I would rather have a bully as a president than a spineless weasel that tries to

LOL all you like...


No matter how many times you explain and re-prove history to a Libturd, it will never do any good, they have had their heads in the sand for too long.....


did you even read the blog or check it's source articel?? Apparently not.

The fact is that the republicans had control of congress until 2006 and they chose to do NOTHING about it. Now hacks like you and t are trying desperately to rewrite history to hold only the dems accountable even though republicans failed to act with they had the chance.

I am listing the facts from his own source that counter his spin and you believe that I am in the wrong?? LOL

So how is it that Senate Dems claim the today Senate Republicans block votes?
No matter how many times you explain and re-prove history to a Libturd, it will never do any good, they have had their heads in the sand for too long.....


did you even read the blog or check it's source articel?? Apparently not.

The fact is that the republicans had control of congress until 2006 and they chose to do NOTHING about it. Now hacks like you and t are trying desperately to rewrite history to hold only the dems accountable even though republicans failed to act with they had the chance.

I am listing the facts from his own source that counter his spin and you believe that I am in the wrong?? LOL

So how is it that Senate Dems claim the today Senate Republicans block votes?

Blocking votes through the filibuster using a never ending debate if you don't have 60 votes to bring about cloture is different from republicans refusing to act on their own legislation when they control the agenda.

According to the T's own source it was the republican chairman who "pulled the bill" back in 2005 after his committee weakened it. How can the minority dems weaken legislation when the majority republicans control the agenda?
and based on how the republicans were on ctroll of congress way back when the legislation, which would have made freddie and fannie directly under the supervision and control of a new WH postion that would have reported to W, made it out of committee but never went to the floor for a vote how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inaction of the republicans?

How about holding both parties accountable?

I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.

By the way, it was Barney Frank that tried to tell us everything was hunky-dorey with Freddie and Fannie not to long before the collapse. That was the insinuation of my joke.


Ok immie judge me based on what I actually said instead of your delusions about me.

Did I say at any time that the dems were not also at fault? NO

Did I point out how ridiculous mit was to only blame the minority democrats when the majority republicans failed to act even though the bill made it out of committee showing that frank did not stop it? YES

Democrats didn't act either but to blame frank as a minority member of the committee when the bill made it out of committee and then republcians failed to act on it is beyond absurd.

So in the future could you please keep your biased and BS assumptions to yourself.

That is two threads where you have come at me with false accusations based on your assumptions instead of actually addressing anything that I actually said and you have the nerve to call me biased? LOL

What false accusations?

First, in the other thread, I asked you legitmate questions many of which you didn't really answer. You had more than ample room to prove that you were not a bigot. I gave you plenty of room to say that you have been fair with conservatives. You didn't or can't do so.

In this one you accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about.

I have judged you by what you have said. You have damn near 6000 posts and until today (you "thanked" naturegirl, after I brought this to your attention) I don't believe you have ever had a pleasant thing to say to a conservative. How should I "judge" you? How should anyone "judge" you?

Do you think we should just assume that your bigotry is just a joke?

This is an honest question, have you once in 5928 posts ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative on this board? Hell, have you ever made a post that was not a direct attack upon a conservative?

I'm certain not all of the conservatives have bullied you. Are there any that you have had a nice thing to say about?

Your friend,

How about holding both parties accountable?

I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.

By the way, it was Barney Frank that tried to tell us everything was hunky-dorey with Freddie and Fannie not to long before the collapse. That was the insinuation of my joke.


Ok immie judge me based on what I actually said instead of your delusions about me.

Did I say at any time that the dems were not also at fault? NO

Did I point out how ridiculous mit was to only blame the minority democrats when the majority republicans failed to act even though the bill made it out of committee showing that frank did not stop it? YES

Democrats didn't act either but to blame frank as a minority member of the committee when the bill made it out of committee and then republcians failed to act on it is beyond absurd.

So in the future could you please keep your biased and BS assumptions to yourself.

That is two threads where you have come at me with false accusations based on your assumptions instead of actually addressing anything that I actually said and you have the nerve to call me biased? LOL

What false accusations?

The ones where you chime in trying to define me based on your predisposed assumptions like your "I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.' which is based soley on your asssumption that I did not hold both accountalbe merely becuase I disagreed with the dishoenst argument that the democrats were to blame for the inaction of republicans who controlled the congress and the wh from 2003 -2006.

First, in the other thread, I asked you legitmate questions many of which you didn't really answer.

parroting the same bs here doesn't make it so anymore than it did when you spewed this nonsense there.

You had more than ample room to prove that you were not a bigot.
I gave you plenty of room to say that you have been fair with conservatives. You didn't or can't do so.

And I did several times based on my answers to your first list of questions even as you discarded or minimized answers that you couldn't spin. After you discarded and spub my responses that you thought nyou could i decided you weren't worthy of the time it would take to respond to your second line of questrions based on how you discarded my initial responses.

