I wondered when the leaks would start.

The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.
And how do liberals reward such gross incompetence? Nominate her as a presidential candidate.


Clinton 'extremely careless' with emails, but FBI recommends no charges

Comey was wearing his Republican hat when he called this extremely careless...and should not have worded it that way...

extremely careless or worse, gross negligence....would have been 50% of her emails containing top secret info or 40% or maybe even 30% or even 10%, 5%, or 1% perhaps, but 1/100th of a percent of her emails with classified info...that's not even close to GROSS negligence.

On top of that, she DID NOT remove classified info from their proper place... her and her staff did not take or copy classified info and remove it....like Sandy Berger did or Gen Petreaus did... the t/s classified info was her staff discussing it in emails to one another on the unclassified email system for the State dept, then after a year or 2 of them sending these emails back and forth to each other on the unclassified State.gov email, they forwarded these discussions to Hillary. All aides in the discussions had Top secret clearance.

NO T/S documents were removed or stolen from their proper place as the Statute states, or like Sandy Berger did... And Berger and Petreaus, who lied to the FBI, personally gave T/S material of the highest of highest levels to his book writer and lover who had no clearance were only convicted of a MISDEMEANOR.

Yet you all think she should be charged with a felony???

I'm sorry you all are so blinded by your partisanship and do not give two hoots about actual Justice, and want an INJUSTICE to take place by charging Hillary with a felony when NO ONE ELSE doing even worse, has been charged with this felony,
Last edited:
The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.
And how do liberals reward such gross incompetence? Nominate her as a presidential candidate.

Clinton 'extremely careless' with emails, but FBI recommends no charges

Comey was wearing his Republican hat when he called this extremely careless...and should not have worded it that way...

extremely careless or worse, gross negligence....would have been 50% of her emails containing top secret info or 40% or maybe even 30% or even 10%, 5%, or 1% perhaps, but 1/100th of a percent of her emails with classified info...that's not even close to GROSS negligence.

On top of that, she DID NOT remove classified info from their proper place... her and her staff did not take or copy classified info and remove it....like Sandy Berger did or Gen Petreaus did... the t/s classified info was her staff discussing it in emails to one another on the unclassified email system for the State dept, then after a year or 2 of them sending these emails back and forth to each other on the unclassified State.gov email, they forwarded these discussions to Hillary. All aides in the discussions had Top secret clearance.

NO T/S documents were removed or stolen from their proper place as the Statute states, or like Sandy Berger did... And Berger and Petreaus, who lied to the FBI, personally gave T/S material of the highest of highest levels to his book writer and lover who had no clearance were only convicted of a MISDEMEANOR.

Yet you all think she should be charged with a felony???

I'm sorry you all are so blinded by your partisanship and do not give two hoots about actual Justice, and want an INJUSTICE to take place by charging Hillary with a felony when NO ONE ELSE doing even worse, has been charged with this felony,
Who is blinded by partisanship?


love this pic...don't you?
It reminds me of Bergdahl. Soldiers had to sign a form saying they would not talk about his desertion, as Obama welcomed him home as a brave hero.
The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.
And how do liberals reward such gross incompetence? Nominate her as a presidential candidate.
and you reward a LIAR, who has not told the truth on more than 90% of his campaign statements, who promised his tax returns to be shown then then took it back, who trades in his multiple wives for younger versions every decade, a rampant adulterer who even has Bill Clinton beat, an alleged pedophile rapist with lawsuit against him, who has also defrauded seniors and others with Trump university, who went bankrupt 4 to 6 time and robbed his investors, who doesn't pay his bills for work contracted...bankrupting mom and pop businesses due to it, who believes in eminent domain for billionaires like himself and taking your property away for himself to use, who spends his time tweeting infantile nonsense and is absolutely clueless on foreign affairs, who's a blatant bigoted asshole, a divider not a uniter, who mocks the disabled and mocks POWS, mocks federal judges, who talks about his dick size on national television in a primary debate, who is an arrogant, boisterous orange colored narcissist that believes he is God... etc etc etc...

