“I worked hard to put more than 100,000 police on the street and the crime rate went way down.” –Former President Bill Clinton, in an interview on CN

Does anyone know why the Democrats decided that was the wrong idea and now wants to defund the cops?

Would bill Clinton be a republican president today, like Trump is?

Weird ..

Joe Biden will not de-fund the police. Not sure what some local governments will do. Guess it depends on how screwed up they got during the Bush, Obama and Trump years. Doubt they will be de-funded as much as re-organized if they are beyond saving due to bad management between the politicians, police hierarchy and the police unions and entrenched written and unwritten policies within individual police organization. We're keeping ours. Good luck with yours.
According to to Washington Post the crime level went down adding 100,000 cops, so does it take a brain surgeon to suggest the crime level will rise with defunding the cops?
Does being tough on crime actually deter crime?
Crime is reduced while convicts are in prison but not after they're out.

What's the appropriate role of our prison system? Depending on who you talk to, it's supposed to function as punishment for criminal activity, a deterrent to future crimes, and an opportunity for rehabilitation. It's often possible to find people arguing that an existing prison system is already playing more than one of these roles, which raises questions about how well we understand a system that US society has committed to in a big way.

Fortunately, some researchers decided to view this question as an opportunity and put some hard numbers to what, exactly, our prison system is doing. Using a data set covering more than 100,000 convicted criminals, the researchers compared the outcomes of people sentenced to prison and a similar population that was given probation instead. The results suggest that prison does limit future violent crime by keeping criminals out of the general population, but the experience of prison provides little deterrence for future crime.

Clinton didn't advocate a "police state" with hate-speech. The impeached president trump has, repeatedly, spoken lovingly about Nazis, so the white supremacists on police forces nationwide feel free to kill people of color.

The impeached president trump sent his goons into Portland, Oregon. This only strengthens the evidence of his Nazi-like agenda.
According to to Washington Post the crime level went down adding 100,000 cops, so does it take a brain surgeon to suggest the crime level will rise with defunding the cops?
Don't move to those towns. It is as simple as that. At least until they have their police departments normalized in the configuration that works. Have you lost something in one of those towns that you cannot part with. The vast, vast majority of police and police organizations are not being re-organized and definitely not being de-funded. If yours is and you are uncertain how it is going to work out, MOVE and take your business, and money with you. I would, but like I said, We're keeping ours and not re-organizing or de-funding. Good luck with yours.
Reorganize into what?

You can't do much until you spend the money and reopen all the mental hospitals that Reagan closed.
Clinton didn't advocate a "police state" with hate-speech. The impeached president trump has, repeatedly, spoken lovingly about Nazis, so the white supremacists on police forces nationwide feel free to kill people of color.

The impeached president trump sent his goons into Portland, Oregon. This only strengthens the evidence of his Nazi-like agenda.
Whatever you say.........comrade.
They edited out the part where Bill said "No one has put more n!99#&s in prison that I have, not even Mugabe."
Since local governments and states fund the police then it is a local and state matter. So if repub controlled areas want to defund then it is on them to do so.

What does it have to do with demo's? Sure right wing groups may want this. Gun advocates probably want this as it means more guns. Sounds exciting. States can form their own militia thus the guarantee for the right for guns becomes stronger and actually meaningful.

Then there is the big scary government with the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Men in Black, and the military. Who will defund them? Well at least the state milita will defend.
Reorganize into what?

You can't do much until you spend the money and reopen all the mental hospitals that Reagan closed.
Just don't let the feds run it or they will be the hellish institutions that had to be shut down for a good reason.
Clinton didn't advocate a "police state" with hate-speech. The impeached president trump has, repeatedly, spoken lovingly about Nazis, so the white supremacists on police forces nationwide feel free to kill people of color.

The impeached president trump sent his goons into Portland, Oregon. This only strengthens the evidence of his Nazi-like agenda.

" spoken lovingly about Nazis "

You're an idiot.

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