In this one you accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about.

the collapse happend back in 2003?? Really?? Or how about 2005? Actualy what I did was point out the FACT that republicans who try to blame the minority demcorats for their inaction back when they had control of the wh and the congress and shose to to do NOTHING are full of shite. So once again please refrain from assuming you know what I am trying to say and focus on what I actually said.

I have judged you by what you have said.

and the rest of the tings that you made up and have tried to attribute to me based on your own bias and intolerance.

You have damn near 6000 posts and until today (you "thanked" naturegirl, after I brought this to your attention) I don't believe you have ever had a pleasant thing to say to a conservative.

Then that is your problem not mine. furthermore, your BELIEFS are not fact and hardly worthy of ebing the basis of such an accusation

How should I "judge" you? How should anyone "judge" you?

based on what I have ACTUALLY said. In this thread you have falsely accused me of refusing to blame the left when I did no such thing. The left also failed to act however, that does not change the fact that the republicans controlled congress and the white house from 2003 to 2006 back when this freddie fannie argument began and they chose to do NOTHING. Therfore the right's attempts to blame the minority frank, when the bill in 2005 was pulled by the republican chair of the committee, is based on false info and dishonest propaganda.

Do you think we should just assume that your bigotry is just a joke?

If I appear intolerant to you maybe that has something to do with you and your incessant need to redefine me based on your misguided assumptions. If you insult me and are dishonest about my positions even as you claim i have taken postions that i have not then I am bound to get upset and become intolerant of your dishonesty. However, that is natural and should not be perceived as intolerance for any who disagree with me.

I will leave that type of bigotry to you.

This is an honest question, have you once in 5928 posts ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative on this board? Hell, have you ever made a post that was not a direct attack upon a conservative?

Yes. early on I often talked about my former coworker and how we would ahve spirited debates as he listened to limbaugh and i pointed out the flaws in limbaughs arguments. WE would joke that it was a modern day version of corssfire minus the bow tie. lol

Then of course their is jack kingston rep from savannah, ga whom i have met. I probably wouldn't vote for him again if I had the chance based on how I don't agree with his policy decisions but he is a nice guy.

I have thanked many people and based on how i do not live on this board I have no idea who is right an d left until I read a few of their posts. I thanked naturegirl because that was a good point to make I had no idea whether she was right or left. This is the most I have been on this board in a while.

I'm certain not all of the conservatives have bullied you. Are there any that you have had a nice thing to say about?

Your friend,


This coming from a hack who tried to put words into my mouth and called me an asshole. LOL
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Ok immie judge me based on what I actually said instead of your delusions about me.

Did I say at any time that the dems were not also at fault? NO

Did I point out how ridiculous mit was to only blame the minority democrats when the majority republicans failed to act even though the bill made it out of committee showing that frank did not stop it? YES

Democrats didn't act either but to blame frank as a minority member of the committee when the bill made it out of committee and then republcians failed to act on it is beyond absurd.

So in the future could you please keep your biased and BS assumptions to yourself.

That is two threads where you have come at me with false accusations based on your assumptions instead of actually addressing anything that I actually said and you have the nerve to call me biased? LOL

What false accusations?

The ones where you chime in trying to define me based on your predisposed assumptions like your "I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.' which is based soley on your asssumption that I did not hold both accountalbe merely becuase I disagreed with the dishoenst argument that the democrats were to blame for the inaction of republicans who controlled the congress and the wh from 2003 -2006.

parroting the same bs here doesn't make it so anymore than it did when you spewed this nonsense there.

And I did several times based on my answers to your first list of questions even as you discarded or minimized answers that you couldn't spin. After you discarded and spub my responses that you thought nyou could i decided you weren't worthy of the time it would take to respond to your second line of questrions based on how you discarded my initial responses.

the collapse happend back in 2003?? Really?? Or how about 2005? Actualy what I did was point out the FACT that republicans who try to blame the minority demcorats for their inaction back when they had control of the wh and the congress and shose to to do NOTHING are full of shite. So once again please refrain from assuming you know what I am trying to say and focus on what I actually said.

and the rest of the tings that you made up and have tried to attribute to me based on your own bias and intolerance.

Then that is your problem not mine. furthermore, your BELIEFS are not fact and hardly worthy of ebing the basis of such an accusation

based on what I have ACTUALLY said. In this thread you have falsely accused me of refusing to blame the left when I did no such thing. The left also failed to act however, that does not change the fact that the republicans controlled congress and the white house from 2003 to 2006 back when this freddie fannie argument began and they chose to do NOTHING. Therfore the right's attempts to blame the minority frank, when the bill in 2005 was pulled by the republican chair of the committee, is based on false info and dishonest propaganda.

If I appear intolerant to you maybe that has something to do with you and your incessant need to redefine me based on your misguided assumptions. If you insult me and are dishonest about my positions even as you claim i have taken postions that i have not then I am bound to get upset and become intolerant of your dishonesty. However, that is natural and should not be perceived as intolerance for any who disagree with me.