The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.
And how do liberals reward such gross incompetence? Nominate her as a presidential candidate.
and you reward a LIAR, who has not told the truth on more than 90% of his campaign statements, who promised his tax returns to be shown then then took it back, who trades in his multiple wives for younger versions every decade, a rampant adulterer who even has Bill Clinton beat, an alleged pedophile rapist with lawsuit against him, who has also defrauded seniors and others with Trump university, who went bankrupt 4 to 6 time and robbed his investors, who doesn't pay his bills for work contracted...bankrupting mom and pop businesses due to it, who believes in eminent domain for billionaires like himself and taking your property away for himself to use, who spends his time tweeting infantile nonsense and is absolutely clueless on foreign affairs, who's a blatant bigoted asshole, a divider not a uniter, who mocks the disabled and mocks POWS, mocks federal judges, who talks about his dick size on national television in a primary debate, who is an arrogant, boisterous orange colored narcissist that believes he is God... etc etc etc...

A lot of time you spent to write that bullshit.
Has Hillary ever told the truth? If she would've told the truth about bengazi, nothing would've happened to her. If she just told the truth about her email, an investigation probably nothing would of come of it. Hell she even lied about sniper fire.
Bill has constantly been cheating on Hillary. He has been accused of rape several times. Traveled frequently to an island that had underage sex slaves. Heck at least Trump had the respect to divorce them and make them rich. Bill just kept breaking Hillary's and Chelsea's heart over and over.
The Clinton's were dead broke when they left the Whitehouse. Their own words.
Hillary by comey's words she gave top secret and classified information to our enemies.
She has failed in just about every aspect of her life, and you want that incompetence in the Whitehouse.
Trump tells it like it is, and won't back down from Hillary. He is gonna make her look like the fool she is, in the debates.
The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.
And how do liberals reward such gross incompetence? Nominate her as a presidential candidate.
and you reward a LIAR, who has not told the truth on more than 90% of his campaign statements, who promised his tax returns to be shown then then took it back, who trades in his multiple wives for younger versions every decade, a rampant adulterer who even has Bill Clinton beat, an alleged pedophile rapist with lawsuit against him, who has also defrauded seniors and others with Trump university, who went bankrupt 4 to 6 time and robbed his investors, who doesn't pay his bills for work contracted...bankrupting mom and pop businesses due to it, who believes in eminent domain for billionaires like himself and taking your property away for himself to use, who spends his time tweeting infantile nonsense and is absolutely clueless on foreign affairs, who's a blatant bigoted asshole, a divider not a uniter, who mocks the disabled and mocks POWS, mocks federal judges, who talks about his dick size on national television in a primary debate, who is an arrogant, boisterous orange colored narcissist that believes he is God... etc etc etc...

How anyone can think Cankles is better than Trump, is beyond me. I know Trump is LIKELY to be a disaster, but I KNOW Cankles will be a disaster...she has demonstrated that repeatedly, but some Americans must WANT a disaster.
New York Post: FBI Agents Tell Us Lynch and Clinton Struck a Deal on That Plane

But according to a report from the New York Post, FBI agents believe an inside deal was struck on that plane to keep Hillary Clinton free of indictment. Considering the severe retaliation inside the Obama administration against those who speak out, FBI agents are cited anonymously. FBI agents investigating the Clinton email servers were also forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
There isn't a shred of evidence a deal was made. There is no insider "leak". That entire link is supposition, not fact.

Stop parroting manufactured bullshit.
Conservatives are still whinging about the failed GOP email hatchet job? When are you guys gonna move on to the next one? You know the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed...try try again."
If Trump is elected, on the day following the election he should offer protection to any whistleblowers who wish to come forward.

He should also announce to the world that any and all agreements with the Obama administration 2009-2016 will be subject to immediate review upon his taking office.
Then he should repeal every Executive Order and every regulation created during the Obama administration.
The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.

Here is what Comey actually said:

""Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?" Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered, "She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

Read more: Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses

Of course one can take such a statement and get what they want from it. But considering that is is widely known that Mrs. Tuzla said she wanted to use only one device, thus the reason for her private server mixing private with personal emails. It is more likely that Comey meant she used more than one device at the same time.
I disagree....

because we all thought she had one private server but it turns out she had several private servers that were used.....not all at the same time, only one at a time but upgraded to a new one as needed....Comey testified to that...and without a doubt, this is what he was saying with multiple devices....
New York's rightwing tabloid, the New York Post, does this shit all the time.

All their sourcing boils down to "someone said" - but they never say who. It sounds like they found a Republican inside the FBI who said he believes a deal was made, but not that he knows or can prove a deal was made.

Classic NY Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

If they could actually prove a deal was made, the bloodlust assembled against Clinton would say so, and heads would roll.

