Bully Sticks | Flossies - 1800 Bullysticks Click on Bullysticks under Categories on the right side of the page.

They may seem expensive, but it takes them a while to chew through them, depending on the dog. I give them to all five of my dogs, they all love them. I get the same size for the Dobermans down to the smallest Miniature Pinscher. Tried giving the minpins smaller ones once and he wanted the big ones like the big dogs get. :)
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easier just to kill them......i am asking for a volunteer......buddy is too cute...thor...i got too much money in his sorry ass.....so looks like jake...but killing the husbands dog wont go over well....looks like its life without parole for them all.....
easier just to kill them......i am asking for a volunteer......buddy is too cute...thor...i got too much money in his sorry ass.....so looks like jake...but killing the husbands dog wont go over well....looks like its life without parole for them all.....

LOL. As a multiple dog owner, I know how you feel. This too will pass, Bones! :)
mother dogs AKA {BITCH) use physical discipline on their young
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mother dogs AKA {BITCH) use physical discipline on their young

Yeah, but they don't do any real harm. Unlike humans I've seen who think it's okay to beat an animal. They actually harm them. Makes my blood boil.
yall do realize no one is beating these dogs? thor is still iffy...apparently hubby shut bedroom door with thor on the other side.....thor had another accident in bathroom floor....which hubby stepped in this am...i am making rice and chicken.....thor is asleep by the stove....

i am sure glad i got that shark steam cleaner.....lol
Once in a great while we must discipline our pooches. Dre and Angel where running down the upper deck yesterday "playing" which consists of growling and biting at each others faces while racing next to each other at top speed and they ran into the stand that had my laptop on it. Let's just call it an accidental computer crash. So I did what I had to do and I grabbed a plastic patio chair and threw it at Dre..it hit him and smashed into a dozen pieces. He yelped and ran up into the room to await further punishment. I swore at him and made him get off the bed and took all the rawhide chew bones and put them up out of reach. Then I ignored him for a couple of hours. Angel being the smarter of the two somehow managed to get in the room first and wiggled her way under the bed. It was so funny to watch that I just laughed and didn't include her in the tirade.

Thing is that dogs need to know their boundaries and what it is that they are protecting. carelessly knocking my laptop off onto the deck could not be let stand without punishment.

Oh ya...the chair didn't do any harm to my pit bull. What really hurt his feelings was being ignored.

The laptop? I had to spend an hour repairing the connectors as they got bent. I use the puter outdoors inside a soft plastic bin so when it hit the concrete it didn't break the case or the screen.
yall do realize no one is beating these dogs? thor is still iffy...apparently hubby shut bedroom door with thor on the other side.....thor had another accident in bathroom floor....which hubby stepped in this am...i am making rice and chicken.....thor is asleep by the stove....

i am sure glad i got that shark steam cleaner.....lol

You brought back a memory! The first dobie I got, Greta, had diarhhea problems her entire first year. One night I awoke in the middle of the night and walked around the end of the bed on my way to the bathroom. Stepped in something cold and moist. Took me a moment to fully wake up and realize I had stepped in diarhhea with my bare feet. :eek:

Another time, I remember I was with her in the kitchen and was upset because she'd had an accident and somehow walked in it and tracked it in the kitchen. Suddenly, I realized she was just as upset as I was and I sat down and hugged her, not caring if I got diarhhea on me or not. That's when I knew it was true love. : )

Poor pup. I'm sure glad I got her and not someone who would have rubbed her nose in it and spanked her everytime she had an accident that she had no control over. : (

P.S. Bones, I know you're not beating your dogs! Comments about people abusing dogs are definitely not directed towards you!!! : )
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no, let's direct those comments to huggy.....hitting the dog with a chair...bad huggy...bad huggy

you iz on iggy
no, let's direct those comments to huggy.....hitting the dog with a chair...bad huggy...bad huggy

you iz on iggy

Hey! I know...I know... BUT...Dre is now 120 lbs of I don't give a fuck bad ass. He just got done kicking Angels ass after the patience of the dog gods putting up with her taking personal possession of EVERYTHING they both shared and he finally had enough and threw her down on her back like a dead cat and had her by the throat. Honestly she deserved it for being such a fucking bitch but the lesson wasn't lost on Dre either in that he started assuming he was the Alpha in our pack and he started s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the boundaries past what I can tolerate.

Keep in mind that these are pit bulls ..not Pomeranian's. They are aggressive fighting dogs that by nature kill for pleasure. Their teeth are like the blades of a blender powered by a small turbo charged car engine. The stories of how some people have tried to break up a serious pit bull dog fight with a 2 by 4 unsuccessfully are too true. When Dre had Angel by the throat he wasn't playing. So I got down into it and bit Dre on his lip to break it up. These are some tough...tough dogs. Ya...Ya... loving pets most of the time but when that switch turns on they are some bad ass fighters.

You do not "talk" a 120lb un neutered male pit down from a full on attack. He was asserting himself again when he and Angel knocked over my puter and I was FORCED to act to restore the order of our group.

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