I will leave that type of bigotry to you.

This is an honest question, have you once in 5928 posts ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative on this board? Hell, have you ever made a post that was not a direct attack upon a conservative?

Yes. early on I often talked about my former coworker and how we would ahve spirited debates as he listened to limbaugh and i pointed out the flaws in limbaughs arguments. WE would joke that it was a modern day version of corssfire minus the bow tie. lol

Then of course their is jack kingston rep from savannah, ga whom i have met. I probably wouldn't vote for him again if I had the chance based on how I don't agree with his policy decisions but he is a nice guy.

I have thanked many people and based on how i do not live on this board I have no idea who is right an d left until I read a few of their posts. I thanked naturegirl because that was a good point to make I had no idea whether she was right or left. This is the most I have been on this board in a while.

I'm certain not all of the conservatives have bullied you. Are there any that you have had a nice thing to say about?

Your friend,


This coming from a hack who tried to put words into my mouth and called me an asshole because I hold beliefs that are counter to his. LOL

I haven't put any words in your mouth.

Have you ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative? Yes or no?

which is based soley on your asssumption that I did not hold both accountalbe


As can be clearly seen by anyone who will read, my assumptions are based on the apparent fact that you continue to avoid and that is the question, with a very simple answer, about whether or not you have ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative in more than 5930 posts.

The evidence is before us. You never have, your defense of your self is getting desperate.

And I did several times based on my answers to your first list of questions even as you discarded or minimized answers that you couldn't spin. After you discarded and spub my responses that you thought nyou could i decided you weren't worthy of the time it would take to respond to your second line of questrions based on how you discarded my initial responses.


When I asked you if you had evolved you replied something to the effect of: "I once voted for a Republican. His name was Jack..." Don't remember the last name. Obviously a local candidate and probably running for dog catcher.

What does "spub" mean?

I didn't discard any of your responses. I thanked you for your response and then responded to the points you made. I said the one with your answer about voting for a Republican didn't answer the question I had asked, which it didn't. Most of your other answers were plausible.

Actualy what I did was point out the FACT that republicans who try to blame the minority demcorats for their inaction back when they had control of the wh and the congress

Your post was in response to my post where I said something to the effect that Barney Frank was retiring because Freddie's Fannie was getting to him. It had nothing to do with point blame at anyone. In fact, it was as pointed out, even before you made your response (I am pretty sure) but you would not yet have read that if you were reading through the thread, that it was a joke.

Freddie's Fannie... get it... a joke. Never mind, it is obviously over your head.
So once again please refrain from assuming you know what I am trying to say and focus on what I actually said.

Seeing as how your post was in regards to my joke and didn't have anything at all to do with what I said, don't you think you should maybe think about doing that yourself?

Then that is your problem not mine. furthermore, your BELIEFS are not fact and hardly worthy of ebing the basis of such an accusation

Really? Then you are saying that you have made polite posts to conservatives?

Jees, if this revelation is true, then you could have saved us both a lot of typing if you had simply answered the question the first time that I asked if you had ever done so.

So let me see if I have this clear. I am wrong in that you have in fact made posts in a polite manner to conservatives?

Please define the word ebing. It doesn't make sense and I can't find it on dictionary.com

I truly believe that my accusations were just. I haven't seen one single worthy post come off your fingertips. By worthy, I mean posts that are not so partisan and hate-filled that they can in any way, shape or form be deemed fair and balanced.

based on what I have ACTUALLY said. In this thread you have falsely accused me of refusing to blame the left when I did no such thing

Another lie! I have done no such thing. In this thread I have accused you of being a bigot and having never made a post that was polite to a conservative. Never! I have said nothing at all about you refusing to blame the left except in response to a couple of points that you made.

I don't expect you to blame the left every time you say something about the right. I expect you to be grown up and not be hateful of conservatives simply because they do not see eye to eye with you. I'm going on the assumption that you are out of middle school.

The left also failed to act however, that does not change the fact that the republicans controlled congress and the white house from 2003 to 2006 back when this freddie fannie argument began and they chose to do NOTHING.

Did I once say the Republicans acted responsibly? The collapse happened under GWB and much of the build up to that collapse was his fault due to the lack of leadership. And it is even worse if he didn't see this coming.

Therfore the right's attempts to blame the minority frank, when the bill in 2005 was pulled by the republican chair of the committee, is based on false info and dishonest propaganda.

My post, the one you attacked, didn't say anything at all about blame. Did it? All I said was that Freddie's Fannie got to him.

If I appear intolerant to you maybe that has something to do with you and your incessant need to redefine me based on your misguided assumptions.

You do appear intolerant. If I had seen any kind of fair and balanced posting by you, this conversation never would have taken place. But, you have never posted in such a manner.