But as usual, they have nothing - just irresponsible speculation from a phantom unnamed source.
New York's rightwing tabloid, the New York Post, does this shit all the time.

All their sourcing boils down to "someone said" - but they never say who. It sounds like they found a Republican inside the FBI who said he believes a deal was made, but not that he knows or can prove a deal was made.

Classic NY Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

If they could actually prove a deal was made, the bloodlust assembled against Clinton would say so, and heads would roll.

But as usual, they have nothing - just irresponsible speculation from a phantom unnamed source.
Yeah...cause we all know Hillary is the most ethical, honest, and law abiding pol ever to grace our presence.
The facts in this case, are clear:

Clinton set up a private server and used several mobile devices all against government rules, failed to protect that server and devices from cyber attack, illegally destroyed over 30k government emails from that server, then lied multiple times to the American people and the FBI, after being exposed.

Seems like a pretty good case for prosecutors..., but since the law is only applied to the little people now, the elites get off.

Exception: I suppose if she were an R, this Justice Department would have hammered her...so the double standard still applies.
The double standard comes from right wingers wanting to prosecute her for gross negligence under the espionage act when NO ONE with similar circumstances as Hillary has ever been prosecuted under it in 100 years of this law, she did not meet the level of being charged for this, but YOU want her to be held to a HIGHER level than ANYONE else.

And THAT is what would be called an INJUSTICE not Justice.

Second- She did not regularly use multiple devices, as in several devices at the same time.....what Comey was talking about with Hillary having several devices, was the UPGRADES she made or her IT Guy made in upgrading her server and upgrading her Blackberry, stopping the use of one Blackberry and beginning the use on the upgraded Blackberry, stopping the use of the server and upgrading the server to a new server....those are the 'multiple devices'.

Here is what Comey actually said:

""Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?" Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered, "She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

Read more: Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses

Of course one can take such a statement and get what they want from it. But considering that is is widely known that Mrs. Tuzla said she wanted to use only one device, thus the reason for her private server mixing private with personal emails. It is more likely that Comey meant she used more than one device at the same time.
I disagree....

because we all thought she had one private server but it turns out she had several private servers that were used.....not all at the same time, only one at a time but upgraded to a new one as needed....Comey testified to that...and without a doubt, this is what he was saying with multiple devices....

Of course we could just ask Mrs. Tuzla but I am quite sure she would lie as she always has.

Comey knew the meaning behind the question and answered properly.

From the following link:

How many devices did Hillary Clinton actually have?

In an e-mail obtained by the Associated Press, Clinton accidentally replied to an email about a drone attack with what appears to be a discussion about decorations. When her advisor, Huma Abedin, asked if the reply was a mistake, Clinton responded by asking if Abedin received a reply "from my iPad."

That suggests that Clinton at least had an iPad with her. Clinton's spokesman Nick Merrill, confirmed to the AP that Clinton did use the additional device occasionally to read news.

And This:

Clinton's use of Apple products could also be a security concern, as many agencies forbade Apple during her tenure. President Obama stated in Dec. 2013 that he was "not allowed, for security reasons, to have an iPhone." In May 2013, the Defense Department allowed for the first time the use of iPhones and iPads for military business — two months after Clinton left the State Department in February.

How many devices did Hillary Clinton actually have?

Now when presented with the truth I will expect you to admit to being incorrect and move on.

Consider this, Congressman Hurd, who is ex-CIA, asked Comey if her use of email could have put CIA agents at risk because of the SAP information contained on the server. Comey said YES.
New York's rightwing tabloid, the New York Post, does this shit all the time.

All their sourcing boils down to "someone said" - but they never say who. It sounds like they found a Republican inside the FBI who said he believes a deal was made, but not that he knows or can prove a deal was made.

Classic NY Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

If they could actually prove a deal was made, the bloodlust assembled against Clinton would say so, and heads would roll.

But as usual, they have nothing - just irresponsible speculation from a phantom unnamed source.

What do you think Clinton did with Lynch in their obviously planned meeting? Make a deal to exchange Christmas cards of their grandchildren? Has the liberal left gone that blind to the Clinton Crime Regime? Really?
If Trump is elected, on the day following the election he should offer protection to any whistleblowers who wish to come forward.

He should also announce to the world that any and all agreements with the Obama administration 2009-2016 will be subject to immediate review upon his taking office.

That is an interesting point. Presidents have a precedent to not go after their predecessors in exchange for future administrations not going after them. I do believe that is a precedent Trump would be glad to break

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