I would make a good FBI director


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Why whould I make a good FBI Director?

Because if I were ever asked to get up and testify before Congress about anything, I would say:

1. I can't comment at this time due to an ongoing investigation that is never ending.


2. I dunno. Beats the hell out of me.

And at the end of the day, I will rest easy at night knowing that the worst thing that can happen for me by covering for the DNC is that I get made to look an incompetent corrupt tool before the country, but then, the media will by in large ignore it, so who the hell cares?

And yes, I know many Republicans said he would make a good Director. The problem is, however, the system is so corrupt there are not good people left.
The most performative moment of Wray's testimony came when Rep. Darrell Issa (R, CA) asked Wray to give him a number of how many government agents participated in the 1/6 riot. Doing so knowing it is the FBI's policy not to comment on such matters publicly. Wray did offer to provide Issa with the FBI's official declaration made to a court of law that contains the answer Issa was looking for,.................

The F.B.I. had as many as eight informants inside the far-right Proud Boys in the months surrounding the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, recent court papers indicate, raising questions about how much federal investigators were able to learn from them about the violent mob attack both before and after it took place.
F.B.I. Had Informants in Proud Boys, Court Papers Suggest

................or was he? He must know the FBI's policy so he knew Wray would decline to answer the question. Which is what he wanted to happen, playing it up for the cameras. He wasn't looking for an answer, he was looking for a refusal to answer so he could have a "gotcha" moment to be hyped on right wing media.

Orchestrated, yet inconsequential, performances like this is what the POT has been reduced to. Cheap tricks for the consumption of the minions to feed their insatiable need for horsesh*t.
I would just start off by saying, "You realize I can't answer any of your questions, right?

Like I said, I would make a fabulous FBI director.
I love watching Republicans turn on the FBI and one of their own.
EVERY FBI Director has been a Republican

Wray is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by Republican Trump and confirmed by a Republican Senate

His only “crime” is daring to investigate Republican icon Trump and hold him accountable
EVERY FBI Director has been a Republican
FBI agents are overwhelmingly Conservative and register as Republicans

Yet, Republicans accuse then of working for the DNC because they apply the laws to Republicans
And many Republicans openly say they voted for Biden and refuse to hold him to account with the glaring corruption uncovered.

The GOP is not an opposition party to the DNC, in fact, they voted for one of the largest spending bills in US history with the DNC even knowing that the GOP House had just been elected to replace those in Congress.
What corruption? Fabricated, fantastical lies isn't corruption. It's horseshit.
Corruption has been documented as far back as when Hoover hunted down communists.

Nothing has ever changed other than who has power over the FBI to weld their corrupt influences.
The most performative moment of Wray's testimony came when Rep. Darrell Issa (R, CA) asked Wray to give him a number of how many government agents participated in the 1/6 riot. Doing so knowing it is the FBI's policy not to comment on such matters publicly. Wray did offer to provide Issa with the FBI's official declaration made to a court of law that contains the answer Issa was looking for,.................

The F.B.I. had as many as eight informants inside the far-right Proud Boys in the months surrounding the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, recent court papers indicate, raising questions about how much federal investigators were able to learn from them about the violent mob attack both before and after it took place.
F.B.I. Had Informants in Proud Boys, Court Papers Suggest

................or was he? He must know the FBI's policy so he knew Wray would decline to answer the question. Which is what he wanted to happen, playing it up for the cameras. He wasn't looking for an answer, he was looking for a refusal to answer so he could have a "gotcha" moment to be hyped on right wing media.

Orchestrated, yet inconsequential, performances like this is what the POT has been reduced to. Cheap tricks for the consumption of the minions to feed their insatiable need for horsesh*t.
Sociopaths and Psychopaths ply our government. Questioning it is not wrong.
Corruption has been documented as far back as when Hoover hunted down communists.
Don't change the subject. This is what you wrote.....And many Republicans openly say they voted for Biden and refuse to hold him to account with the glaring corruption uncovered.....implying Biden is corrupt.
Sociopaths and Psychopaths ply our government. Questioning it is not wrong.
It is fast approaching not being able to question either party

In fact, I think we have arrived.
Sorry, you hit tilt on the idiot meter. Get back to me when you're not having a psychotic episode.
To see the movement to the left we have taken and the craziness of it I disagree with you. There were questions with J. Edgar Hoover. and that was many many decades ago. Central government entities may start out nice, however they become power centric and corrupted over time. We see local security/police entities that are like that.

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