Incessant need? Hmm, I don't think we have had a conversation since you whined that I was thanking people you didn't like.

Should I define incessant for you? Incessant continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.

Now an example of incessant would be your incessant one sided posts.

If you insult me and are dishonest about my positions even as you claim i have taken postions that i have not then I am bound to get upset and become intolerant of your dishonesty.

You're the one who has been insulting and dishonest. I asked you some questions, sure they were a little on the aggressive side, but they gave you every opportunity to prove me wrong with just a few key strokes. If you consider being called a bigot insulting, then perhaps you should modify how you post?

You have never been tolerant of anything so how could you possibly become intolerant? And again all the dishonesty in this conversation has been on your side.

Yes. early on I often talked about my former coworker and how we would ahve spirited debates as he listened to limbaugh and i pointed out the flaws in limbaughs arguments. WE would joke that it was a modern day version of corssfire minus the bow tie.

Yah, know what, that is not exactly the point I was trying to make. Here is the question I asked that you just answered:

This is an honest question, have you once in 5928 posts ever had a nice thing to say to a conservative on this board? Hell, have you ever made a post that was not a direct attack upon a conservative?

The question you answered was not if you had friends who were conservatives. The question was in regards to conservatives on the board. I have highlighted for you the important part of that.

It would be impossible for me to know about your personal life. I have not made any comments in this regard as to your personal life, just your life on the board. Although, in one of my earlier questions I do believe I asked if you had any conservative friends. Not sure about that, but I think I did ask that.

By the way, Crossfire used to be one of my favorite programs. Would not miss it for the world, until that pansy, Carlton Tucker took the conservative reigns.

Then of course their is jack kingston rep from savannah, ga whom i have met. I probably wouldn't vote for him again if I had the chance based on how I don't agree with his policy decisions but he is a nice guy.

Again, not in answer to the question, but it is nice to know that you don't hate all conservatives in real life. You must just pretend to be a liberal bully on line because you are anonymous here.

I have thanked many people and based on how i do not live on this board I have no idea who is right an d left until I read a few of their posts. I thanked naturegirl because that was a good point to make I had no idea whether she was right or left

Is it safe then to wonder if you had known that she was conservative, that you would not have thanked her? That is a question. I didn't put any words in your mouth.

This coming from a hack who tried to put words into my mouth and called me an asshole because I hold beliefs that are counter to his.

More dishonesthy on your part. I have not put one single word in your mouth. I have spoken my impressions of you. I have not once put any words in your mouth. Questions are not putting words in your mouth. You are being dishonest. And your dishonesty is nothing you should be proud and laughing about.

Your friend,

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How about holding both parties accountable?

I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.

so when and where did i say that the left was not also accountable? The implication of your post is that I refused to do so and yet you have failed miserably to show where I refused to do anything of the kind. That is you putting words into my mouth.

here is another

In this one you accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about.

so when and where did I accuse the republicans of being responsible "weeks before the collapse" when I was clearly talking about back when democrats where in the minorty which was prior to 2006?

Got an answer for those words that you put in my mouth?

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you? LOL
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How about holding both parties accountable?

I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.

so when and where did i say that the left was not also accountable? The implication of your post is that I refused to do so and yet you have failed miserably to show where I refused to do anything of the kind. That is you putting words into my mouth.

here is another

In this one you accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about.

so when and where did I accuse the republicans of being responsible "weeks before the collapse" when I was clearly talking about back when democrats where in the minorty which was prior to 2006?

Got an answer for those words that you put in my mouth?

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you? LOL

No, the implications of everyone of my posts in your hilarious attempt to prove you are not a bigot have always been that you have never once made a polite post to a conservative. You've convicted yourself based on the "whaaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston" defense and as I showed in the other thread, even those posts were hated filled. LOL!

The answer to your question is in your response regarding Republicans.

If you could actually read through your frothing anger, you would see that I did not accuse you of blaming Republicans weeks before. I said it was very clear that Frank made his statements weeks before the collapse. I have highlighted the important part of the question. You must be pretty stupid if you can't figure out what that statement means.

You very clearly laid the blame on Republicans. I didn't put a single word in your mouth. Are you now going to deny blaming Republicans?

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you?

Oh absolutely, it has convicted you beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nearly 6000 posts and the only thing you have to say for yourself is that you are not a bigot because you once voted for Jack Kingston. LOL Do you want a pat on the back? :lol: How about a sucker, sucker?

Thank you for letting me prove that you are in fact a bigot. I have truly gotten a laugh out of your feeble attempts to defend yourself. I will be laughing about this for months to come. :eusa_angel:

Your friend,

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did you even read the blog or check it's source articel?? Apparently not.

The fact is that the republicans had control of congress until 2006 and they chose to do NOTHING about it. Now hacks like you and t are trying desperately to rewrite history to hold only the dems accountable even though republicans failed to act with they had the chance.

I am listing the facts from his own source that counter his spin and you believe that I am in the wrong?? LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyqYY72PeRM]Democrats in their own words Covering up Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac scandal - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMPPGlOpUiM]Bill Clinton - Democrats Resisted GOP Efforts to Rein in Fannie Mae - YouTube[/ame]

Need more proof ?

From 2004? Who controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court? And I'm talking "controlled".

And now where did "the t" and gremlin go after it was shown that they were wrong and their arguments are based on misinformation? Hmm? interesting. My guess is that the next time this topic comes up again they will try to same dishonest shite again and the cut and run again after the flaws in their arguments are pointed out. LOL
How about holding both parties accountable?

I understand that is a foreign concept to you, but you might give it a try.

so when and where did i say that the left was not also accountable? The implication of your post is that I refused to do so and yet you have failed miserably to show where I refused to do anything of the kind. That is you putting words into my mouth.

here is another

so when and where did I accuse the republicans of being responsible "weeks before the collapse" when I was clearly talking about back when democrats where in the minorty which was prior to 2006?

Got an answer for those words that you put in my mouth?

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you? LOL

No, the implications of everyone of my posts in your hilarious attempt to prove you are not a bigot have always been that you have never once made a polite post to a conservative. You've convicted yourself based on the "whaaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston" defense and as I showed in the other thread, even those posts were hated filled. LOL!

The answer to your question is in your response regarding Republicans.

If you could actually read through your frothing anger, you would see that I did not accuse you of blaming Republicans weeks before. I said it was very clear that Frank made his statements weeks before the collapse. I have highlighted the important part of the question. You must be pretty stupid if you can't figure out what that statement means.

You very clearly laid the blame on Republicans. I didn't put a single word in your mouth. Are you now going to deny blaming Republicans?

Your quotes above show different. LOL lying about your previous lies and dishonest attempts to put words into my mouth doesn't make them go away. LOL "How is failure to act on the part of repuiblicans the fault of the democrats?" Am i blaming republcians or pointing out the flaw in the rightwing attempts to blame only the democrats?

Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about." interesting edit and rephrasing on your part.

YOU tried to claim that I was referring to some comments made right before the collapse when it was obvious "if you could actually read through your frothing anger" what and when I was referring to. Instead you ran with your dishonest attempts to redefine my position by putting words into my mouth.

Your ineptitude and inability to follow the conversation is your problem not mine. LOL

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you?

Oh absolutely, it has convicted you beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nearly 6000 posts and the only thing you have to say for yourself is that you are not a bigot because you once voted for Jack Kingston. LOL Do you want a pat on the back? :lol: How about a sucker, sucker?

Thank you for letting me prove that you are in fact a bigot. I have truly gotten a laugh out of your feeble attempts to defend yourself. I will be laughing about this for months to come. :eusa_angel:

Your friend,


LOL claiming I am a bigot because you say so doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you repeat it that will not change.

Furthemrore, If i end my posts in "your friend" does that mean I am not a bigot? LOL is that considered saying something polite to a conservative?

Your friend,


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so when and where did i say that the left was not also accountable? The implication of your post is that I refused to do so and yet you have failed miserably to show where I refused to do anything of the kind. That is you putting words into my mouth.

here is another

so when and where did I accuse the republicans of being responsible "weeks before the collapse" when I was clearly talking about back when democrats where in the minorty which was prior to 2006?

Got an answer for those words that you put in my mouth?

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you? LOL

No, the implications of everyone of my posts in your hilarious attempt to prove you are not a bigot have always been that you have never once made a polite post to a conservative. You've convicted yourself based on the "whaaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston" defense and as I showed in the other thread, even those posts were hated filled. LOL!

The answer to your question is in your response regarding Republicans.

If you could actually read through your frothing anger, you would see that I did not accuse you of blaming Republicans weeks before. I said it was very clear that Frank made his statements weeks before the collapse. I have highlighted the important part of the question. You must be pretty stupid if you can't figure out what that statement means.

You very clearly laid the blame on Republicans. I didn't put a single word in your mouth. Are you now going to deny blaming Republicans?

Your quotes above show different. LOL lying about your previous lies and dishonest attempts to put words into my mouth doesn't make them go away. LOL "How is failure to act on the part of repuiblicans the fault of the democrats?" Am i blaming republcians or pointing out the flaw in the rightwing attempts to blame only the democrats?

Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse."

YOU tried to claim that I was referring to some comments made right before the collapse when it was obvious "if you could actually read through your frothing anger" what and when I was referring to instead of running with your dishonest attempts to redefine myu position by putting words into my mouth.

Your ineptitude and inability to follow the conversation is your problem not mine. LOL

Is focusing your entire argument on whether I have said a positive thing to a conservative on this board really the best path for you?

Oh absolutely, it has convicted you beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nearly 6000 posts and the only thing you have to say for yourself is that you are not a bigot because you once voted for Jack Kingston. LOL Do you want a pat on the back? :lol: How about a sucker, sucker?

Thank you for letting me prove that you are in fact a bigot. I have truly gotten a laugh out of your feeble attempts to defend yourself. I will be laughing about this for months to come. :eusa_angel:

Your friend,


LOL claiming I am a bigot because you say so doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you repeat it that will not change.

Furthemrore, If i end my posts in "your friend" does that mean I am not a bigot? LOL is that considered saying something polite to a conservative?

Your friend,



Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse."


The fact that you can't read is not my fault.

You're defense of, "whaa whaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston", is proven to be a failure.

Did you go back and read those three posts yet? Do you realize that they were the only three posts about Jack Kingston that you had made and that all three of them displayed your bigotry rather than exonerated you?

Do you realize how much of a fool they made you out to be?

Once again, thank you for the laughs last night. I'm still laughing.

Your friend,

No, the implications of everyone of my posts in your hilarious attempt to prove you are not a bigot have always been that you have never once made a polite post to a conservative. You've convicted yourself based on the "whaaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston" defense and as I showed in the other thread, even those posts were hated filled. LOL!

The answer to your question is in your response regarding Republicans.

If you could actually read through your frothing anger, you would see that I did not accuse you of blaming Republicans weeks before. I said it was very clear that Frank made his statements weeks before the collapse. I have highlighted the important part of the question. You must be pretty stupid if you can't figure out what that statement means.

You very clearly laid the blame on Republicans. I didn't put a single word in your mouth. Are you now going to deny blaming Republicans?

Your quotes above show different. LOL lying about your previous lies and dishonest attempts to put words into my mouth doesn't make them go away. LOL "How is failure to act on the part of repuiblicans the fault of the democrats?" Am i blaming republcians or pointing out the flaw in the rightwing attempts to blame only the democrats?

Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse."

YOU tried to claim that I was referring to some comments made right before the collapse when it was obvious "if you could actually read through your frothing anger" what and when I was referring to instead of running with your dishonest attempts to redefine myu position by putting words into my mouth.

Your ineptitude and inability to follow the conversation is your problem not mine. LOL

LOL claiming I am a bigot because you say so doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you repeat it that will not change.

Furthemrore, If i end my posts in "your friend" does that mean I am not a bigot? LOL is that considered saying something polite to a conservative?

Your friend,



Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse."


LOL So despite the fact that I was referring to back when the demcorats were in the minority and you assumed that I was referring to weeks before the collapse but were wrong to make such an assumption according to you, the poster who was WRONG and still is, I am a liar? LOL

The fact that you can't read is not my fault.

I read just fine here it is again. This is where I started

and based on how the republicans were on control of congress way back when the legislation, which would have made freddie and fannie directly under the supervision and control of a new WH postion that would have reported to W, made it out of committee but never went to the floor for a vote how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inaction of the republicans?

See, I was refering to when republicans had control of congress and here was your attempt to redefine my position.

In this one you accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about.

First off how is asking you "how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inactions of republicans" back when they were in the majority the same as accusing the republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse??

It's not, you tried to put words into my and were busted for it. Now your best retort is to call me a liar and a bigot when the content of your posts shows that you are both.

You're defense of, "whaa whaa whaa I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston", is proven to be a failure.

and you response above is a perfect example how you typically "responded" to my posts even as you falsely claimed that you responded to all of the content. Thanks again for proving yourself wrong.

Did you go back and read those three posts yet? Do you realize that they were the only three posts about Jack Kingston that you had made and that all three of them displayed your bigotry rather than exonerated you?

Yes I read them. thank you for posting proof that I said positive things about a conservative. Oh and how is being "rude" to those who are rude and intolerant of me the same as being a bigot? Is being "rude" the new defintion of a bigot? if so then you fit that description to a "T". LOL

Do you realize how much of a fool they made you out to be?

based on how they proved your assertian that I post "nothing but hate" to be false it would seem that they made you look like a fool based on how you countered your own spin. LOL

Once again, thank you for the laughs last night. I'm still laughing.

Your friend,


You can tell yourself that you were laughing at me all you want to but the reality is that you are fooling yourself and you are the one being laughed at. LOL

Your friend,


Your quotes above show different. LOL lying about your previous lies and dishonest attempts to put words into my mouth doesn't make them go away. LOL "How is failure to act on the part of repuiblicans the fault of the democrats?" Am i blaming republcians or pointing out the flaw in the rightwing attempts to blame only the democrats?

Fact is that I was referring to years before the collapse back when democrats where the minority and you tried to claim I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse."

YOU tried to claim that I was referring to some comments made right before the collapse when it was obvious "if you could actually read through your frothing anger" what and when I was referring to instead of running with your dishonest attempts to redefine myu position by putting words into my mouth.

Your ineptitude and inability to follow the conversation is your problem not mine. LOL

LOL claiming I am a bigot because you say so doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you repeat it that will not change.

Furthemrore, If i end my posts in "your friend" does that mean I am not a bigot? LOL is that considered saying something polite to a conservative?

Your friend,




LOL So despite the fact that I was referring to back when the demcorats were in the minority and you assumed that I was referring to weeks before the collapse but were wrong to make such an assumption according to you, the poster who was WRONG and still is, I am a liar? LOL

I read just fine here it is again. This is where I started

See, I was refering to when republicans had control of congress and here was your attempt to redefine my position.

First off how is asking you "how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inactions of republicans" back when they were in the majority the same as accusing the republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse??

It's not, you tried to put words into my and were busted for it. Now your best retort is to call me a liar and a bigot when the content of your posts shows that you are both.

and you response above is a perfect example how you typically "responded" to my posts even as you falsely claimed that you responded to all of the content. Thanks again for proving yourself wrong.

Yes I read them. thank you for posting proof that I said positive things about a conservative. Oh and how is being "rude" to those who are rude and intolerant of me the same as being a bigot? Is being "rude" the new defintion of a bigot? if so then you fit that description to a "T". LOL

Do you realize how much of a fool they made you out to be?

based on how they proved your assertian that I post "nothing but hate" to be false it would seem that they made you look like a fool based on how you countered your own spin. LOL

Once again, thank you for the laughs last night. I'm still laughing.

Your friend,


You can tell yourself that you were laughing at me all you want to but the reality is that you are fooling yourself and you are the one being laughed at. LOL

Your friend,



You have proven yourself to be a hater and a bigot. Do you want us to pat you on the back for voting for a Republican once a long long time ago? Would an "attaboy" satisfy you? Sorry, that is not coming.

What can I say except that I pity you. Anyone who hates the way you do has mental problems.

Please see the link to the 12-step program I gave in my last post to you. It may be your only hope before you have a complete mental breakdown.

Your friend,

Last edited:

LOL So despite the fact that I was referring to back when the demcorats were in the minority and you assumed that I was referring to weeks before the collapse but were wrong to make such an assumption according to you, the poster who was WRONG and still is, I am a liar? LOL

I read just fine here it is again. This is where I started

See, I was refering to when republicans had control of congress and here was your attempt to redefine my position.

First off how is asking you "how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inactions of republicans" back when they were in the majority the same as accusing the republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse??

It's not, you tried to put words into my and were busted for it. Now your best retort is to call me a liar and a bigot when the content of your posts shows that you are both.

and you response above is a perfect example how you typically "responded" to my posts even as you falsely claimed that you responded to all of the content. Thanks again for proving yourself wrong.

Yes I read them. thank you for posting proof that I said positive things about a conservative. Oh and how is being "rude" to those who are rude and intolerant of me the same as being a bigot? Is being "rude" the new defintion of a bigot? if so then you fit that description to a "T". LOL

based on how they proved your assertian that I post "nothing but hate" to be false it would seem that they made you look like a fool based on how you countered your own spin. LOL

Once again, thank you for the laughs last night. I'm still laughing.

Your friend,


You can tell yourself that you were laughing at me all you want to but the reality is that you are fooling yourself and you are the one being laughed at. LOL

Your friend,



You have proven yourself to be a hater and a bigot. Do you want us to pat you on the back for voting for a Republican once a long long time ago? Would an "attaboy" satisfy you? Sorry, that is not coming.

What can I say except that I pity you. Anyone who hates the way you do has mental problems.

Please see the link to the 12-step program I gave in my last post to you. It may be your only hope before you have a complete mental breakdown.

Your friend,


Aww immie proving himself a liar. He says he responds to everything and yet here he is turning tail and running away from the fact that he was caught in a LIE. LOL

I countered your spin and addressed every comment that you made and your best counter is to run away declaring victory after being exposed as a hack and a liar. LOL

In the world of immie

Being rude is now the definition of a bigot.

Arguing that blaming minority democrats for the inaction of majority republicans prior to 2006 where freddie and fannie are concerned is the same as accusing the minority republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse.

Accusing another poster of going "waah" is considered an actual response to the content of their post.

Speaking postivie about a conservative doesn't count as speaking postive about a conservative.

listing 3 out 5930+ posts is a valid way of proving the content of the remaining 5927+ posts.

Claiming that another poster "posts nothing but hate" and then citing specific examples which contained more than hate somehow proves that the assertion that they post nothing but hate.

Instead of addressing these flaws in his arguments he has tried to make the topic of two threads about his obsession to define me as a bigot and he calls me obsessed? LOL

Your friend,


LOL So despite the fact that I was referring to back when the demcorats were in the minority and you assumed that I was referring to weeks before the collapse but were wrong to make such an assumption according to you, the poster who was WRONG and still is, I am a liar? LOL

I read just fine here it is again. This is where I started

See, I was refering to when republicans had control of congress and here was your attempt to redefine my position.

First off how is asking you "how is it that you can hold frank accountable for the inactions of republicans" back when they were in the majority the same as accusing the republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse??

It's not, you tried to put words into my and were busted for it. Now your best retort is to call me a liar and a bigot when the content of your posts shows that you are both.

and you response above is a perfect example how you typically "responded" to my posts even as you falsely claimed that you responded to all of the content. Thanks again for proving yourself wrong.

Yes I read them. thank you for posting proof that I said positive things about a conservative. Oh and how is being "rude" to those who are rude and intolerant of me the same as being a bigot? Is being "rude" the new defintion of a bigot? if so then you fit that description to a "T". LOL

based on how they proved your assertian that I post "nothing but hate" to be false it would seem that they made you look like a fool based on how you countered your own spin. LOL

You can tell yourself that you were laughing at me all you want to but the reality is that you are fooling yourself and you are the one being laughed at. LOL

Your friend,



You have proven yourself to be a hater and a bigot. Do you want us to pat you on the back for voting for a Republican once a long long time ago? Would an "attaboy" satisfy you? Sorry, that is not coming.

What can I say except that I pity you. Anyone who hates the way you do has mental problems.

Please see the link to the 12-step program I gave in my last post to you. It may be your only hope before you have a complete mental breakdown.

Your friend,


Aww immie proving himself a liar. He says he responds to everything and yet here he is turning tail and running away from the fact that he was caught in a LIE. LOL

I countered your spin and addressed every comment that you made and your best counter is to run away declaring victory after being exposed as a hack and a liar. LOL

In the world of immie

Being rude is now the definition of a bigot.

Arguing that blaming minority democrats for the inaction of majority republicans prior to 2006 where freddie and fannie are concerned is the same as accusing the minority republicans of being responsible for the problem weeks before the collapse.

Accusing another poster of going "waah" is considered an actual response to the content of their post.

Speaking postivie about a conservative doesn't count as speaking postive about a conservative.

listing 3 out 5930+ posts is a valid way of proving the content of the remaining 5927+ posts.

Claiming that another poster "posts nothing but hate" and then citing specific examples which contained more than hate somehow proves that the assertion that they post nothing but hate.

Instead of addressing these flaws in his arguments he has tried to make the topic of two threads about his obsession to define me as a bigot and he calls me obsessed? LOL

Your friend,



listing 3 out 5930+ posts is a valid way of proving the content of the remaining 5927+ posts.

Hey, you're the idiot that claimed that your posts regarding Jack Kingston proved you were not a bigot. Absolutely those three posts are a valid way of proving your bigotry. Those three posts were in fact attacks on three different conservatives.

Did you really think I would not go back and search for them. It wasn't hard to find. Simple advanced search. User name drsmith1072, keyword kingston. Originally listed 7 posts. Upon examination of those 7 posts it was discovered that 4 of them were in fact from the discussion we were having at the time. The other three were very easy to open and one read of them showed that in each one of them, your points were attacks on conservatives.

You've been offered a second chance to defend yourself. Obviously, you can't do so.

You've convicted yourself by whining that voting for an unknown Republican and telling us of it proves you are not a bigot. Yet, upon examination of the evidence you claimed, it was found that your posts were not about how good of a person you were because you voted for a conservative, but rather how terrible three separate conservatives are. I find that just plain hateful and since no one has seen any posts from you that can be considered friendly to conservatives on the board, which was the actual point of the discussion in the first place and clearly stated as such, you are guilty of being a bigot.

Was he even a conservative? I don't think you answered that question. You do realize that not all Republicans are conservative don't you? Why should we believe a proven liar such as yourself that he was even a conservative?

You failed with your "Whaa Whaa Whaa, I'm not a bigot because I voted for Jack Kingston" defense. It doesn't hold water. You make yourself out to be a bigger fool everytime you bring him up.

And it is frigging hilarious that you are still trying to defend yourself. As I said, even TDM would have been smart enough not to fall for my trap. And you still think you can prove that you are not a bigot? Present some evidence, idiot? The Jack Kingston defense collapsed around you. Those three posts were slams on Glenn Beck, Willow and The Rabbi. You can't use them as evidence to claim that you are not a bigot, because all three of them go to proving that you are in fact a bigot.

Your friend,

Appease everyone at the expense of the American people.

Well yea. Everyone knows Republicans are bullies.

Normal people make laws to protect the country, Like speed laws or safety. Or clean air and clean water.

Republicans working to discriminate against gay people, women or blacks or whoever isn't about improving their lives. It's about forcing people who don't share your beliefs to "conform" to your beliefs. They aren't safer or better off. In fact, many times, they are worse off. But that's what bullies do. That's why it's called "bully".

I like to see you living down to expectations. It puts you in the right category, don't cha think?

Good morning derp.

By the way Obama is against clean water now since he has approved of fracking for gas. Evil bastard

So you're saying you "support" dirty water? Why doesn't that surprise me?

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